
Bringer of Salvation

The past five years had not been good to the Kingdom of Ucrea. The powerful Master-level powerhouse in East Panama was decently far from the domain of influence of the four Sage-level powerhouses and had a deep amount of independence and autonomy from their suffocating influence.

Until, of course, the war began.

The war for allies put a tremendous amount of pressure on the nation to pick a side. The terrifying brutal threats from the East Panamic Treaty Alliance on one side and the tantalizing offers of the Kandrian Empire on the other side.

To say they were paralyzed was an understatement.

They were frozen.

In some ways, the Beast Incursion was a breath of relief.

This was not a complicated situation, just a difficult one.

Until, of course, they realized it was too difficult. 


"Hold the line!" one Master bellowed with a grim expression. "We mustn't allow them to pass!"