

The simplest and most straightforward method was a direct and head-on approach of manually interrogating the townsfolks, asking them about the men he was pursuing.

Of course, he immediately scratched that course of action out of his mind. It had a low probability of succeeding and a high probability of alerting Faraday Lowminer of his presence. If he realized that someone was in town looking for him, then he would simply vanish like the wind, in all likelihood.

Thus, Rui had to take a more indirect approach to capture.

('First, what would lead me to him in the first place?') He asked himself.

He could either obtain the information directly by extracting the information from someone who did know his exact location or indirectly by following a trail that would lead him to Faraday. No matter how well he hid, as long as he was running an operation of any kind that made him money of any kind, he was inevitably connected to arrows that pointed in his direction.