
- Pretty Sappy Isn't It -

"Alright, now you all will be partnering up for this assignment and the partners are on the board." Slughorn yawned and tapped the board three times as names appeared.

I searched for my name first. 

It was next to the name Pansy Parkinson. Oh Dear Merlin help me. Pansy groaned very loudly from her seat next to Draco. I rolled my eyes but grabbed my bag and set them over onto her table.

"Hello, Pansy." I greeted with a forced smile. She snorted, but nodded in acknowledgment. I shrugged, not as bad as I thought it would've been.

"Alright Granger, get started." She said, putting her feet on the table while using the dungeon wall as a backrest. 

I laughed and shoved her feet off, "You're funny. Open your book to chapter 34 and get started as well. I'm sure you wouldn't want to spend any extra time with me to finish this. Or for you to do it yourself."

She glared at me but huffed and flipped over the cover of her book. I heard someone laughing and then someone choking.

I looked up to see a teary eyed and red faced Draco gasping, and Blaise repeatedly smacking Draco even though it wasn't necessary while laughing. I shook my head at them and went back to the assignment.

I groaned as I packed my books back into my bag. "Alright Granger, listen," Pansy said," We both know we have to get this stupid paper done and it's going to take forever. Tonight after dinner meet me at the Slytherin common room." 

I raised my eyebrow at her, "You're willing to let a mudblood into your common room?"

Pansy snorted, "I want an E on this assignment, my marks are terrible in potions and I'm afraid my parents won't let me live at home if I get a T again." 

I smirked but nodded, "Alright then, I'll be there."

"Why do you have to leave? I was counting on you to finish- I mean help me with my potions assignment." 

I rolled my eyes at Ginny. "Gin, honestly, I'm not doing your assignment for you. Besides, I'm going to go work on my assignment. I still have to finish the conclusion with Pansy." Ginny groaned.

I nod, "Exactly what I'm thinking." I sigh and push my plate back, "She better not make me do it all." 

Ginny nodded stuffing a pumpkin pastor in her mouth, "For sure, 'Mione. People shouldn't just use you for heir assignments." 

I gave her a pointed look.

She laughed awkwardly and shrugged. 

Harry chuckled at her, "Just stick up for yourself like you did during potions. That was awesome." 

I laughed and ignored the subject of me dissing Pansy. "I'm off." I said, getting up and making my way down the corridor.

I realized my mistake as I reached the portrait. I didn't ask what the password was. The portrait eyed me, "Password." It stated with a growl. "Uh..." I froze, what would the Slytherins put as their password? "Uh... Pureblood?" The portrait sighed but opened.

I glared at the portrait, you'd think a bloody war would've changed someone's opinion. I scoffed but walked into the dungeon.

As I walked into the common room, I saw Pansy lounged on the couch passed out. I grabbed the potions book laying on the coffee table and held it up.

"I don't know mate but- Granger?" I looked Blaise as Draco came out of the doorframe. 

I groaned, "I swear it's not what it looks like." 

Draco laughed and walked over, he held out his hand, "Let me do it, or else she'll be cussing you out for hours."

I smirked as I handed it over. The potions book wasn't terribly heavy and it was a paper cover so it wouldn't hurt her. Draco brought down the book on her head and she sprung up in a rage, "Who did it!?" 

Her eyes immediately traveled to Blaise and narrowed on his frame, he swallowed visibly, "Zabini." She growled in warning.

Blaise shook his head, "I'm literally ten feet away from you." 

She glanced at Draco who was smirking while using the book to scratch his head. "Draco... I'm going to murder you." 

Draco chucked the book and full on sprinted out of the common room, Blaise following.

Pansy growled and made to stand up, but I pushed her back down, "I don't think so." I said. 

She glared at me, "What? Afraid I'm going to hurt your pretty boyfriend's face?" 

I rolled my eyes, "No, we have work to do before you murder anyone."

She groaned, but perked up at my later comment, "So I can still kill them?" 

I shook my head, "Honestly Pansy, I couldn't care less. I just want to get this paper done for tomorrow." 

She nodded in agreement.

However, ten minutes into working, Pansy claimed she had to use the bathroom and ran up the stairs. I sighed, knowing that was not the case. But I kept working. Mostly because I had better things to do than sit in the Slytherin common room all night and also I knew she wasn't coming back for a very long time.

After twenty five minutes I finally finished the bloody paper. I signed my name in the bottom corner and packed up my things. All I needed now was Pansy's signature and I could go back to Draco and my place and read my newest book.

I got up and started to explore around the Slytherin common room. I got some strange looks from Slytherin, I don't blame them. But I kept searching. I reached the boys' dorm. 

I closed my eyes just in case and walked in. When I didn't hear any manly or in Blaise's case, feminine screams, I looked between my fingers. I sighed when I saw no one was in here. 

I was about to turn away when a flash of silver caught my eye. It was writing in silver ink. It was tucked under the pillow of one of the boys' bed. I looked at the trunk in front of the bed.


I sighed, I shouldn't look at it. It could be something private. But I was also really curious. Eventually, I won the battle with myself and opened the bloody piece of parchment and sat down on the side of his bed.

What shocked me was not how neat his handwriting was, I've been around Harry and Ron for eight years give me a break, but who it was addressed to.

It was addressed... to me?

I felt a tear slide down my cheek. "Pretty sappy, isn't it?" A voice shook me out of my trance. 

I shot up and set the paper down on the bed. "I'm so sorry, I just saw it and I was curious and I saw my name and-" 

He shook his head, "No, it's fine. You should've heard that speech a long time ago."

I walked up to him and grabbed his chin lightly, pulling it down to make his lips meet mine. "I love you so much." 

He pulled me close and smiled, "I love you too."


My favorite chapter ❤️