

Izuku returned from his job, it was a long day. Now he would just sit on his comfy couch, with a cup of hot cocoa and some snacks watching his favorite TV show. But all was ruined by just one single call.

As he stood on his doorstep, with the key in his hand, he felt his mobile phone began to ring. He saw the number of his younger step sister Izumi.

Though he had no good relation with the Yagi family, he had to keep in touch with them, as often he had to help

them with money.

Izuku never wanted to stay in contact with them, but they blackmailed him saying in his childhood, they let him stay

with them and fed him. And the money was the payback.

So it was his job to help them now. Izumi never got a job, besides his mother and her would go to clubs and parties, to waste money, and Izuku was their only way.

Izuku sighed.

He knew why the call was. They needed money. Izuku wanted to ignore, but couldn't. He opened the door and

picked the call at the same time.

"Hello, Izuku speaking."

"Izuku!!!! Come home now!!!" He heard his step sister's voice on the other side. The voice seemed oddly frightened.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Many things have happened. Just come. Please."

And the call was disconnected. Izuku frowned. Should he go?

Maybe something happened to his step father? They need them. After all, they looked after him in his childhood, it is his job now to look after them.

Izuku made up his mind. He booked a cab and set out to meet the Yagi's who lived not so far from him.

After fifteen minutes the cab brought him to the house, where his last footstep was years ago. Izuku took a deep

breath and knocked on the door.

After seconds Izumi opened the door, smiling, which was unfamiliar for him.

"What happened?" He asked again. "Is everything fine?"

"Yes, older brother! Just come inside. There is a piece of good news for you."

This is strange.

Izuku hesitantly entered the house. His eyes went to the small room, where once he lived. Those days were a nightmare. Izuku looked away and walked to the living room where his mother and stepfather were sitting.

As he entered the room, his mother embraced him in a tight hug.

"Oh my Izuku darling, how nice to see you...How are you,sweetheart?"

Izuku felt like he is going to be sick at that point. These were so unusual. but he had to reply, "I'm fine I guess."

"Izuku my boy...." Toshinori said, his voice was also bitterly sweet, "Take a seat. We need to talk."

Izuku knew a bad thing is going to happen to him. He tried to make himself ready for it. He took a sit on a sofa in front of his mother and stepfather, soon Izumi joined him.

"Izuku you have turned 25. Don't you think it is time to getting married and settle in life? Your father should have told you the same if he was here today. But since he left, I guess it is my responsibility to get you married." Toshinori said.

"But...." Izuku tried to protest.

"I choose a handsome husband for you harry. Yes, we know you prefer boys over girls, so we choose him. Believe me, he is a good guy. Has his own company, and a billionaire. You'll have a great life. "

"No, I'm not gonna get married..."

"We promised him, Izuku." Toshinori said, his voice rising a little. "Next month, you are going to marry Shouto Todoroki, son of Enji & Rei Todoroki. And this is final. "

Izuku tried to protest, but he lost.

Although he never knew, he lost everything at that point. His freedom, his life, and his joy.