
The marionette was my faithful love.

In this story the female lead found herself in a way to a relationship. She was forced by herself to help the male character to get out of the toxic relationship. Little did she know that the male character was a marionette under someone's control. "This is a story for my delusional friend so, most facts are based on a true story =)"

zlvneko · Thanh xuân
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14 Chs

The christmas party

Chapter 14: The Christmas Party

 I wore a suit that didn't fit me so well, but did I ever have a chance to wear a suit? No, but the problem was that the suit was quite dull, meaning it looked quite old-fashioned I guess. The attire of mine was quite mundane, but Zoey never minded that. Well, what can I say about that? The lights were dazzling as they were held against strings, brightly colored everywhere. Memories were quite peaceful back then when I and Zoey had quite a good Christmas last year. She was a vast beauty that I wanted to keep, at least as a friend. She was like the darkness that conquered my heart, so close, yet so far. Throwing a rope to grab her wasn't going to work so well. Last Christmas I had this little small talk with her about the case she was writing. Her fantasies about murders were quite dreamy and catchy, though she endeavored all her work to make up those stories; she didn't tend to talk with me. However, This Christmas, my heart touched numb and there was nothing to feel except missing something in my life. I sat on a bench, under the wholesome Christmas tree. The green leaves put me in remanence of her emerald eyes. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of kids exchanging gifts at a distance. They looked eerily happy. 

 I was just sitting scrolling on my phone on Zoey's feed. Nothing seemed to change but a boy came closer and handed me something. It was a gift, well, quite not big as to be one but it was wrapped beautifully with a vintage wrapping paper. "For me?" the boy didn't answer and left. My curiosity was eating up my nerves so I opened the gift. Wrapping each layer, the inside of it was a note with a Rudolph plushie. The plushie itself was pretty cute, but the note left me with bare happiness. "Did you miss me?" the letter said signed by Z. "P.S. watch out for the ball!" that was just when someone threw me with a thing, a snowball. "Miss me?" It was Zoey. Well, quite surprised that she changed from that sarcastic cold person to this girl with surprises. "Well, let me guess, you wished that I did?" I said laughing as I put down the gifts and threw her the snowball I just made. "Heyy! No, that's not how the game works!" We both chuckled like innocent kids. "You always say that! And you know that it melts me off!" I laughed. "Oh, that's good! You always catch on feelings, don't you?" She ran, her brown hair perfectly falling with that beautiful halter dress she was wearing. Maybe I've met an angel in this lifetime, but was I the prince for her? I can't believe I'm falling for her again. Tho she left me. Well, technically, but she might have something to tell me about it now. I'm hoping at least. "You can't just run in the snow! You'll fall Zo-!" I said before I realized she tripped. I caught her by her hand. "Right… why're you always right?" She blushed as we were holding hands by now. "Your hands are cold. In fact, they're freezing," I spoke ignoring what she just said. I didn't know her hands were always this cold. My hands were the opposite, they were always warm. "They're always cold" She replied. I looked at her hands, small compared to mine. But as our eyes met, she pulled back. Why would she ever… 

 The happiness did last for a while this time. I mean she was quite filled with wonders; I never knew what she was going to do next, and sometimes it makes me feel like a youngster. But aside from our little love story, she's the one who actually solves murders and everything. It's very wholesome to me since we were kids. She was the one with a mega-mind. She told me that she was going to help me with Pearl's case which indeed was very good to me and Pearl. And sometimes I wonder if Zoey and I could be something more than friends again. That was what I wished.