
The Marauders

It has been thirty years since the end of the brutal Andromeda War. The Andromeda Republic was barely able to defeat the Zeta Empire, and its remnants retreated into uncharted space. At first, peace has been settled across the galaxy, but over the decades, the Andromeda Republic became more and more paranoid of the Zeta Empire returning. As a result, they slowly became tyrannical and started to use terrorist tactics to maintain control across the Andromeda Galaxy. But little did they know, the Zeta Empire has secretly been preparing and growing stronger to invade the Andromeda Republic ever since their defeat. With the republic going into turmoil, it is now the perfect opportunity for the Zeta Empire to strike. After the Zeta Empire returned from uncharted space on a full-scale assault against the galaxy, the Great Zeta War has started. But the Andromeda Republic decided to hire a pair of former bounty hunters; a skilled sniper and pilot Bryce Kiness, and Agnar Riese, a heavy weapons specialist, to sneak behind enemy lines to find a way to end the war. Meanwhile, one of Zeta Empire’s flamethrower specialists, Kyle Savo, goes rogue and befriends a teenage prisoner of the empire named Arrua Veronis. After making a daring escape from the Zeta Empire, they come across the two mercenaries and decide to join forces, becoming the galaxy’s most daring group of mercenaries, the Marauders!

Chrono_Garuda · Khoa học viễn tưởng
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7 Chs


Sam had no idea how long he was lost in space. His Giga Drive shut down, his Crescent Fighter's engines and emergency power was critically low, and he also was getting low on air supply. 

Shortly after he exited from Giga Travel, he set out a distress signal leaving his coordinates and a message.

"This is Sam Axel of the Andromeda Republic. The Zeta Empire has attacked the Nois Station, and the A.R.S. Victoria has been decimated, along with most of the fighters it was carrying. I managed to escape but my ship has been terribly damaged. If anybody is listening to this message, please head to these coordinates and rescue me."

Sam was well aware that the Zeta Empire could potentially pick up the distress signal and imprison him, but Sam was determined for his own survival and was willing to take risks. He flipped some switches on the computer console of his fighter in hopes of anything to power up. But the only thing working was his radio. All he can do now is wait and hope someone will find him. Whether it would be the Republic or the Zeta Empire. 

The young pilot looked around to see if there were any ships or even a planet nearby, but there was nothing. Just an endless sea of darkness and white dots. But he kept his guard up, prepared for any incoming radio transmission or ship. 

Meanwhile aboard the Yorik Stellar, Captain Bryce Kiness and Agnar Riese were on a Giga Travel route to Clizora. They were both sitting in the cockpit of their ship. The cockpit alone could hold up to 4 people, but generally can be operated by a 1 to 4 member crew. As for the entire ship, it could carry up to 8 passengers.

"Agnar I think you should have come with me to speak with Senator Sior." Bryce said.

"Oh hell no! Political discussions are too boring. If I'm not shooting something then I want to work on the ship, or just eat something." Agnar replied. 

"But Admiral Drake told us about the Battle of Xi, where the Republic bombarded a Zeta base yet many troops still survived and fought ruthlessly against the ground troops!" Bryce explained.

"Although I do love a good war story, I'd rather fight my own wars and battles than hear someone else's experience. It's more thrilling, you know what I'm saying?" Asked Agnar.

"War is not a game pal, my dad had PTSD after the Andromeda War ended and even took his own life because of his scarred past. I would not want that to happen to you, or any companions we may come across." Bryce explained.

"Oh…I'm sorry." Agnar apologized. "I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay Agnar." Bryce replied. 

Suddenly an alarm went off. Agnar immediately checked a computer console, and he picked up a distress signal with a message from a pilot named Sam Axel.

"The Zeta Empire could find him if we don't rescue him. We must help Sam." Bryce proclaimed.

"At the same time it could be a trap set up by that empire." Said Agnar. 

"I will allow you to power up the newly installed auto laser turrets. But only fire on my command!" Bryce ordered.

"This could be a perfect opportunity to test our new weapons!" Agnar shouted.

"Like I said, only fire on MY command. Okay, we're going in." Said Bryce.

As the ship exited from Giga Travel, they saw a lone battered Crescent Fighter. Although there weren't any planets or ships visible, they knew that they couldn't keep their guard down.

As Sam sat in his cockpit gazing into endless space, he suddenly noticed a ship exit from Giga Travel. It was a 28 meter long light-freighter, and had a saucer design. The ship moved closer and Sam was able to get a better look at it.

In the center of the ship was a gap where a round cockpit was located, and it kinda resembled a cage. There were two midsized turrets on the top and bottom of the ship. On the top of the freighter were two round structures that lined up back to back. On each side of the ship were 3 exhaust vents, with one being behind the each top turret and two others in front of them. 

"This is Captain Bryce Kiness of the Yorik Stellar. Your Sam Axel I presume, my ship picked up your distress signal."

Sam was very surprised. Bryce Kiness? He was a legendary bounty hunter and the Yorik Stellar is his signature ship. Was he hired by the empire to capture him? Unlikely, but to Sam this was a possibility. He cautiously turned on his radio.

"Yes, you are correct. I require immediate assistance." Said Sam. 

"No problem! I'm going to activate the Stellar's tractor beam, which will allow us to dock your ship safely directly on top of the ship." Bryce replied. "From there you can exit your ship and I will let you inside."

The Yorik Stellar flew underneath the Crescent Fighter, and Sam could feel the tractor beams pulling the ship downward. After the docking was complete, Sam flipped a switch on his helmet which activated a full facial covering made of highly durable glass, as well as an additional air supply. 

He opened the cockpit and took out a small emergency jetpack. Sam strapped it on and made his way to the right hand side of the ship, where a ramp opened up. He made his way inside, and after the ramp closed, a blast door opened up. Bryce and Agnar greeted him.

"It's okay, you can take off your helmet now." Said Bryce.

Sam removed his helmet and he was in disbelief. He never met a bounty hunter before, let alone an obsidile. Sam was intimidated by Agnar due to his appearance and seeing his species for the first time. 

"I won't hurt you…unless you plan to steal my minigun!" Said Agnar.

"Take it easy Agnar, most humans can barely even lift a minigun as big as yours." Bryce laughed. 

"Yeah, taking a minigun is the last thing I have in my mind. Do you guys have any food?" Sam asked.

"Right this way!" Bryce said.

As they walked through the corridors of the Yorik Stellar, Sam looked around and saw many jet black cables on the walls, but the ship had good lighting, and the floor was silver. They eventually came to a medium sized room with a table against the wall. Agnar showed Sam the food supply, and allowed Sam to help himself with whatever he needed.

"Help yourself, but be sure to leave some food for me." Agnar said.

Bryce looked at Agnar. 

"It's okay, we were going to stop by at the closest planet to refuel and resupply anyway. The galaxy's a big place." He said.

Sam took a moderate portion of food and water and had a seat at the table. They could tell he was very hungry because he ate aggressively. 

"So tell us about the Nois Station incident." Bryce said. 

"We were randomly attacked by the Zeta Empire, and who ever lead the attack was at least 20 steps ahead of us, because they quickly defeated and outsmarted us. I have a wife and kids on Nois, and now I fear for the worst." Sam explained.

"Perhaps they evacuated to another world?" Agnar suggested.

"That is a possibility. But with the Nois Station destroyed it will heavily impact supplies on neighboring planets." Said Sam. 

Sam quickly finished his food, and then he was lead to a guest bedroom. There was an area of the ship that had several private bedrooms. 

"Agnar, keep an eye on our guest. I will set a course, Bados, the nearest planet in Republic space." Bryce ordered.

"Yes boss!" Agnar replied.

But before they jumped back into Giga Travel, Bryce scanned the area for any additional ships that may be put there, but there weren't any. The ship then jumped to Giga Travel.