
episode 7

(The opening shows a girl that looks like a child who has two black ponytails, brown skin, her ears aren't shown, red lipstick, purple eyeshadow, she has a snake tail with an arrow-shaped end, a little bit chubby; wearing a red shirt with purple stars on it, blue jeans with a hole in it, so her tail is shown, and red shoes dancing with her back turned with her tail wagging)

(The girl is eating a sandwich, while hanging upside on a tree)

(The girl is coming out of a fire with people on her back)

(The girl is running on water)

(The girl is swinging from trapeze to trapeze in the circus)

(The girl is smoking and smiling at the camera)

(The girl is howling at the moon)

A voice: Will you tell me your name?

(The opening ends with The girl smiles at the camera with her face not shown covered by her hair)

(The episode opens with a girl that looks like a child who has two black ponytails, brown skin, her ears aren't shown, she has a snake tail with an arrow-shaped end, has sunglasses on, a little bit chubby that her jeans look like shorts, and there is a small hole in her jeans so her tail can be shown; wearing a purple shirt with white long sleeves, blue pants, and white shoes by a college boy who has short brown hair, white skin, wearing a red hoodie, blue jeans, and white shoes with his bag)

The girl: Let me get this right, you want me to go on a hero's quest.

The boy (nervously smiles): Yes

(The girl laughs on the ground)

The boy (looking annoyed): Are you done?

The girl: No (laughs) (gets up) so, hero how come you don't do your own quest?

The boy: Hello, genius, I can't (shows some papers) I have college exams (put it in his bag)

The girl (while looking at her nails): Why don't have me do it as your clone?

The boy (looking angry) (close to the girl's face): Duh because you know everything and that would be cheating

The girl: Fine, give me the location I don't feel like using my mind reading powers.

(The boy gives gives the girl a phone )

The girl (puts it in her pocket): Thank you

The boy: Please bring my mom's treasure.

The girl: Oh! You finally found it

The boy: Sometimes I wonder why you help me

The girl: Harsh, but fair, I'll go, before you hate me more

(The girl grows bat wings and flies off)

The boy: I hope everything will go well

The girl: It will

(The screen switches to The girl with wings in front of a cave that looks like a tiger)

The cave tiger: Who goes there?

The girl: It is I, Chiyotanda Nori. I'm here for Okuma Teriuihi to get a special item: Dawn, Last Hope of Closing Eyes.

The cave tiger: Know this, you will only be able to get your friend's treasure if you speak only the truth.

Chiyotanda Nori: I will, if that's what it is required to get this treasure

The cave tiger: Then enter if you wish and no flying, only walking, and there is another person who is completing a quest.

(Chiyotanda's wings cover body, then a bright light surrounds her, and the wings disappear. Lands on the ground and she enters the cave)

(Chiyotanda walks around and sees a bunch of gems)

Chiyotanda: Hmmm, sapphires.

(Smoke surrounds Chiyotanda)

(Chiyotanda sniffs the air)

Chiyotanda (on her hands and feet): Come out!

(Behind the smoke is a skinny purple dragon)

Chiyotanda: Afraid I'm going to take your jewels.

(The dragon breathes fire)

(Chiyotanda moves at quick speed)

(The dragon flies around trying to find Chiyotanda and flies off)

(The screen shows Chiyotanda running out of the room)

(In the room, Chiyotanda sees a man who has short brown hair, white skin, one eye, wearing a red shirt with a cloud on it, blue jeans, and white shoes hopping on stones over lava)

Chiyotanda (whispers): Hmm, a cyclop trying to get a sun stone, well that's not what I need so I will (dives into the lava) (by the door) go (hopes away)

(The cyclop look surprised as Chiyotanda escape)

Chiyotanda (by the door) (whispers): Focus

(The cyclop nodded and continues to hop to the sun stone)

(The screen switches to Chiyotanda seeing giant puppets)

Chiyotanda: Whoa! (walks around) Creepy

(A girl scout puppet moves her hand behind Chiyotanda)

(Chiyotanda looks behind her)

(The girl scout puppet freezes)

Chiyotanda: Shy puppets (green eyes) and murderous. Try your best

(The puppets get up)

(There is a wolf, vampire, apple, pony, tree, fairy, and bunny puppets; they have red eyes and sharp teeth)

(Chiyotanda growls)

(The puppets come charging at Chiyotanda)

(Chiyotanda ties the puppets up)

Chiyotanda: See ya, let's have fun, next time

A puppet: We'll be ready, mortal

Chiyotanda: That's immortal, but whatever (walks away)

(The screen switches to Chiyotanda seeing flying sharks, swimming fruits, a chocolate lake, strings, chainsaws, stone steps, and a staircase that has a glowing item on top)

(Chiyotanda jumps onto the flying sharks, the flying sharks head towards the lake, dives into the lake)

(Chiyotanda eats the fruits and glows)

(Strings surrounds Chiyotanda)

(Chiyotanda jumps through the strings by doing backflips)

(Chiyotanda lands on a ground)

(Chainsaws are above Chiyotanda)

(Chiyotanda turns into a snake and goes under the chainsaws)

(Chiyotanda jumps step to step)

(Chiyotanda looks like a flamingo two times)

(Chiyotanda has two hands on top on the stone steps, while my legs in the air)

(Chiyotanda flips, then lands on the stone steps with her feet and her hands are in the air)

(Chiyotanda hops stone steps again, and finally lands by the staircase)

Chiyotanda: Perfect (looks at her watch) and he is almost done with his lunch

(Chiyotanda walks up to the staircase and golf balls are flying towards her)

(Chiyotanda uses her tail that throws golf balls away and reaches to the glowing item)

(The glowing item reveals it is to be Dawn, Last Hope of Closing Eyes)

(The item is a glowing crystal ball)

(After Chiyotanda touched the crystal ball, a blue aura comes out)

(The blue aura reforms a woman who has curly hair, wearing a dress and heels)

The woman (bows): Good job, Princess Chiyotanda, since you found this crystal ball you are honored as a princess of Modora Kingdom, the residents of Modora Kingdom would love to see you and my son, yes I am just a message, but tell him I will love him forevermore and tell him to visit the Modora museum. I left something else very special, bye (disappears)

(Chiyotanda looked a little shocked)

Chiyotanda: Well, I better leave this place.

(Chiyotanda is shown avoided the golf balls again, goes down the staircase, hops back on the stone steps; Chiyotanda becomes a flamingo too)

(Chiyotanda looks like a flamingo two times)

(Chiyotanda jumps step to step)

(Chiyotanda turns into a snake goes under the flying chainsaws)

(Chiyotanda walks, then goes through the strings by doing backflips backwards)

(Chiyotanda jumps onto the flying sharks, the flying sharks head towards the lake, dives into the lake)

(Chiyotanda eats the fruits and glows)

(Chiyotanda ends up in the puppet room)

(The puppets attack)

(Chiyotanda reveals a chainsaw and chases the puppets)

(The puppets run away)

(Chiyotanda waves at the cyclops)

(The cyclops waves as he is disappearing)

(Chiyotanda gives the dragon gems)

(The screen switches to Chiyotanda by the cave tiger)

The cave tiger: Good job, hope you have plenty of adventures after this.

Chiyotanda: Thank you.

(Chiyotanda disappears)

(The screen shows Okuma Teriuihi and Chiyotanda, while they are both holding the crystal ball)

Chiyotanda: So,are you happy?

Okuma: I am (sees Chiyotanda rubbing the orb) what are you doing?

Chiyotanda (as she and Okuma start to disappear): You'll see

(The screen switches to Okuma in a prince outfit and Chiyotanda wearing a orange frilly dress)

(The residents cheer)

A villager: Princess Chiyotanda and she brought Prince Okuma.

Okuma (looking confused): Prince Okuma?

Chiyotanda: Yup, your mom was queen of Modora Kingdom, and her ghost honored me as a princess

Okuma (looking shocked): A queen!

Chiyotanda (pulls Okuma's hand): That's not all I have to show you

(The screen switches to Okuma looking shocked with Chiyotanda)

(On the wall, a mural shows a woman holding a baby with rainbow spots around them)

Chiyotanda (sparkly eyes): How beautiful

(Okuma starts to tear up)

(The episode ends with Chiyotanda walking in the sunset)