
The Man With A Golden Eye

A boy who's being stalked by some figure. And some people think that he's crazy. Very Interesting story this is trying not to spoil this.

ElizabithEStray · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 I saw it

"I saw it kill. I saw it. Yes...The man with a golden eye, you probably won't believe me but the man with a golden eye. He's a tall black figure with a golden eye. There was another color. Red on his right eye. He can change forms ." I told my psychiatrists. My heart racing for no reason.

"Tell me how did it start?" she asked cleaning her glasses

I stood from my chair and said "I'm sorry, but I can't ...No...Not now it's not me. its..." I ran down the street I kept on running and running down the park, then darkness fell. I knew it might be there, but I wasn't sure, so I kept running towards the nearest park. I saw it again the yellow eye yet it stared at me. Like It was following me. When I looked at his yellow eye all I saw was fear. Then he opened his other eye it was red, blood-red showing the rage that he had for something.

I asked him "W-What are you?" no reply.

He went into the bushes. I ran after him asking the same question, but instead of what, who... Who Are You? I yelled at him but he didn't say anything I thought I was going crazy. Then he spoke in a deep ghostly voice "What do you need" I asked him the same question "W-Who are you?"

"You Know Who I am, There are stories about me " He laughed demonically

"What stories are you talking about?"

The black figure turned around and walked into the bushes and appeared behind me saying " I am everywhere, every man, I see all but I'm more powerful than a god but I am no god. I can tell you're scared." A thick fog slowly appeared. I couldn't see the figure anymore. I walked towards the street. I pulled out my phone and called my sister Lillian " Hey sis, I Saw It! I'll tell you more, but I need you to pick me up at the nearest park. Please I'll tell you everything. Hurry. Bye, love you."

I waited until I saw my sister's blue mini SUV headlights. When she got there, I opened the passenger door of the car. I sat down and slammed the car door.

" You saw What? she said worrying about me thinking I was crazy. As I was slamming the door.

" I saw the creature" surprising my sister. "I'm not crazy Lillian it's real"

" How old are you," Lillian said

"Sixteen," I said mumbling under my breath.

"Sixteen...Sixteen your not a kid anymore, it's not fun anymore. You're sixteen now no more toys and especially imaginary friends. You have to grow up now. I'm sorry but this is real life you better be glad I didn't tell mom"

" I swear it was real it was right there...huh, Just take me Home".

Waving my hand I walked to the front door I told my sis "Thanks Sis" I looked at my watch and it was 9:53 pm. Everyone was asleep so I grabbed the key from underneath the rug. opened the door. I slowly walked through the living room and up the stairs. One of the wooden steps squeaked. " Damn it. Forgot the stairs squeaked" I whispered, trying not to wake the dog. The step squeaked again. Squeak, squeak, but then I finally made it upstairs. Mom and Dad's door was open, but I didn't hear anything. I just walked to my room and flopped on the bed. I turned my head to face the window and saw the red-eye instead. I was so scared that I couldn't have a scream. Then it vanished like a ghost. I put my head underneath the covers and said

"no. no. No NO! ". I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

As I was sleeping I can remember a vivid dream it was nothing but the hatred I felt.