
Chapter 27 "Enjoying The Day"


(Thumbs up) Tsssk finally I had peace..


Uhmm Suho..you look down today?


Yeahh did something happen?


Nothing special..I'm just having a bad day~


What kind of bad day?..(looks at Tao, and smiled)


More like a period or something?


What are you saying?! Hahahah...


Hahah I'm sorry... anyway does this feelings, includes love?




Okay I'm out of here....I'll see you later...


Ehhh where are you going?


Well, as you can see...if you are talking about love...then I'm not in..cause I don't know any of those things okay~




Meanwhile Me and Eun Woo~

Eun Woo;

Hmmm is she this tired?...how come she always takes a nap..mostly, most of this days


(Open's eyes) {saw Eun Woo} hmm Jagiyaa what are you doing here? (Sitting down)

Eun Woo;

(Touching my face) hmmm I just wanna spend time with you (smiled).. anyway you've been taking a nap this past days...so are you pregnant? Do you feel sick?


(Remove his hands) hu-hhh I'm not pregnant...why are you?!!!!

Eun Woo;

Hehehe I was just joking..(directly Lay's down on my lap)


(Looks at him) Uhmmm..

Eun Woo;

(Smiled, and touches my nose) let me stay like this... everyone else is busy...


Really...then if you lay on my lap.. what should I suppose to do then?

Eun Woo;

Here (gave the tablet)


What should I do with this...I don't even know how to use it?

Eun Woo;

(Chuckled cutely) Silly, let me teach you..pay attention..(demonstrating how) come closer..


(Leaning closer) {got shocked, Eun Woo kissed me} .......(blushing)

Eun Woo;

Much better....since you can't play games..how about watching videos..


Mmmh okay...(smilingly)


Ehla and Jimin~


Have you enjoy yesterday, on the Amusement Park?


Yes I do...uhm how about you?


I enjoy a lot, because I was with you~ (smiled)..(remember something) hmmm what did you do with the Cherry blossom I gave you?


Since it will just perish..so I took a pic on it and place it on the vace and put some water~


Good..I thought you threw it?


Hheheh I won't throw it...


(Take off his slippers) hey Ehla try walking bare foot on the sand..it feels much better..(enjoying)

Ehla's mind;

Since I've been in the Sea a lot on our country, but yes I never walk barefoot on the sands..cause our sea was full of rocks and stuffs.. anyway let me try...(taking off slippers)


(Grabs her hand) so how is it?


(Smiled) it feels great...


(Let go of her hands, and went towards the sea and splash her a little water)

(Both of them, started playing)


No wonder, they've always go out...they've been dating recently...


(Saw Tao) hey eyebug boy wanna join?


I'm not childish...


Ohhh really...no wonder your so cold like an ice...


Tsssk I don't care...and I'm not eyebug boy I'm a panda boy...so ungreatful..(started to confused)


Okay..okay...uhm Ehla are you hungry?


Uhmm yeahh a little...


Okay, I think we should head back now...


Your right... uhm sir are you coming?


Nope...I would like some peace for a while...I'll be there in a minute..


Okay sir enjoy~


(after arranging the tent and stuffs)

Ehla's Pov~

Earlier while having a very rough day... thinking about me leaving the country after this short vacation..Jimin suddenly called me out, as I went towards him..he directly told me that we were going to take a walk around the beach...so what I do is to ask permission to my Boss first, then agreed to go with him...I was enjoying a lot, thanks to him..but then this memories made me sad, I can't leave like this..I didn't even tell him that I would be leaving sooner..such ashamed..for such a happy man, he will be shead into tears and pain..if he new...if he new that I will just disappear in a glimpse of an eye..I felt sorry about him~

All this time, I've been standing strong not to change my reaction whenever I saw him...you see Jimin was my crush for a years since I came in China...I don't know if he remembers our first encounter.. but I do..I met Jimin at the coffee shop in China..I don't know why is he in China back then.. anyway As I was ordering my coffee and ready to go..I didn't knew he was at my back at that moment..so I bump him and splash some few coffee on his shirt..and I got splash a little on my hands too...so I directly bow down and apologize to him..and also waiting for his scolding..but then I didn't realize he hold me and stand me up straightly..as I was looking at his beautiful eyes and lips..he suddenly looks very worried and ask me if I was okay..I said I was fine but then he saw my hands was red..so he went to the server and ask for some cold water and ice....after the server give him what he wants, he directly took his handcherChief and put the ice on it and rub it on my hands..but before I speak..he got a phone call and left the cafe so soon..but before he left...he apologized to me first and said "hope to see you again Ms" and left....at first I thought this was our last encounter..and didn't expected to see him this days..I felt kinda greatful...

End of her POV...