
Chapter 17 "Lip Gloss"

As Eun Woo kisses me on my forehead, and left for work..I felt kinda thrill and jump around...anyway I started arranging the groceries that we had bought earlier and started to think "Where did I put my other Lipgloss?" I forget where I put it~

Meanwhile Eun Woo~

Eun Woo;

Ms Huang, How's everything?

Ms Huang;

Everything was well okay sir..and the other's are waiting for you at the meeting room~

Eun Woo;

Okay then I'll head to the meeting room now..but Ms Huang kindly please bring my bag to my office~

Ms Huang;

Yes Sir..(took the bag and left)

As Ms Huang left, I suddenly went to the meeting room where everyone is waiting. As soon as I arrive everyone stood up and welcome me..I ask them to sat down and begin the meeting~

Eun Woo;

Good Afternoon everyone, How's your day?


Ahemmm it's looks like sir was in a good mood~


Yes your right, so why are you happy Sir?

Eun Woo;

Nothing I was just happy, anyway the meeting with Mr Lee Jung Suk was success..so I was thinking we could celebrate about it....


(Suddenly barge in) so this is what the meeting was for Sir?... Anyway when or where should it be held?

Eun Woo;

I don't know I'll let y'all decide it, that's why I held this meeting~


Hmmm should we go to Jeju Island?

Ms Huang;

Jeju..nehh not bad how about y'all?


Yeah Jeju... we've never been there before...how about a small vacation, with the crew

Eun Woo;

Okay then it's settled I'll meet y'all here at 8:00 am..don't be late..and don't worry about the tickets..We can use my mom's private plane..(winking..everyone celebrating)


Uhm sir is Y/N coming~

Eun Woo;

Hmm let me take a call~..oh I forget my phone on my bag...Ms Huang?

Ms Huang;

Yes Sir

Eun Woo;

Can you get my phone on my bag I kinda left it there~

Ms Huang;

Yes sir...(directly went to the office.. open's the bag) {startled} A lipgloss, Since when did sir use it..

Eun Woo;

Uhm Ms Huang is everything wrong?

Ms Huang;

Oh sir..here's your phone and also sir I saw a Lipgloss on your bag? Does it belongs to you?

Eun Woo;

{Startled} uhmm..ohh yeah it's from Y/N I guess she left it on my bag (Chuckled)

Ms Huang mind;

I guess sir was Inlove~...

Eun Woo;

Okay Ms Huang...I'm heading home early to prepare everything and tell everyone to head home early..and tomorrow don't be late~

Ms Huang;

Yes Sir~


Back to me~


(Lay's on the bed) I'm kinda tired..my back hurts a little~ (doors open) huh! Oppa is here~....Jagiyaa!~

Eun Woo;

Jagiyaa did you missed me~


(Nodded) my back's hurt's a little (pouting)

Eun Woo;

Then let me give Jagiya a massage~


Massage?..yes please...

Eun Woo;

Take a sit for a while, I go change my clothes

After Eun Woo, change his clothes..he went towards me and started massaging my back..and that feels great~

Eun Woo;

Anyway tomorrow we're going to Jeju with my employees wanna go~


Jeju?...Can I go Jagiya? (Looks at him and making cutie Face)

Eun Woo;

(Smiles and pinch my cheeks) of course you are coming too..silly~


I'm so excited..neh oppa let's start packing things~

Eun Woo;

Yes your right...but first I'll call mom to ask permission about the private plane~....


Private plane? Another machine cool~..then I'll start packing~

Eun Woo;

Remember to pack lightly..I'm just going to bring 1 luggage~


(Nodded smilingly, run to the room)

Eun Woo;

She's very excited (smilingly)


Calling his Mother~


Hello, Eun Woo what's wrong honey~

Eun Woo;

Uhmm mom..I was planning having a trip with my employees and Y/N..so~



Eun Woo;

Uhm I want to ask you a question mom...


What is it honey?

Eun Woo;

Uhmm mom can we use your private plane to go to Jeju..I just want to treat my friend/employees... because our work was successed..can we mom?


Of course honey...don't forget to bring Jimin along...he might fell down if you won't bring him~

Eun Woo;

Don't worry mom, I already ask Kai to bring him along...


Okay good, have a save trip~

Eun Woo;

Thanks Mom....

Call Ended~

Eun Woo;

Alright now..I'll go help Y/N~