
The Male Lead is Obsessed with Me (Book 2)

WARNING: Mature Content. Winner of WPC #197 (Silver) The handmaiden's hurried footsteps can be heard in the hallway, followed by a loud slamming of the door. When we were finally left alone, Rin's calm voice can be heard, "I don't like that maid of yours, I will have to get you a new one within the week." I nodded, by this time I am used to having my handmaidens changed. He took the comb and started combing my hair, his dark eyes looking straight into my eyes, the sheer perfection of his face in contrast to my ever-plain-looking face. I looked away, I can't bear looking at it, it reminds me of the book that I'm in and how this is not a fairytale. He held me by the shoulders and asked in a cold voice, "Why do you look away? Is the idea of us still so intolerable for you?" I don't know how to answer him so I just nodded and bit my lower lip. He carried me to bed as he kissed my hair. Then, he laid me on the bed, his eyes boring through mine. "I hate that you are afraid of me, and that the idea of us is unacceptable to you. But right now, the only thing making you stay with me is fear of what I'd do if I lose you, I have no choice but to hold onto it. Forgive me Maru, I have no choice but to cherish the fear I have inflicted on you." He disrobed me, his calloused hands rough against my skin, feeling, touching, and leaving warmth where it landed. I winced every time his fingers land on a bruise, or on some of the fresh marks he placed there last night. "Do you want this?" he asked me as his fingers curled against my breasts, pinching one taut nipple after the other. I nodded, unable to deny under his skeptical gaze, I moaned in pleasure when his lips replaced his touch. His tongue licked on a pinkish bud and then sucked so very gently. "Tell me, any time you want me to stop, Maru. One word, that is all I need," he whispered and I blushed as I was reminded that I never stopped his assaults. I was powerless against my own needs, in the modern human world, it seems I am a submissive. And right here taking me in for another torturous night, is my dominant. I am married to Rin Saito, the most powerful monarch this world has ever seen, and I... I think I may have found my master in him. "Raise your hands for me, raise them above your head, and clasp them together," he whispered, his mouth barely an inch from my ear. I obliged, my body trembling from desire and fear combined, anticipating his next orders and feeling my body give in to his control. He took a silky rope he has been keeping on the drawers of the bedside table, and smiling, bounded up my wrists. "Tighter?" his sadistic smile made him a bit more benevolent in my eyes. I trembled from excitement as I nodded my head. He tightened my bind and leveled his head with mine, then he dipped his head, claiming my lips as I squirm helplessly against him. He opened my lips and slid his tongue inside my throat, my own saliva dripping down my neck. "Beautiful, my beautiful Maru," I heard him whisper as his hands continued to travel down, stroking and sliding gently down my skin until it reached my undergarments. "You shouldn't even bother with this, you know of my appetite. I told you not to wear them at night, my love, do you really want to be punished that badly?" I moaned, his lips curving in a proud smile. "I like it when you lose yourself in shameless pleasure. I like it when I can sully the princess and turn her into my queen," he claimed my lips more possessively.

Mary_Algen_Guiang1 · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

Rebirth of a Miserable Life

"Balderdash! 1.98 dollars! That's all for the month!" I looked at my earnings dashboard and let out a lousy curse. Even cursing is so hard to do, it seems I can't do anything right, after all.

I took hold of the laptop and is about to throw it against the wall but reconsidered. I realized I can't even do that, I am too poor to destroy something I can't even buy a replacement of.

I looked at my face in the mirror, and I felt so pathetic looking at my chubby reflection. "Why did the gods curse me with this kind of life?"

"Why do you have to be so ugly, Maru?" I asked myself and smiled bitterly. They said you must love yourself first, but even that is so hard to do.

When you are born as unlucky as I had been, you will understand exactly what I mean.

I was the ugliest among my siblings, a fatty ever since I was in my younger years. In my twenty-six years of existence, I have never had a boyfriend.

How can I when the only men who feel the need to court me are the truly desperate ones? How can they expect me to marry someone even uglier than myself?

So I simp for anime characters instead and trapped myself in creating novels about worlds I wished I was in. It's such a lonely, desperate life.

I have no career as I followed my passion to write. I ended up being a freelancer on a platform that can't even pay my bills.

I took my pouch and readied to go out, I'm out of instant noodles again!

I was midway down the street when it suddenly rained, "Just my luck, I'm the most unlucky person in the world!" I shouted and cursed myself for not taking an umbrella.

I decided to just run fast to avoid getting soaked in the rain. You see, I don't even have enough savings to allow myself to be sick.

As I turned towards the corner, just a few steps from the store, there was a screeching of the tires and then light as bright as the sun itself.

I was frozen in place as the red Ferrari struck my body... The accident happened too fast to even make a wish. I couldn't even pray.

My last thought was, "Who will pay for my funeral? I don't even have enough savings for that!"

x x x x

Just like that... my miserable life ended. I never knew what happened to my funeral, who paid for it, and who attended.

So did my unlucky streak end? Not at all... you see... I got reincarnated inside the novel I have written... as nothing more but the antagonist.

It's like, I have decided to kill myself. I should have given this character a good life if I knew she would be me. Instead, as unlucky as I have been, her fate was written just as so.

Out of hatred for myself, I have created her... the antagonist as my avatar. Fat, jealous, miserable, and weak in body, mind, and spirit.

I nervously looked at myself in the mirror, at least I'm a princess for now... but even that is not supposed to last.

On my twenty-sixth birthday, I should choose one of the male leads to marry. To make the matters worse, no matter my choice, my life is about to end.

For you see, the genius in me created an otome game- narrative where every one of the male leads has a happy ending with the protagonist.

So, to have that happy ending, they must dispose of me, the villainess.

"Welcome to a repeat of your miserable life, Maru. You always have the most pathetic destiny," I told the chubby reflection of the ugly girl before me, and hated every bit of her excess.

My twenty-sixth birthday is to happen within a month, and after that, my fate will be sealed. If the gods hate me this much, then I have no choice but to fight for myself!

I have no other recourse but to fight my own destiny, "No matter what, I'll try my best to escape this wretched life! And if no one is destined to love me, then let that be so, I shall love myself and live. This is the only way!" I shouted, which prompted my lady in waiting to enter my chambers. She humbly asked if I needed anything.

"No, I don't need anything more," I smiled, trying to put her mind at peace.

"Are you sure, princess, that there is nothing you wish for?" the lady in waiting asked, unease written on her face.

"Nothing, I have no other desire but to live," I said, smiling bitterly as confusion enveloped the maid.

If you want to read the book's lovestory route with Paris and Daisuke, please enter on search tab "The Male Lead is Obsessed with Me" and read from chapters 85 to 102.

If you love this story, try my other books on Webnovel: "Bewitching Illusions", "The Male Lead is Obsessed with Me", and "His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere".

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