
The Majestic Ancient Tales.

it is a story about a man of valour who was chased from his palace to live a poverty stricken life along side his mother. one fateful Day, he sets out on a journey to seek vengeance for all the sufferings he had to endure through out his life.

Aditi_Dhliwayo · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 3

Emperor Sam was heart broken, he kept on crying and Queen Mary kept on comforting him. This was nothing but a jackpot for Mary and also the only way to activate her plan and make herself the empress. She wanted her son to be the crown prince and future king of Great Zimbabwe. Samantha's unborn child was but a threat to her plan and may even snatch her child's right to the thrown . Mary sent her guards to kill Samantha and her unborn baby. She told them that they will have to mention the kings name while attacking Samantha. Mary's guards had to only lie that they were sent by the king to kill Samantha. The emperor went on a hunt to prove Samantha's innocence . The emperor was even willing to die for her if need be, it was a now or never scenario. He sets out on a journey to find the truth about Samantha from her parents so that he could access her behavior. The king went to the city of Khaki Campbell and met Samantha's parents but they lied to him and told many lies about Samantha. For some reason he found it extremely hard to believe them and probed further but sadly they only lied. One question rang in his mind why would they lie?, or was he thinking too much, this case seemed to be more than what met the eye. Before the king reached the destination David had already threatened to kill them if they do not lie which is very ironic as parents are expected to protect their offspring under any circumstances,yet Samantha's parents ditched her in times of need. Emperor Sam was in fury and this made him return to his city but on the way he encountered a Roman troop and they had to fight. The King could not believe his eyes David had broken out of prison, but how? he wondered, The prisons are usually heavily guarded, him breaking out could only mean that an insider has helped, but Samantha was already exiled, this as a result strengthened his belief of her innocence. The Persian king's army on the other hand turned the tables and outnumbered the Great Zimbabwean army and the emperor of Great Zimbabwe was forced to retreat with his army. That day was his bad luck , many soldiers of the triple alliances ambushed him and his soldiers were outnumbered and killed. The king fought alongside his queen to save their unborn child. Emperor Sam was killed and this made the queen scream in pain as she watched her husband die in front of her and she could only observe helplessly and do nothing about it. The great emperor Sam was killed and the bloody tyrants chuckled at their victory. The queen was told to retreat by the king, with tears in her eyes she ran to safety in the unknown woods of the kingdom. She was like a wanderer in the woods as everyone chased her in order to kill her but she ran to safety in a bid to protect her son. Her life of glory and respect had now come to an end as the only person who cared about her was no longer there to look out for her. She never had no other option but to raise her son to be a warrior, who could rise against all those who wronged them and also protect himself in an unknown land.