
The Magus

______________________________________________ This book concludes its updates here. If you desire to delve further into the story, you may continue your reading journey in its newly christened title, "The Magus: Echoes of the Forgotten." ______________________________________________

elbas · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

The Unveiling of Unique Power

In the days that followed Elyon's reincarnation, a newborn soul embarking on a new chapter of life, he was astonished to discover that he had an older brother named Caleb and an older sister named Feben. The revelation left him in a state of wonder as he processed this new information about his new family.

Caleb, the eldest child, possessed a bright and curious gaze that mirrored their father's features, complete with a captivating smile. At six years old, he emanated a vibrant energy and carried himself with an air of confidence that drew people to him. His presence was a testament to his natural charm and easy rapport with others.

On the other hand, Feben, the delicate four-year-old with short brown hair that gently framed her face, exuded a quiet grace and an endearing innocence. Her sapphire-blue eyes sparkled with curiosity, mirroring the depth of a calm ocean on a tranquil day. Although the age gap between the siblings was apparent, they shared a familial bond filled with love and companionship, finding joy in the simple pleasures of playing together.

Because of how those two lived together, the siblings shared a tight bond of love and friendship, always playing together.

Amongst them, Elyon stood out as a reflection of their late mother, Naamah, down to the minutest detail. From his radiant silver hair that seemed to shimmer like moonlight to his large, golden eyes that held an otherworldly allure, he embodied her essence. At first glance, he exuded an aura of purity and innocence, captivating all who encountered him. Yet, within the depths of his gaze, an enigmatic complexity whispered of a hidden depth, leaving others intrigued by the mysteries that lay within his being.

His small, round face boasted effeminate features that tempted people to pinch his little, chubby cheeks.

He truly resembled an angel, as his late mother had proclaimed.

Elyon's day-to-day life was nothing short of lavish and luxurious. He had everything he could ever want right at his fingertips, and his routine consisted of nothing more than eating, sleeping, and the occasional baby noise and finger grabbing.

His every need was attended to by a team of doting caretakers, ensuring that he was always comfortable and content. It was a carefree existence, one that many adults would envy if they could experience it just for a day.

At first glance, Elyon appeared to be an ordinary baby, indistinguishable from any other. Little did he know that his mundane daily existence was about to take a dramatic turn, for better or worse, with the arrival of his purported uncle from his late mother's lineage.

Marduk, as he was called, stood as a formidable presence at an imposing height of 190cm, surpassing even the lofty stature of Duke Noah Lance, who himself stood tall at 180cm.

Marduk's impressive physique hinted at the years of rigorous training and unwavering discipline that had sculpted his form. With an air of mystery surrounding him, Marduk possessed the visage of a man in his prime, his piercing grey eyes harboring a wealth of enigmatic knowledge, while his neatly combed black hair accentuated his composed demeanor.

In that fateful moment, the trajectory of Elyon's life veered onto an irrevocable path, forever altering his destiny.

From the moment Elyon crossed paths with the enigmatic man, his very existence underwent an irreversible transformation.

The encounter shattered his perception of reality, unveiling a truth he could no longer deny: he had been transported to a realm far removed from Earth, a world teeming with unfathomable magic and boundless wonder.

It was a single, profound gesture, a mere touch from the man, that catalyzed this profound shift in Elyon's perspective.

In that fleeting contact, a conduit between worlds was forged, forever altering the course of Elyon's life and opening his eyes to a realm beyond his wildest imagination.

As the man's touch reached Elyon, he sensed a deep resonance within him. It was a feeling that settled within his solar plexus, as if a dormant energy had been awakened.

Elyon couldn't quite explain what was happening, but he knew that it was significant. From that moment on, a new sense of purpose and awareness emerged within him, driving him to unravel the mysteries of this strange and enchanting world.

As Marduk fixed his gaze upon the boy, an aura of enigma surrounded him, concealing his thoughts from prying eyes. With a touch that carried both intrigue and hidden purpose, he imparted an indescribable energy onto Elyon, leaving him in a state of awe and wonder.

The mysterious man departed, leaving behind a lingering sense of anticipation and curiosity that swirled in the air. In the wake of their encounter, Elyon found himself consumed by an overwhelming surge of unrestrained joy, an ecstasy that permeated his very being, heralding the beginning of an extraordinary journey into the realms of possibility.

For the first time in a long while, he felt a light within him that he believed had long been extinguished.

It burned brighter than ever before, and he knew that there was still hope. With every giggle that escaped his lips, Elyon realized that the world was full of infinite chances - as long as he lived, he would always have the opportunity to shape his own destiny.

Elyon's spirit was stirred with restlessness and an insatiable curiosity, ignited by his encounter with the enigmatic man who unveiled a realm of magic before him.

Driven by this revelation, Elyon fervently sought to replicate whatever Marduk had done, longing to relish once more the indescribable sensation that had permeated his very being.

However, as he delved into the intricate process, a remarkable occurrence unfolded within him. Instead of merely replicating the energy, he became acutely aware of a pulsating, glowing yellow sphere nestled deep within his own essence.

As Elyon's eyes widened in astonishment, he could sense the sphere brimming with an unimaginable energy that resonated within every fiber of his being. It pulsed with an otherworldly radiance, casting a soft and captivating glow that danced within the depths of his soul.

With each passing moment, the pulsations of the sphere grew more intense, as if it were beckoning Elyon to embrace its mysterious power. The air hummed with anticipation, and a surge of anticipation coursed through his veins. It was a connection he couldn't ignore—an invitation to explore the untapped potential that lay dormant within him.

Intrigued and emboldened, Elyon tentatively reached inward, extending his consciousness towards the radiant sphere. As his awareness intertwined with its ethereal presence, a rush of exhilaration consumed him, bathing his spirit in a torrent of electrifying energy. The indescribable power surged and swirled within, blending harmoniously with his own burgeoning magical abilities, igniting a symphony of boundless potential.

In that extraordinary moment, Elyon realized that this glowing yellow sphere was not separate from him, but an integral part of his being—an embodiment of his innate magic waiting to be harnessed and explored. It held the key to unlocking his true potential, whispering ancient secrets and uncharted possibilities that danced within its luminous embrace.

Drifting into the sensation, Elyon reached out to the pulsating, glowing sphere, and as if under some mystical influence, his breathing synchronized with its mesmerizing pulse. Unbeknownst to him, the rhythm of his breath fell in perfect harmony with the radiant sphere's undulations.

As he breathed deeply and immersed himself in meditation, a gentle warmth kissed his skin through the window, reminiscent of the sun's gentle caress. With each inhale, he embraced the energy of the sun's rays, and with every exhale, he released tension and stress, letting them dissipate into the air like ephemeral clouds.

Within the confines of his indoor sanctuary, he found a peaceful and tranquil haven, allowing him to delve deeper into his meditative practice. His eyes closed, shutting out the external world, as he connected with the subtle symphony of nature outside. Soft winds whispered gently, and leaves rustled in a mesmerizing cadence, guiding his breath like a natural conductor.

Time seemed to lose its grasp as Elyon immersed himself in this sacred dance of breath and cosmic resonance. His mind, once cluttered with the noise of everyday life, now embraced clarity and focus. His consciousness expanded, reaching beyond the confines of his physical form, and he felt a profound connection with the world around him.

As he emerged from his meditation, a sense of serenity and renewal washed over him, leaving him invigorated and at peace. In that sacred space of his inner world, he had found solace and tranquility. Gratitude filled his heart for the precious moments of introspection he had granted himself.

Elyon christened this newfound breathing technique "Sunshine" - a name that embodied the essence of its creation, born in the embrace of the sun's energy and the sanctity of his indoor sanctuary.

It didn't take long for him to discern that the peculiar sensation coursing through his solar plexus during his uncle's touch was not a widely acknowledged phenomenon, but rather a dormant wellspring of raw potential, one he christened as his "Mana core."

It became apparent that his physical body, while unnaturally strong, was not large enough to contain the vast amounts of indefinite mana coursing through him. Despite this realization, his body and Mana core continued to develop at an accelerated rate, each fueling the growth of the other.

It was clear that he was becoming something beyond what he had ever imagined.

He knew that this was only the beginning of his journey, and that he had a long way to go before he was truly ready to face the world.

However, even in a world where such things were common, he defied all expectations - his body showed an uncanny abilities and his growth rate was simply unheard of.

It was as if he was destined for greatness from the moment he was born, and nothing could stand in his way.

This particular case is quite uncommon, and almost illogical, as it implies that a child has Awakened without belonging to a magically stronger species, nor being a unique creature born with a more advanced Mana core. Nevertheless, the child's remarkable and unprecedented development goes beyond belief.

In the ensuing weeks, Elyon embraced a thirst for knowledge, immersing himself in the wisdom of his cherished nana, Asselin Alexander.

As the son of a Duke, he had grown accustomed to the privileges and opulence afforded by his noble lineage, which included the constant companionship of a personal caretaker.

Yet, Elyon's fondness for Asselin transcended their familial ties, for she possessed qualities that endeared her to him on a deeper level. Her gentle demeanor and unwavering patience, coupled with a wealth of worldly wisdom, rendered her an invaluable mentor and guide to the young Elyon.

Together, they embarked on a journey of enlightenment, their bond fostering a nurturing environment where Elyon's intellect blossomed and his understanding of the world expanded.

Under Asselin's patient guidance, Elyon delved into the intricate tapestry of their kingdom, eagerly absorbing its rich history and captivating customs.

Grateful for every lesson bestowed upon him, Elyon found solace in the wisdom passed down by his nana. As a newborn, his initiation into the realm of magic began through Asselin's enchanting bedtime stories.

Recognizing his tender age, formal lessons were replaced with the mesmerizing tales that wove together the fragments of their world.

Asselin's voice, like a gentle lullaby, resonated with warmth and tenderness, painting vivid portraits of mythical creatures and distant realms. Imbued with her narratives, Elyon's imagination took flight, even as he surrendered to slumber, traversing the enchanted domains brought to life by his nana's storytelling.

'The idea seemed almost surreal - listening to a bedtime story that covered the vast expanse of human history. While I couldn't deny that I'd benefited greatly from the experience, I couldn't help but wonder if this was the norm in this world. Did babies here develop so quickly that they could absorb the entirety of human history just before bedtime?'

As he laid there, contemplating the mysteries of this new world, he knew one thing for certain, ' I couldn't afford to fall behind. I was determined to leave my own mark on this world, to make sure that my name would be remembered for generations to come. With each passing day, I would work tirelessly to leave my imprint on the very fabric of this world - to make a lasting impact that would never be forgotten.'

With dedicated practice, his powers grew exponentially, revealing a talent that bordered on monstrous levels.

As his mastery over the elements deepened, he found himself honing his magical skills in secret whenever his nana left the room.

Each passing day brought a newfound sense of control and confidence, as he continued to unlock the full potential of his remarkable abilities.

Asselin would leave him be when he slept, so as not to disturb him.Elyon, in turn, pretended to sleep to use the time for practice.

He discovered that by employing his breathing technique, he could energize himself, harnessing the world's energy as it flowed in and out of his body.

This enabled him to stay awake for several days, honing his skills with unwavering focus.

After a few attempts, Elyon realized that overexertion would shorten the energizing effect, and only sleeping could reset its effectiveness.

Through continued practice, he discovered a high affinity for certain elements that elicited a unique sensation, while others did not.

Another discovery dawned on him, stirring gratitude for the lavish lifestyle gifted upon him.

Hunger, a foe he had never before given thought, threatened to become his greatest enemy on the path to becoming a mage. As he delved deeper into the art, he witnessed his hunger grow in parallel proportion, until it became clear that the more he practiced, the more voracious his appetite became.

Without this fortunate circumstance, he may have been forced to halt his magical pursuits altogether.

It dawned on him that this was a huge advantage, for no matter how talented one may be, the lack of sustenance could render even the most gifted magician powerless.

He realized that his opulent lifestyle provided him with the necessary nourishment to fuel his magical endeavors and allow him to reach his full potential.

The potential setback of hunger could have been devastating for any aspiring mage.

But for Elyon, this was no concern at all, as he indulged in the finest of nourishments until his heart's content.

With the luxury of consuming only the highest quality foods, he had no worries or distractions to hamper his magical growth and potential.

Everything he desired was presented to him on a silver platter.

The only hindrance he faced was his limited motor control over his limbs, which compelled him to spend each day perfecting his newfound physical form and honing the motor functions that lay dormant within him.

Amidst the tedium of another ordinary day, Elyon chanced upon a momentous revelation as he sought to break free from the shackles of monotony.

Engaging in daring experimentation, he stumbled upon a power that seemed to be exclusively his own, or so he believed, guided by the historical knowledge passed down to him by Asselin.

This extraordinary gift bestowed upon him a sense of unparalleled uniqueness, setting him apart from the narratives of the past and propelling him towards an unknown destiny.

Little did he know that his exploration would lead him down a path of self-discovery and ultimately shape the destiny of both himself and the magical world he now called home.

Alright, here we gooo! Things are looking pretty good for our MC at the moment, and I'm crossing my fingers that it stays that way. I want to take a moment to thank you for reading this story. Your support means a lot to me, and I truly appreciate it. If you have a moment, I'd be thrilled if you could leave a review. Your feedback and encouragement will motivate me to make this story even better. So, buckle up and enjoy the journey ahead!

elbascreators' thoughts