
The Magus

______________________________________________ This book concludes its updates here. If you desire to delve further into the story, you may continue your reading journey in its newly christened title, "The Magus: Echoes of the Forgotten." ______________________________________________

elbas · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

The Awakening: A Quest for Knowledge and Secrets

Elyon regarded his birthday as more than just a celebration of his existence; it was a profound opportunity for redemption and a chance to seize control of his own destiny.

Unlike his previous world, where he felt constrained and powerless, he now possessed the freedom to chart his own path.

The gifts bestowed upon him on this special day held a deeper significance. They represented the key to unlocking his dreams, pursuing his passions, and embracing a world brimming with infinite possibilities. For Elyon, magic was the catalyst for liberation—an enchanting force that shattered the shackles of impossibility and rendered fate powerless.

Within the depths of his being, Elyon carried an unwavering belief that magic held the power to make anything achievable. This conviction coursed through his veins, driving him forward on his quest to manifest his deepest desires.

With each page turned in the book gifted by his uncle, the flames of his faith in magic burned brighter, illuminating his path with newfound purpose.

The book became a beacon of inspiration—a testament to the vast potential that lay within his grasp. Its ancient knowledge whispered promises of untapped power, urging him to explore the depths of his abilities and transcend the boundaries imposed by the mundane world.

Elyon's heart resonated with the resolute certainty that, armed with magic, he possessed the means to shape his own reality.

Doubt and limitation were banished from his mind, replaced by an unwavering determination to prove that the impossible could be conquered. With each incantation and spell, he drew closer to his dreams, propelled by an unyielding belief in the extraordinary.

As he held the book close to his chest, he vowed to honor its teachings, to delve into its secrets, and to forge a destiny that defied the ordinary.

The world may have turned its back on him, but he, in turn, would wield magic as his loyal companion, embracing the boundless realms of possibility and rewriting his story in shimmering ink.

Within the pages of the book, Elyon discovered a realm of infinite marvels, where the depths of the world's mysteries were unveiled and the wisdom of those who transcended mortal boundaries was immortalized.

The book became a portal to a universe of hidden treasures and boundless wonders, beckoning Elyon to embark on a journey of extraordinary proportions.

As Elyon delved deeper into its enchanting contents, an electric current seemed to surge through his veins, igniting a voracious ambition within his heart. The flame of aspiration burned bright, fueling his desire to set foot on his own grand adventure, to surpass the confines of his limited understanding.

Restlessness consumed him, urging him to cast aside the chains of ignorance and dive headfirst into the vast expanse of knowledge. His soul yearned for the freedom to roam this world, to witness its marvels with unfiltered curiosity and childlike awe.

The book's allure was irresistible, its teachings like a seductive whisper tempting him to venture beyond the familiar, to explore the uncharted territories of existence.

Driven by an insatiable thirst for truth, Elyon felt compelled to unravel the mysteries that lay hidden beneath the surface.

His longing to master the realm of magic burned fervently within him, propelling him towards the pinnacle of his potential.

He yearned to ascend to the apex of understanding, to navigate the intricate tapestry of this captivating world brimming with infinite possibilities, where greatness awaited those courageous enough to seize it.

Each time his gaze fell upon the book, his heart quickened its rhythm, beating like a wild drum announcing his anticipation and hunger for knowledge.

He surrendered himself to the intoxicating embrace of its pages, losing himself in a trance as the words wove vivid tapestries of realms unknown. Every turn of the page heightened his thirst, compelling him to unravel the secrets that lay veiled within, to decipher the enigmatic puzzles that beckoned him onward.

Elyon's spirit burned with an insatiable thirst for discovery, his pursuit of knowledge becoming an insuppressible force, propelling him towards the uncharted territories of wisdom.

In moments of quiet solitude, Elyon would allow himself to drift into the realms of imagination, envisioning a world where he himself inhabited the very pages he cherished. Lost in the tapestry of his own musings, he pondered the choices he would make and the extraordinary path he would tread within that fictional realm.

The sheer delight that emanated from Elyon was infectious, his giggles and foolish grins betraying the depths of his excitement. Asselin, ever the keen observer, took note of his behavior, both pleased and puzzled by his unabashed joy.

As if Inquisitive by nature, she couldn't resist probing into his daydreams, but Elyon would brush off her inquiries with nonchalant remarks of "it's nothing" or a simple "I see," his enigmatic nature reigning supreme. Sensing the preciousness of these rare moments of unguarded delight, Asselin chose to let them remain unspoken, silently expressing gratitude to Marduk for bestowing upon Elyon the gift of his radiant smiles.

As Elyon delved further into the depths of his reading, a revelation awaited him. It was within the pages of the book that he stumbled upon a hidden world—a clandestine organization known as the Awakened.

This enigmatic society was also known as the Awakened Council, shrouded in secrecy and intentionally erased from the annals of history and archives of knowledge. Those who dared to bring their existence to light were swiftly eradicated, leaving Elyon on the precipice of a precarious situation.

Being one of the awakened himself, Elyon grasped the gravity of the circumstances and understood the dire need for secrecy. The mere whisper of their existence could unravel the fragile balance he had established in his newfound life.

With this newfound knowledge weighing heavily on his conscience, he resolved to guard their secret with utmost vigilance, never uttering a word that could jeopardize the delicate equilibrium he had painstakingly constructed.

The significance and clandestine nature of the book were amplified by the requirement of utmost confidentiality. To anyone other than its rightful owner, the words written upon its pages appeared as nothing more than unintelligible scribbles.

On one occasion, Asselin, intrigued by Elyon's affinity for the enigmatic book, endeavored to read it as a bedtime story. However, her attempts proved futile as she encountered an insurmountable barrier—the cryptic language that adorned its mysterious pages eluded her understanding entirely. Not a single word could she decipher, leaving her bewildered and further reinforcing the book's veil of secrecy.


In the luxurious chamber reserved for the Duke's son, Elyon, a majestic king-sized bed stood as a haven of comfort and tranquility.

As nightfall cast its gentle embrace, Elyon nestled himself amidst a mountain of plump pillows and soft silk sheets, his eyes alight with anticipation.

With the book his uncle Marduk had gifted him cradled delicately in his hands, Elyon leaned against the plush headboard, its intricate carvings a testament to the craftsmanship of artisans long gone.

The flickering light of a nearby candle danced across the pages, creating an ethereal ambiance that heightened the sense of anticipation.

The bedspread, an exquisite tapestry of richly woven fabrics, cascaded gracefully over the sides of the bed, enveloping Elyon in a cocoon of opulence. The scent of lavender lingered in the air, a soothing presence that invited relaxation and focus.

As Elyon's fingers delicately turned the pages of the book, he immersed himself in its mystical world, his mind a canvas waiting to be painted with the wonders and secrets that lay within. The soft glow of the candlelight bathed his face, casting intriguing shadows that mirrored the mysteries that awaited him in the depths of the book's chapters.

Surrounded by the grandeur of his surroundings, Elyon embarked on a journey of knowledge and discovery. With each word read, he felt a connection to a realm beyond the confines of his lavish chamber, where the limits of imagination blended seamlessly with the wisdom held within the book's pages.

As the night wore on and Elyon's eyes absorbed the written words, the bed became more than just a place of rest—it became a portal to realms unknown. In this enchanting space, Elyon's mind soared, fueled by the power of the written word and the boundless potential that lay within the depths of the book he held so dear.

As Elyon delicately turned the pages of the book, his eyes were drawn to a particular section that beckoned his curiosity.

There, amidst the sea of words, he discovered an intriguing passage that spoke of a clandestine group known as the Awakened.

Its presence whispered through the inked lines, captivating his imagination and setting his heart ablaze with anticipation.

"The Awakened Council stands as an enigmatic alliance of individuals who have unlocked their hidden potential, hailing from four prominent races: humans, beasts, undead, and dwarves. Oveeseen by a Guardian of unparalleled might, their secrets are veiled in utmost secrecy, disclosed only to those deemed worthy of such knowledge. Their far-reaching influence extends into realms that elude the comprehension of ordinary mortals, while the true purpose and objectives of the council remain concealed within the depths of an enduring enigma."

Races and Territories.

"Veiled in a tapestry of secrecy and enigma, the Council, widely referred to as the Council of Shadows, presides over the clandestine realm of the Awakened. Within its intricate structure, each of the four major races - humans, beasts, undead, and dwarves - establishes its own branch, creating a web of influence that spans across all domains. While the overarching matters concerning the Awakened fall under the purview of the general Awakened Council, individual Councils assume authority over their respective territories, ensuring the smooth functioning of their intricate systems. Guiding these realms are the revered figures of the human and beast Regional Lords, entrusted with upholding the Council's laws, safeguarding the delicate balance, and quelling any dissent that threatens to disturb the tranquility. Such concentrated power, veiled behind impenetrable secrecy, casts an air of mystery and trepidation upon those who gaze upon the Council from afar, igniting both curiosity and fear in equal measure."


"The Council, entrusted with the sacred duty of preserving the enigmatic wisdom of the Awakened, possesses a chilling indifference towards the lives of its own kin. Throughout the annals of history, countless sagas unfold, recounting the tragic fates of audacious mages who dared to unveil the boundless potential of magic, only to be swiftly silenced by the Council's unyielding hand. As the Awakened stand as an ancient and formidable race, their very existence stirs fear and awe among the masses, for their path knows no mercy nor compromise. Yet, with the immeasurable power they wield, a weighty responsibility befalls them, for they bear the burden of the lives forever altered by their awakening, a burden that stretches across the expanse of a hundred arduous years."


"The intricate tapestry of Awakened society weaves together a mosaic where personal opinions and ideals find no solace. With their profound power and ageless existence, the Awakened have gained a profound wisdom, recognizing the perils of prejudice and the folly of imposing their way of life upon others through zealous crusades. They bear an innate comprehension that power devoid of wisdom is naught but wanton violence, while wisdom bereft of power remains hollow rhetoric. They understand that true potential lies not merely in the display of raw power, but in the intricate dance of magical prowess upon the battlefield, where even the mightiest can be outwitted by a cunning trick and the feeblest of sages can succumb if their plans go awry."

"Bound intricately to their racial identities, the Awakened find solace and purpose within their respective races. Among the humans, vibrant communities thrive, intertwining their lives and legacies as they pass down vital responsibilities to future generations. On the other hand, those adorned with a more primal, animalistic nature embrace the mantle of mercenaries, steadfast in their refusal to conceal their true essence from the world. With unwavering determination, they navigate a world that demands their authenticity and celebrates their unyielding connection to their primal selves."

Way of the Awakened.

"The burden of responsibility weighs heavily upon an Awakened mage, for they understand the gravity of bestowing their precious gifts upon chosen disciples. The path to Awakening is fraught with peril, and not all who venture upon it are destined to attain the coveted longevity that renders them hard to kill. Some succumb to the gnawing hunger of their journey, others perish in the crucible of battle, and many fall victim to the unforgiving consequences of their own choices."

"In the quest for an heir, an Awakened mage meticulously evaluates promising young souls, selecting one or more as their apprentices. The chosen ones are entrusted with the mage's sacred legacy, poised to carry the torch forward, while the unchosen must seek new masters or confront an uncertain fate. However, even the heirs of the mage's legacy are not immediately initiated into the profound art of spirit mastery, for it is a realm of power deemed too potent for the tender minds of the young. It is a knowledge reserved for the precipice of the master's demise, a final gift to be imparted with great reverence and caution. Such is the sacred code of the Awakened, who perpetuate their magical lineage with unwavering care and meticulous precision."

As he pondered over this newfound knowledge, a sense of gravity set in. He realized the magnitude of his predicament and found himself at a loss for a clear plan of action.

In the face of these sudden and formidable restrictions, a glimmer of hope pierced through the veil of uncertainty. Elyon's mind, ever resourceful and quick to adapt, recognized the potential within his impressive background, a tapestry woven with tales of extraordinary achievements and rare talents. It was within this intricate tapestry that he discovered a hidden advantage, a way to harness his exceptional abilities while concealing his awakening from prying eyes.

Like a skilled illusionist, he would artfully veil his true nature, presenting himself as a prodigious talent without revealing the wellspring of magic that coursed through his veins.

It was a delicate dance, requiring finesse and careful orchestration, but Elyon was determined to navigate this labyrinth of secrecy, using his unparalleled skill set to carve a path to success while safeguarding the secret that could either elevate or condemn him.

Despite the lack of a clear path forward, he was determined to showcase his resilience and resourcefulness in the face of adversity.

Aware of the delicate balance he must strike, Elyon resolved to tread the path of calculated revelation.

He understood the need to captivate others with his undeniable prowess while skillfully concealing any trace of the awakened society's existence. This delicate dance required a meticulous blend of timing, strategy, and raw power—a potent combination that Elyon aimed to master.

To achieve his goals, he recognized the necessity of honing his skills and expanding his knowledge. With his accomplished background serving as a solid foundation, he effortlessly tackled the obstacles that lay in his path, effortlessly employing his exceptional abilities to overcome challenges that lay well within his grasp.

To embark on this ambitious endeavor, the first crucial step beckoned—an expedition to the revered library, a bastion of wisdom and enlightenment. It was within the hallowed halls of this vast repository of knowledge that Elyon sought to acquire the comprehensive compendium essential to his quest. With determination igniting his spirit, he embarked on this grand odyssey in pursuit of enlightenment, armed with the resolve to unravel the mysteries that awaited him.

And so it begins, the epic quest for knowledge, where every step taken brings him closer to unraveling the enigmas of the awakened world and forging his destiny amidst the realms of power and secrets.

I understand that these initial chapters may seem mundane, and I acknowledge that the upcoming ones might also have a slow pace. However, this gradual build-up is crucial in order to reach the climactic moments that lie ahead. I appreciate your patience and thank you for investing your time in reading this story.

elbascreators' thoughts