
the other side (7/10): the chase

Present time, 4 years before the start of the ua exam, you could see a purple haired boy meeting with a red haired girl, the boy was wearing gray pants and shoes along with a black sweatshirt, the girl on the other hand he wore a simple school uniform.

The two were in an alley talking about a recent sighting, "then you found the one I asked to notify if they found" iremia said looking at the girl, "if iremia-san was in the park near my school having a chocolate shake" said the girl while showing him the address.

"That is something that he would do" said iremia remembering a similar situation in the past that they had lived, while this was happening a person observed this situation while he had hidden his presence, "to think that he would be capable of such atrocities" thought glykiá remembering the actions that Koukla had been found in police files in the past month thanks to files stolen from a police station.

Iremia is a quiet person who always has a plan for everything, her hobbies were creating complicated plans that always resulted in success, creating dolls and watching anime and manga in absurd amounts, her vision of the world is simply that she sees everything like a prison, his dream is to be a person capable of doing what he wants when he wants.

Glykiá on the other hand is a cheerful and joking person who always finds a funny solution for his life in his infinite boredom, his hobbies were cooking, playing video games and trying anything he finds interesting, his vision of the world is that of a little boy who He sees everything as an interesting experience that is why he always enjoys everything he does, his dream is to be able to enjoy the things he loves.

They were the best friends in his past life, but now they take two different points of view that has geraki has made him think in a great way about the situation of his friend who has done a lot of actions that he does not take as wrong.

Iremia was left wondering how to find his best friend, while glykiá simply shook her head the situation, she left her hiding place and jumped towards a building to be able to retreat.

This was noticed by the red haired girl who pointed to the site, "iremia-san there is this" she said, iremia looked where the girl was pointing and looked at a cat boy, "thank you, we'll see you later" said iremia as she ran through the alley and invoked his book.

He opened the book to a page and used the quirk, red queen allows people to be controlled within a 100 meter radius, the people who are controlled get a change in their appearance, their irises and hair tips turning into an intense red, in addition to developing a red poker diamond on his forehead.

Glykiá was not affected because he deactivated his zetsu when he left and replaced it with a layer of ten that allowed him to avoid the quirk, but he could still feel the attempt to control, which caused him to see the culprit of this.

Hundreds of people were affected by this which caused them to undergo a change in their appearance, they all received an order which said to capture the cat boy, so everyone quickly launched themselves against the boy.

Glykiá quickly activated a hatsu, black voice materialized in his hands, he saw all the people who activated his peculiarities while they addressed him, among the whole crowd he saw two people who threw two antennas at their heads.

"I have no choice but to stop him nya" said glykiá who saw the information of the two people, his name and peculiarity appeared, he sent an order in a group chat for the two people to move with the intention of stopping the people at his around.

While he was sending the order, two people arrived at the building, so when he was able to remove the cell phone from his sight the two people had already launched themselves trying to capture it, glykiá quickly moved forward between the two people who took the opportunity to touch and connect a little rubber bungee.

When he touched the edge of the building he moved the rubber bungee and made the two people turn and then hit each other, while this happened iremia watched from a distance the movements to be able to plan a measure.

Glykiá saw the crowd that had approached the building and began to enter or climb the building with the help of his peculiarities, he moved inside the building breaking the floor below him.

He stayed in the middle of the hallway on the top floor that was filled with more than a dozen people, he modified his body to open different holes in his body and then began to move imitating a dance.

When he made a series of steps a hatsu was activated, the prologue was activated materializing a spear and a warrior armor on his body, glykiá lunged forward while starting to move his spear attacking multiple people.

Iremia had seen the destruction of the ground by his friend and this caused him to lose sight of it, so he placed a marker on a page and then created a bubble under it to be able to approach and observe the combat.

While this was happening, glykiá had already finished three dozen enemies and was still killing people, but despite finishing one, two more appeared, "I can't continue to do so," he said while a large amount of nen exploded in his body, deactivated prologue and active another hatu.

All that nen concentrated on his fist and deployed it on the floor causing the building to begin to collapse, glykiá jumped through a window to get to the next building, with that attack I finished with the people around and the one inside took great damage by knocking them out, a third of all controlled people were easily defeated.

Glykiá saw the destruction he caused with a complicated face, but stopped thinking when two people attacked him, a wave of energy and a blow from a karate hand, when glykiá dodged them and saw those responsible his expression became even more complicated.

Kendo and nejire two people who in the future will be members of the ua, quickly from the body of glykiá two needles came out that were impregnated with nen, he threw them at both and gave them an order, "go to the slums to the old building of the support company "when I finished the two of them left.

Glykiá saw the remains of the remaining people and saw that iremia was looking at the people who were fighting against the people thanks to her controlling them with black voice.

"I will demonstrate my second power at its best nya" said glykiá as she began to change shape.