

I stared at the young woman in the mirror. Dressed in white gown made of first class silk, cut in simplicity and yet she still looks so elegant and beautiful.

"This one suits you perfectly maam,"the reflection of a lady assisstant standing behind the girl commented happily, her eyes were gleaming with adoration.

The lady assisstant tied my hair back and pinned the veil under it. "There you go maam."

I looked back at the mirror once again and there I saw myself dressed in a bridal gown. This time I smiled at my own reflection. "I love it,"I whispered.

It's just so sad that my groom wasn't here to see the dress. I was told to come in this bridal shop. Tahla couldn't accompany me due to the pile of house chores. She's needed at tye mansion to help the cleaning crew finish the job a week before the wedding. Since that place is pretty huge, it will take days before the job could be done.

"I'll take this gown,"I announced.