
Just the name Penelope

Penelope Rose

The day has come that I finally found my way back to the living.

It was not my intention to surprise the health workers who takes care of me and the proxy of Andrew Jones for the daily one sided concersation.

"Oh my god! Look, she opened her eyes!"a nurse who is checking my head voiced out.

The room lights pained my eyes, causing me to close them. My senses are all coming back and the extreme thirst was the second uncomfortable feeling I have felt.

"Water." Even the task of talking is hard for now. It felt like my senses were dead for ages.

But the two ladies in my room suddenly left, leaving me in pain and was dying for water.

Minutes later, they returned with a doctor in tow.

"Welcome back, Miss Braxton!"the doctor said with a smile. He instructed the nurses to check all my vitals.

"Water,"I repeated.

"Of course." He offered me a small cup with a very little amount of water. I drink it anyway.

"I am Dr. Mallady, by the way."

"Penelope,"I said in a painful voice.

He smiled, happy to know that I remember my name. However, as I tried to scan my brain to give him more about myself. I ended up horrified and confused. Then my head started to ache.

"My head..."I mumbled my hand tried to reach for my head but the nurse avoided it.

"We will talk later. Right you need to relax. Everything is going to be alright."

No, doc. Everything isn't right. I am certain that I am Penelope Rose but aside from that there is nothing.

My memory says nothing about me, just the name Penelope.