
Give him the wedding gift

I never intend to ruin Andrew's mood on our wedding day. In fact, I don't feel the closeness with this Riley. But the scene he'd created at the chapel had altered Andrew's behavior.

Early this morning, he seemed calm and warm. Right this moment I could tell that he's stiff, mean and really showing off his cold demeanor. And he is solely blowing his anger towards my direction. He's being unfair!

After the wedding rituals, I've distanced myself from the crowd and found a place where I can breath. The east wing of the building is quite friendly and comforting than the hall full of stranger people.

This is my wedding but sadly, I feel out of place. Andrew won't notice my absence for sure. He's been busy chatting with his acquiantances.

"It's your wedding and yet you're sulking here."

"You've found me so fast." Of course, Kara will notice my absence. She's the only person here who would love to be with the bride.