
A Call from St. Therese

Andrew Jones

My father did not call or pay another surprise visit as promised. He is doing his part and I, on the other hand, was reluctant to meet my soon-to-be wife. I can visit her after the lunch meeting today but the fact that I don't know her background, it gives me a different feeling.

I don't meet people whom I can't calculate. I can only act properly around them when I know their backgrounds.

This girl is like a ghost.

As I'm under deep thinking, the intercom buzzed.

"Sir, a certain Dr. Mallady from St. Therese hospital is in line two,"Jenny informed me as I lift the receiver.

St. Therese is where Penelope is confined right now. "I'll take his call." My father is serious about putting my name in her record. Cheers to that!

"Mr. Andrew Jones?"a plain voice asked.

"I'm listening doc."

"Your presence is needed here, sir. Miss Braxton is...not responding to her medication. I guess, we need to come up with a decision." I heard the doctor heaved a sigh.

My brows knitted involuntarily. If my understanding is correct, I guess this doctor is trying to tell me to give up the life of Penelope Rose Braxton.

I feel dubious about her but mercy killing her won't make my situation better. "Doc, if you want to keep your job, you better shut up. I'll be there so don't try to do anything that might end up your career."

I ended the call and get up.

I thought doctors are pro life. They're ready to save lives even the bad ones. But this Dr. Mallady just irritated me and change my views on the likes of him.

Jenny stood upon seeing me exiting my office.

"I'm heading out. You can leave your post at five. And kindly tell the driver I'll wait at the building entrance."

"Yes sir." Jenny was my dad's secretary. Since she's very efficient about what she does, I retained her in the position. She's in her late forties and happily married with two children. "Sir, Miss Caroline..."

I cut Jenny off. "If she calls again, tell her I'm with my fiancee." Jenny was clearly surprised but did not ask further. She gave me a knowing smile.

"Of course, sir."

Caroline and I, we're not in love. We've met in a party then got drunk. Tye next morning, I woke up on unfamiliar bed with her. It happened two weeks ago and ever since that night, she's clinging to me like she's my girlfriend.