
The Magic Following.

4 teenage boys wandering a forest. I try to update at least 1 time a week.

Fleeing_Shadows · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

The Tiger.

As the four trudged through the graveyard, engulfed in fog, they couldn't help but feel as if they're being watched. But other than the gravel under their feet, it was eerily quiet. At one point Dakota tried to spark a conversation, "Graveyard huh, nothing bad ever happens here." He said sarcastically with a forced chuckle. "You got that right." Chris responded and it went back to silence. Suddenly they heard a heavy breathing coming from Dean. "Guys… I really don't…. Like this…" he said in-between breaths. "Don't worry, we're not going to be here for that long, Dean." Evan told him. Dean's breathing slowed and he calmed down a little. After some more comforting, the four saw a shadowy figure. Evan didn't stop, so they just assumed it was someone who was grieving a loved one. Until Dakota got curious. "Was it someone you loved?" The figure turned around, it was a little girl. Evan had stopped now, and Chris could tell he was glaring at Dakota. "Yes." She spoke softly. "Oh, I'm sorry. Who was it?" Dakota asked her. She looked up at him, and Chris saw something change in her face. It was subtle, but put him on edge. "It was…" she paused, "Myself." She finished her sentence and turned back around. The four just stared at her. Evan started walking and the others didn't hesitate. "Nice going." Evan told Dakota sarcastically. "I was just trying to be nice." Dakota whined. "Well, we're here anyway." Evan said, and the four stopped. It was a small, ugly, run down shack. The wood seemed to be rotting, and it had a very musty smell. Evan opened the creaky door, and started to walk down. There was no light, but Chris knew it was some stairs by the way Evan was clomping down them. Every step seemed to creek as pressure was put on it. Dean followed Evan, and Dakota followed Dean. Chris was the last to go. He pulled the door shut and walked down the steps.

There was a small room at the bottom where everyone was huddled together. "You guys ready? I hate this place, let's make this quick." Evan told them thinking out loud. He opened a door and it led to a small hallway. There were two, odd looking men at the end of the hall. "Celestial cards." The one on the right said in a deep, burly voice. There was a small, red glowing sign that read, 'Exotic and above ONLY!' Evan pulled out their cards and handed them to the man, he shuffled through them, grumbled and handed them back. He opened a door that Chris didn't see, and was met with a blinding light. His glasses adjusted quicker than his eyes did. When he could see, Evan was already walking in. Chris followed, pushing Dean and Dakota into the room behind Evan. The doors shut, and they were in what seemed to be some sort of casino. It had loud, distorted music playing, people were talking, laughing, yelling. Chris could hear some sort of chips being thrown around. The room had red carpet floors. The walls had some sort of black paper with the face of a devil on it. There was a large chandelier in the middle, with a drink table underneath it. The four went down four sets of steps. Evan led the way walking past drunken people throwing chips and some sort of currency around. "This must be where all the rich people go." Chris thought. They came to a room, where Evan knock a very specific pattern. A latch opened and Chris could see a pair of eyes. "Code." The eyes demanded. "Only thieves and heroes wear capes." The eyes blinked twice, Evan blinked three times, and the door opened. The four walked inside, and the 'person' on the other side of the door said, "He'll see you soon." He shut the door and Chris saw he was some sort of otherworldly creature. His eyes were attached by some sort of antenna. He had a human sized head area for his massive mouth. He was wearing a greenish black suit. The four sat down on a dark red bench with buttons sewn into them. The buttons were made of gold and the cloth on the couch was made of velvet. After a few, very awkward moments of silence, the heavy door to the left of them opened. Out came two beefy men, carrying a smaller man who was shouting curses at them and whoever was in the room they just came out of. Evan stood up and walked inside the room, the four did the same. Inside it was all red. There was a large table with chairs all around it. A man was sitting at the very end of it. Evan and the other three made their way to the end of the table. Suddenly the man's voice boomed out, "Ahh Evan! Your back. I'm guessing you found it?" It was a strong British accent. Evan looked annoyed. "No, I haven't found it." The man was in dark lighting and Chris couldn't really make him out, other than how muscular he was. When they approached, Chris saw the man wasn't human, he looked like a tiger. The man caught Chris staring at him, "Never seen a tiger before?" "Not recently. But your… human…?" Chris stumbled on his words. The humanoid tiger laughed, "Kind of, I'm a different species. It's the basic story of humans and non-humans go to war and the humans win. We had to go into hiding, but now the humans have forgotten about us. Enough about our backstory. Evan," the tiger turned his gaze to Evan, "I've heard you met the creators of the forest?" Evan looked at him for a moment, "Yep, sure did. Real pieces of work they are." The tiger didn't flinch at what Evan said, "Something has changed in the forest, Evan. What did you do?" "I killed them." Evan told him without hesitation. The tiger leaned back in his chair. His facial expression changed, and he looked even more serious. "Do you have a plan for how to run the forest?" He asked. "Yep, that's why I came here, to ask for a favor." Evan responded. "A favor from the great wizard. Haven't had one of those in a while. What can I do for you?" Evans' face had changed as well, from emotionless to anxious. "I'd like for you to control the forest. Make it into the kingdom you have always talked about." The tiger nodded. "Of course I will Evan, it will be my honor. Jenny!" The tiger yelled. A hologram shot up from the table. "What can I do for you sir?" The girl spoke enthusiastically. "Operation burning sun." The tiger jumped up from his chair as a door behind him opened. The hologram was gone and Chris could hear machines turn on and start working. "Come, come." The tiger waved them on. When the five of them got past the wall, Chris stood in awe. It was a whole underground city! Jenny came back and told the tiger, "Sir, you're live in five seconds." He smiled and held his arms out. "My people!" His voice boomed. "The day of equality, and freedom starts now." He paused. "My friend, the great wizard Evan, has given me control of the forest. My plans for us to be free are now in full swing. In three days time, our city will be on the surface, and we will be equal with the humans. They will no doubt judge and hate us, but let's give them nothing to hate us for!" He put his arms down, and the five walked back into his office. "How am I supposed to get the ownership of the forest?" He asked Evan. Evan held out his hand, and a small ball of golden light hovered out and into the tiger. He closed his eyes. "There you go." Evan smiled. "Now, I need the eye of Bogmos more than ever." He said. "Oh right. We'll get that soon." "Of course, of course. Do what you have to first, but don't forget about the eye." Evan nodded, and the four of them walked out. They went through the casino area and up the stairs. When they got out, the graveyard looked far different. It was no longer foggy. The gravel was surrounded by grass and flowers. All of the graves looked brand new. They got out of the graveyard when it hit Chris, "What in the world is Bogmos?" The three turned around and stared at him.