
The Magic Following.

4 teenage boys wandering a forest. I try to update at least 1 time a week.

Fleeing_Shadows · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

The Superiors.

As Evan came out of his slight trace, there was a blinding light, he squinted then realized that he was with something very powerful. He blinked and the effects of the light quickly wore off as he heard a voice, "Evan Michele's ThunderBunch," Evan scoffed at his last name. He's never really liked it. "You have been summoned here because we have been notified of your increasing power." The voice thundered and paused. Evan looked around and saw that he seemed to be floating in space, he slowly turned around and saw three massive being floating a little wase away. "You have been offered to join us, as a superior." The being in the middle told Evan proudly. Evan blinked at him, "What do I get by being a superior?" Evan asked. "Eternal life," "If I want, I can already have that." Evan blurted. The being looked at him and continued, "Eternal riches," "Again, I pretty much already have that. What would I need riches for if I'm never with anyone?" Evan asked, the being ignored his question and continued, "And infinite power!" His voice booked and the others smiled. Evan stared blankly at them. A moment went by before Evan snapped back to it, "Oh right, it all sounds very tempting," Evan was cut short and the being on the right butted in, "Yes yes, it's very very good." Evan glared at him and he flinched, "As I was saying, it's all very tempting, but my answer will be no." There was a small scuffle and the one in the middle spoke, "In my millions of years here, there has not once been one that has said no, you will reconsider." The one in the middle boomed, but seemed a little surprised that Evan didn't react. "How many others have you offered this 'job' to?" "Hundreds if not thousands." The one in the middle told him. "I see I see, now back to what I asked, why would I need riches if I'm never with anyone else." Evan asked. The being in the middle squirmed around a little bit then composed himself. "The riches are for raining down on the people in the forest whenever you feel generous." He told Evan with pride, the other two gleemed with pride as well. "Alright, but if you've hired countless people, where are they?" Evan asked. "They're working." The one in the middle told him. "Where?" Evan asked quickly. "The jobs that they were destined for." The being told him. "So…" Evan paused, already know the answer to the question he is going to ask. "They're enslaved?" The three looked at each other, "Of course not, they aren't even working really." The one in the middle said. Evan knew it, a blatant lie to get him to work for them. "Let me see what I would be doing first, and then I may change my answer." Evan told them, hoping that he wouldn't have to hear another lie from them. "You'll be joining us, working to give others their destined jobs." Evan knew it, he felt some sort of second hand embarrassment but he already had a plan. "I'll give you three an offer instead. Let me and all your captives free and you can keep doing your jobs." "And if we don't?" The one on the left countered. "Then there will come a time when I have to do it for you." The three didn't seem unfazed by Evans' threat, which is how it usually goes when facing someone who thinks that they're the greatest thing in the universe. The one on the right chuckled, "We've had far worse threats, and the power that you've shown when facing your opponents was, to put it simply, weak. You are nothing compared to us." The other's seemed to glow in their pride, but Evan's patience started to wear thin. "Let me guess, you can just think me out of existence, can't you?" Evan said mockingly. The one on the left got a look of disgust, "Are you mocking us? You? A small, pathetic little boy mock the greatest beings in the universe?" His voice boomed along with the laughter from the other two. Now Evan was really starting to get mad. After they finished talking, the one in the middle spoke, "Our patience has worn thin, you said you wanted to see what you do when you 'take' this 'job'? I'll show you." Suddenly Evan felt everything around him move, quicker and quicker until he saw he was in darkness. He looked around a smelled a very familiar smell. He saw a light and watched as he walked past himself. Then realized that he was watching himself in the past raid the boat. He watched as he blasted one of the zombie people. Then it hit Evan, these are the people that the beings were talking about. Evan felt the space around him start to move again and before he knew it, he was back with the beings. That night, Evan ended up killing every single one of the people on that boat. "Do you see now? Were very short on workforce because of you and your boys. You really have no choice but to join us." Evan looked at them, "You are very wrong, I'm not joining you. But you seem to have a very hard job here, so back to my deal. I won't kill the three of you, if you let everyone free." The three chuckled as they have been, "But what about you getting back to the forest?" The being on the right blurted. "I'm sure I can manage. Don't change the subject, let them go." Evan told them. His tone had changed significantly. The three laughed at him again, "You can't do anything. Let's put you to work." Evan felt them try to take him back down. It was the strongest pull he's felt in a long time. The three looked confused as the why he was still floating there. "Bring him down." The being on left demanded. "I am, he won't budge." The being in the middle exclaimed. The one on the left held out his hand and the pulling was even stronger. It was taking Evan almost everything he had to resist the pull. "This is… unexpected." The being in the middle mumbled. The being on the right looked at him, and back to Evan. He held out his hand and Evan was pushing his limits to resist. There's a blue beam coming out of Evan and shooting back to the forest. The pulling started to tear into Evan, but he continued to resist them. The pain started to get worse and worse, until he started to black out. As his vision was fading, he remembered the guys waiting for him to come back. He couldn't let them down, he had to fight back against the pain. He slowly lifted his head up and the black out slowly went away. When he opened his eyes, they were glowing golden. Slowly he stretched out from the ball he was forced in from the pain. When he was fully extended, his golden eyes bled into his clothes and skin. He looked at each of them, and one by one, they let go of him. The pulling had stopped. "What are you…?" The being in the middle said quietly. Evan said nothing. "That's it!" The being on the right yelled, snapping the being in the middle out of his trance. "Kill him." The being in the middle boomed and all together held out their hands. All at once they shot out bright beams that hit Evan. After a short amount of time, they thought he was dead and stopped. When the smoke cloud cleared from around Evan, he was glowing gold even brighter, it made the beings flinch. He stared at them, and held out his hand. The beings watched in horror as a golden beam of light shot out of his hand. The being in the middle screamed in pain as it blew threw him. The other two were instantly disintegrated. As the being in the middle was disintegrating, they locked eyes, and he was gone. Suddenly it became very quiet as Evan realized it was only him there, and started to panic because he didn't know how to stop being golden. After a few seconds he realized that he just needed to get to the forest. As he was figuring it out, a sense of pride washed over him as that was the most powerful he had ever gotten, but he was also sad because he murdered and entire board worth of people. But now he hoped that everyone who had worked for them was now free and doing what they wanted. When he figured out how to get back down, he located the other three and sent himself back. When he touched back down I'm the forest, everything was back to normal except his eyes, they went from blue, to a slightly glowing golden. The three boys just stared at Evan. "What do you guys want to do now?" Evan asked the three of them.