
The Magic Following.

4 teenage boys wandering a forest. I try to update at least 1 time a week.

Fleeing_Shadows · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

The Project PT. 1

    After a few days of rest and good meals, the four were ready for another adventure. Evan said that he heard there was a big event going on in a major city, so the four headed out. As the four walked, they noticed that the weather had started to change. It got much colder and darker. "Where did you say this city was?" Chris asked Evan. "It should be a little further." Evan responded. And sure enough. It was. About a quarter mile later and they had arrived at a huge wall. "Shoot, wrong side." Evan said in disappointment. "Grab onto me, I don't want to walk around this blasted wall. I just want to sleep." The three grabbed onto Evan, there was a slight wind and the ground from underneath them had changed. Evan turned around, and the rest followed along. As soon as they did, Chris noticed that the wall was huge! He didn't get a good enough look on the other side, but now that he looked at it, it was massive. The wall was made of dark grey concrete and was taller than most skyscrapers. It was also very, very long. It had a very slight curve. Chris looked back down to see a man standing there, "Interesting wall huh? Yeah, we need identification." Chris, Dean and Dakota looked at Evan who took a step towards the uniformed man. "When did they put that in?" Evan asked. The man smiled, "Ever since the president finished the project." "What project?" Evan asked. "If I was allowed to say, I would have. Identification." The man held out his hand. Evan reached into his pocket and pulled out four slightly glowing cards. One was blue, one was green, one was yellow and the last was red. "Huh…" The man looked up, then back down at the cards again. "You four seem a bit young to have celestial cards. But if it works, it works. Have any of you been here before?" The man asked and looked at each of them. "I've been here." Evan told him. "Yeah, I would've guessed that. Anyone else." No one said anything. "Alright well, we don't have many, only three. "One: Don't do anything stupid. Two: Don't steal, you would think that because rule one is dont be stupid.." The man stopped, "And rule three: There's a large building on the far side, don't go under that building. I know it's suspicious, but it's for your own safety. But between you and me, the rats have mutated."  The man paused again, "That should be it." The man gave a not so enthusiastic smile, and stepped out of the way to reveal a small hatch. It was the shape of a door but had a large round metal handle that twisted to open. Before they opened it the man told them, "You got here right on time, the higher up's are about to reveal their big project." Evan smiled and opened the hatch and the four of them filtered in. 

    It was a rather long crouch walk. But after a bit they reached an identical door. Evan being in first shooed everyone back before opening it. It creaked open towards them, sending an echo throughout the tunnel. Evan stepped out and the other followed. As soon as Chris got out, there were two buildings on either side of him, and a street with a building behind it. It seemed to be a maze, until a guard showed up. "They're here." The guard said into some sort of radio, "So you're the visitors eh?" "Sure are. The guy back there said that there's going to be some sort of reveal?" The man nodded, "I'm guessing you're looking for a spot to hang out while you wait?" "You could say that." He smiled, "Let me get you some place nice." He turned around and started to walk to the street where he turned to show that there were buildings lined up and down the street. It was rather busy too. Plenty of people on the sidewalk but they all made room for the guard. After 15 minutes of walking they got to what the guard called, 'The rich side of town.' And it was very apparent. THe buildings looked far more futuristic, white tiles with neon blue running through them. He walked them over to a larger building. It had one slightly taller building on its right and a smaller one on its left. Chris noticed that the spot they were in was far more spacious. It had hand laid brick on the ground and a small oak tree here and there. In the middle of it all was an old style fountain spouting out crystal blue water. The guard walked them inside to a nice reception desk. It had a lady who smiled at the guard as they walked in. He put his elbow on the desk and leaned on it. He whispered something to the lady, she smiled and waved for the four to come up to the desk. Before she could say anything an announcement echoed throughout the city. "Citizens! It's your great president to announce the reveal of our newest piece of technology." The four heard some scattered cheers. "I will show all my loyal citizens our project tomorrow! Thank you!" The voice clicked off. "Hello!" The lady at the desk exclaimed. "I'm guessing you four need a room?" Evan stepped up, "Sure do." She smiled, "You seem a bit young. How old are you guys?" "Don't worry about our age. How much will a room cost? We shouldn't be here long." Evan told the lady. She kept her smile, "Sounds like a plan. Will one night be all?" "Yep, that sounds great." Evan said. "Will you all be together?" The lady asked. Evan nodded his head. "Alright, what kind of room would you like?" She asked. "Four rooms and a kitchen." Evan responded. "Alright, it'll be eight hundred furnaments." Evan stuck his hand into his pocket and pulled out a silvery piece of metal. The lady looked shocked as he handed it to her, when she looked up she looked even more shocked. She was looking behind the boys. Chris turned around to see a man in an expensive looking suit with four bodyguards, two in the front and two behind. Evan didn't pay much attention to the man. Chris turned back around with the lady still staring at the man. "Keep the change, but split it with him." Evan told her while nodding his head at the guard. She quietly said, "Ok…" And handed them a key card. The four walked up to an elevator as the man approached the counter. Dakota pressed the button and Chris overheard the man ask who they were. The guard explained the celestial cards to the man who didn't believe it. He then walked towards them and Evan pressed the button multiple times. "So, you guys have celestial cards huh? Must be pretty powerful. Where are you guys from?" The man asked. "Not here." Evan responded. "Well yeah, obviously. But the only other person who has one for at least a hundred miles is, well…" He chuckled, "Me!" He exclaimed. The lady at the desk giggled and the guard looked proud. The four boys were just confused. Evan turned around, "What did you struggle to get yours?" Evan chuckled, "They're really not that hard to get." The man looked furious. As he was about to say something, the elevator opened. The four walked in, "You're nothing compared to me!" The man yelled as the doors shut. 

    "What a weirdo." Evan chuckled. "Yeah. Speaking of which, what is a celestial card?" Chris asked. "Hmm…" Evan paused and thought about how to say it. "Oh I know!" Dean said. "There's a list, if you will. From lowest at the bottom, and highest at the top. At the bottom you have the poor people, and the homeless. They don't have a card. Then the lower class, they get an iron card. After that you have the middle class, they get a ruby card. Next, the upper class which has an exotic card. It's a custom card made of exotic materials. After them you have basically heroes. It's pretty much people who have done great deeds, or are just extremely lucky they have a JR celestial card, which as they do more deeds, gets upgraded into a celestial card. But there is one more, it's just rumors though, the Godly card. No one knows how to get it though, hence why it's a rumor." "How do you get these cards? Where do they come from?" Chris asked. "Oh, from the creator of the forest." Dean told him cheerfully. Chris nodded his head and the elevator doors opened. When they got out they saw a long hall to their left and a lounge to their right. There was a hooded figure standing in the room. "That's not weird at all.." Chris mumbled. The four walked towards him. He raised his arms with the robe draping down. The four stopped, then heard a voice, "You four. You are needed. There is a wizard who threatens the forest. You may finish what you have started here, then immediately come to me." He finished and a small black gem floated to Evan. Evan grabbed it, and the man disappeared. "Alright then. To our room, I guess." Evan told them as he started towards the room. They got to a door with the number three hundred forty eight. Evan unlocked the door and they strolled inside. 

    The room was below average considering the lady's expression, this room must have cost a lot. The room was a gery brown and very very basic. Two beds with a coffee table in between, a TV on the other side of the room and a window on the far wall. "This room really isn't all that nice." Dakota said, "I was just thinking that." Chris told him in agreement. "You both are right, but I wanna know what this big project is." Evan told them. Chris walked over to the coffee table and found a small pamphlet. It read, 'You're invited to the president's behind the scenes project.' Chris held it up to the rest of the gang. "This could be something of use." Chris told Evan. Evan grabbed the pamphlet and flipped it over. "You get an early look at the project. Be downstairs by 5 o' clock to get early access." Evan read, then got a look of disappointment, "Only two per party." The four looked at each other. "So we'll have to split up into groups then?" Dean asked. "Looks to be that way." Evan responded. "Who wants to get up early?" Evan asked. "I'll do it." Chris told them. A few moments went by and no one said anything. "Fine, I'll do it." Dakota muttered. "Great!" Evan exclaimed and jumped onto a bed. THe others looked at each other and raced to the empty bed. Dean got on it first. Chris grabbed a blanket from the small closet, as did Dakota. The two found a spot and went to sleep.