
The Magic Dust

Mariah_Louisa_247 · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 the thinking

she had an amazing idea you will never believe then everything where black and pink fluffy unicorn dancing on rambos appeared everywhere she fell a sleep a few hours past then while she was in here dream with pink fluffy unicorn one of those where talking it where saying Princess Emma Princess Emma Princess Emma wake up wake up and then the pink fluffy unicorn stop and back to reality and the idea slipped from her bran over night she was devastated so she thought and thought and thought but nothing came back so she got out of bed got ready had breakfast and went to school with the king and queen by her sides walking into school she was in a princess school which she was not happy with she wants to be in a normal school with normal friends but here parents say it's bast not for her she was not happy but oh well so she went in to school in school she saw here friends or so called friends Ella and David David had a crush on her because of her money but she did not but there was this on guy he was the leader of every team even the nerd team and girls did not like him but she did and he liked her there friends know so thay would make fun of them likeing a echother few hours later and the idea came back