
The Magic Deity

Grey, is total boss at everything he touches, a guy who's got talent oozing out of every pore. Whether it's magic, smarts, or just plain old charisma, Grey's got it all. Join Grey on his wild ride as he levels up, faces off against baddies, and unravels the mysteries lurking in every shadow. It's gonna be one heck of a journey, full of twists, turns, and maybe a few epic battles thrown in for good measure. So buckle up, 'cause things are about to get seriously magical!

Grey_heaven · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Instant Healing

Grey, hiding among the forest leaves, knew they had already sensed him but remained where he was, waiting. He watched the brown-haired, red-eyed boy approaching.

Using a weak concealment spell, Grey hadn't employed the strongest stealth spell he had created.

"Come out from where you're hiding. I know where you are," Jack called out as he reached the designated spot.


Grey appeared directly in front of Jack. Although Jack couldn't sense Grey, even with the weak spell, he felt confident. He had been told that he was stronger than the person before him, so he was certain of his victory.

"Huh? Hey kid, are you the one I have to fight?" Jack asked, staring at Grey's face with confusion.

"Oh, if it's a fight you want, you'll get it," Grey replied calmly.

Jack burst into laughter. "Hahaha, you? A 6 or 7-year-old kid is who I have to fight?"

Grey remained calm, despite the mockery. Jack, being 12 years old, was five years older than Grey.

"Oye, you! Don't you want to fight? Come, I'll give you a beating you'll remember for a lifetime," Grey taunted, provoking Jack.

Jack's laughter ceased. He looked directly at Grey and, with a serious expression, said, "Prepare yourself, kid. I'll make sure to go easy on you." With that, he launched himself at Grey with impressive speed.

Meanwhile, near the entrance of Thalassar city, about 200 meters away, the group of eight from Aakash watched in surprise.

"That boy is good. He was able to use a concealing magic spell and hide himself well," Frost remarked, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"Yeah, he's amazing. I knew it was a boy, but I didn't realize he was this young," Draven said, glancing towards where Grey and Jack were about to fight.

"But that kid is quite gutsy and foolish. He shouldn't have provoked Jack like that," Thalorin commented, shaking his head slightly.

Jack moved with incredible speed, reaching Grey in just a few seconds and delivering a drop kick aimed straight at Grey's face. Grey, still calm, wore a bored expression.

"Slow," he thought, moving to the left just in time for Jack's foot to pass harmlessly by his head.

"How?" Jack was shocked that the little kid had dodged his attack, but he didn't stop his assault. He quickly bowed and aimed a punch directly at Grey's stomach. "I don't know how you dodged that attack, but this is the end," Jack said, smirking.

Grey remained silent, his eyes calmly fixed on the incoming punch. He sidestepped effortlessly and delivered a powerful slap to Jack's face.


The sound of the slap echoed through the forest. Jack landed on the ground with a thud, his hand instinctively going to his face as he felt a burning sensation on his right cheek.

Jack looked up and saw Grey staring down at him with a neutral expression. Anger surged through him as he pushed himself up. He noticed Grey's lips moving and strained to hear him.

"You know magic, right? So why aren't you using it? Or did you forget how to use your magic?" Grey asked calmly.

Hearing this, Jack couldn't hold himself back. He raised his hand, palm facing Grey, and began chanting his spell. Golden script appeared, circling around Jack as he summoned his magic.

"Radiant Strike!"

A radiant beam of golden light shot out from Jack's palm, hurtling towards Grey at incredible speed, capable of causing immense damage.

Grey watched the incoming attack with an excited smile. As the spell collided with him, a resounding boom echoed through the forest, and everything was engulfed in smoke.

"Serves you right, pipsqueak. If I'd used my magic from the beginning, you wouldn't have stood a chance," Jack said, breathing heavily. He had poured all his mana into that single attack.

As the smoke cleared, Grey stood unmoved, a colorful spherical barrier surrounding him, composed of small hexagonal shapes like glass. Jack's face froze in shock.

"That was quite a powerful attack," Grey said calmly. "The magic you used was unique, compressing the light energy to achieve such destructive power." He casually touched his cheek with his right hand, then stepped forward.

"Don't come near me, please. I'm sorry," Jack pleaded, raising a trembling hand.

Grey ignored Jack's plea and continued moving forward, pondering aloud. "The spell was indeed powerful."

Raising his hand towards the frightened boy, golden script appeared around Grey's hand. A radiant beam shot out, hurtling towards Jack.


Grey watched the events unfold with a calm smile on his face.

He observed the man standing in front of Jack, saving him from his own outburst. As the dust settled, the man also continued to stare at Grey, a smile playing on his lips.

"That was powerful, kid," the man remarked with admiration.

Draven stepped forward and snapped his fingers, saying, "Instant Heal."

Jack began to float in the air, his body enveloped in a bright green light, healing him completely. Even the imprint of Grey's hand on his face vanished, leaving no trace behind.

Grey observed the spell used by Draven with a focused gaze, attempting to discern all the intricacies hidden within its weaving.

"That spell, it's quite complex, like a cloth woven out of many threads," he muttered, his eyes flashing with understanding.

"This spell could heal injuries very quickly. The main focus seems to be healing mana mixed together with the earth's natural mana to expedite the process," Grey delved deeper into his analysis.

"The use of two different types of mana to create a single powerful spell is truly remarkable. I must practice it," Grey said, a smile playing on his lips as if he had found a new game to play.

Draven watched and listened intently to everything Grey did and said. He was shocked to see that a young boy like Grey could understand the intricacies of the Instant Healing spell to such a degree just by observing it. While Grey had previously only copied a weak and basic spell like Radiant Strike, this display of understanding with a powerful spell like Instant Healing left Draven at a loss for words.

Draven composed himself and asked, "What's your name, boy?"

"It's Grey, Grey Everwood," answered Grey, still deep in thought.

"How about you come with us for a chat?" Draven invited.

"It would be nice to come along," Grey said, starting to clear his mind.

"That's great! Come here; my friends are eager to meet you after witnessing your powers," Draven said excitedly.

Both Grey and Draven walked towards the group where the other ten people were waiting. Jack remained unconscious, the fear from Grey's Radiant Strike still gripping him.

As they approached, the group turned their attention to Grey, curiosity and interest evident in their eyes.

"Everyone, this is Grey Everwood," Draven introduced him with a smile. "He's shown quite the talent today."

"Hey boy".


"Hi grey"

Everyone greeted grey with a smile on their faces.

They curiously started a t grey as he and draven settled themselves beside them near the campfire.

Thalorin was the first one to start a conversation, his green eyes scrutinizing Grey. "You have quite the talent for magic, especially at your age."

"I'm just quite good at it," Grey said humbly.

"Haha, don't be so modest, Grey. You have great talent. At first, I thought you were just an average guy, but you proved me wrong," said Frostclaw with a huge smile. "Well, I'm Frostclaw, by the way."

"It's nice to meet you, Frostclaw," Grey replied, feeling a bit more at ease.

Thalorin nodded. "Indeed, Grey. Your abilities are impressive, especially for someone your age. We're fortunate to have you with us."

Draven added, "We're here to prepare for a trial that requires the best of us. With your skills, Grey, you could play a crucial role."

Thalorin stepped forward, his expression serious but kind. "Grey, we come from Aakash, a realm connected to this world. We've been tasked with finding talented individuals to help us in a series of trials to save our realm. The trials are incredibly challenging, but with your potential, we believe you can contribute significantly."

"Oh, I'm Thalorin. I was so excited that I forgot to introduce myself," said Thalorin, extending his hand to Grey.

Grey shook his hand and then went on to meet the others, each taking a moment to introduce themselves. They were eager to learn more about this remarkably talented boy who had suddenly joined their ranks.

"So, how did you learn to use magic? Who trained you to fight?" Frostclaw asked, his curiosity evident.

"Well, no one really trained me. I'm self-taught," Grey replied. "A few days ago, Luna started training me in combat."

The group exchanged impressed glances. Draven nodded approvingly. "Self-taught and already this skilled? That's incredible."

"Luna has a good eye for talent," Aurelia added with a smile. "If she's training you, that means she sees great potential in you."

"Yeah, she and Lyra told me you all are good people, so I trust you," Grey said openly.

"We're glad to have you with us, Grey," Thalorin said warmly. "We're going to need all the help we can get for these trials."

The atmosphere grew more relaxed as everyone settled into comfortable conversation, sharing stories and asking Grey more about his experiences and abilities. Grey felt a sense of belonging with these new companions, ready to face the challenges ahead together.