
The Magic Deity

Grey, is total boss at everything he touches, a guy who's got talent oozing out of every pore. Whether it's magic, smarts, or just plain old charisma, Grey's got it all. Join Grey on his wild ride as he levels up, faces off against baddies, and unravels the mysteries lurking in every shadow. It's gonna be one heck of a journey, full of twists, turns, and maybe a few epic battles thrown in for good measure. So buckle up, 'cause things are about to get seriously magical!

Grey_heaven · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs


Grey carefully circled the pillar, his curiosity driving him to uncover its secrets. Each spell he cast revealed another layer of the pillar's complex nature.

First, he tried "Elemental Resonance," muttering, "Let's see what this thing's made of." As the spell took effect, he saw the elemental composition of the pillar. "Earth, fire, water, air... and something more. Aether and void? Interesting."

Next, he used "Arcane Dissection" to analyze the runes and glyphs on the pillar. "These runes... they're not from a single magical language. They're a mix of many, some ancient and nearly forgotten. Whoever made this knew their stuff."

Still feeling like he was missing something crucial, Grey decided to use "Mana Vision" again. "Alright, time to dig deeper." As the spell activated, his vision filled with intricate patterns of mana. Information about the mana's nature flowed directly into his mind.

Among the magical energies, he noticed strange traces that didn't fit. "What is this? It doesn't match any magic I know. Almost like... something else entirely."

"This pillar... It's mostly made using science. There's some magic involved, but the foundation isn't magical," Grey muttered.

After spending a bit more time examining it, Grey finally figured out the pillar and its function.

He touched a hidden spot on the pillar, and suddenly a glass-like interface materialized in front of Grey. Though it appeared to be glass, it was actually a holographic image shimmering in the air.

The interface was covered in symbols, only a few of which Grey recognized.

"Umm, the fallen angel touched it here, and here," he muttered, mimicking the movements he had observed.

Despite his limited understanding of this advanced system, Grey's keen observation and careful replication of the fallen angel's actions led to an astonishing breakthrough.

As Grey finished touching each symbol exactly as the fallen angel had, his vision went dark for a moment.

When the light returned, he found himself standing in a narrow, dimly lit tunnel. Almost immediately, he sensed the presence of numerous hidden traps embedded within the walls and floor. However, Grey's keen instincts and sharp eyes allowed him to easily detect their locations and dodge them with grace and precision.

He moved swiftly through the tunnel, effortlessly avoiding the traps designed to ensnare the unwary. After what felt like an eternity, Grey saw a faint light marking the tunnel's end. He hurried towards it, eager to leave the confining passage behind. As he emerged from the tunnel, the sight before him left him dumbfounded.

He found himself in a vast, open area. Though the sky—or whatever it was—loomed dark and foreboding above, Grey could see the landscape clearly. The ground was littered with countless bodies of magical beasts, monsters, and beings of various races, stretching out for kilometers. The sheer number of corpses covering the land was overwhelming.

A foul stench permeated the air, but what affected Grey more was the palpable death energy or mana that swirled around him like a cyclone. It pressed against his body, a malevolent force that seemed to tug at his very soul without causing any physical harm.

In the middle of this creepy wasteland, where the bodies of all sorts of creatures lay scattered around like discarded toys, Grey had a real light bulb moment. He figured out why the inner part of the forest was like a ghost town – most of the critters there had kicked the bucket. And that spooky death energy hanging around? Yeah, that was all thanks to those pesky fallen angels.

Feeling the heavy vibes of death all around him, Grey had to resist the urge to plop down and ponder the whole thing. But nah, he knew better. This place was like a minefield of dangers, and he had to stay on his toes. He didn't come all this way just to let his guard down now.

"Where the heck are those fallen angels hiding?" Grey muttered to himself, scanning the area like a hawk on the hunt. He squinted at every lump and bump, hoping for a clue to their whereabouts.

Then, out of the blue, something caught Grey's eye – a weird shimmering thing in the distance. It looked like a portal or something, and it was calling to him like a moth to a flame. Curiosity got the best of him, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was walking right into a trap.

"Ah, what the heck," Grey shrugged, inching closer to the portal. "Might as well see where this rabbit hole goes."

With a mix of excitement and caution, Grey reached out and touched the surface of the portal. Suddenly, a jolt of energy shot through him, making his hair stand on end. For a hot second, it felt like he was getting sucked into a vortex, but just as quick, it was over.

"Whoa," Grey breathed, blinking as he took in the scene before him. It was like he'd stepped into a whole other world – one shrouded in darkness and whispers, with the faint echo of lost souls hanging in the air.

"Well, ain't this something," Grey muttered,

As Grey scoped out the bizarre scene, his jaw nearly hit the floor. It was like a whole city had sprouted out of nowhere, but these buildings were like something out of a sci-fi flick – weird and wacky, with structures that defied logic.

Just as he was trying to wrap his head around the sight, he caught wind of voices in the distance. Quick on his feet, Grey whipped up a concealment spell and ducked behind a funky-looking tree nearby. Seriously, this tree was straight out of a fantasy novel, with branches that twisted and turned in all sorts of crazy directions.

From his sneaky hiding spot, Grey strained to eavesdrop on the chatter. With his senses on high alert, he peeked out cautiously, keeping his eyes peeled for any unexpected surprises lurking in this strange and mysterious realm.

"Time to see what other surprises this place has in store for me." And with that, Grey looked at the origin of the voice.

As Grey tuned into the conversation of the three folks sauntering down the road, he perked up at the sound of a familiar voice – one of those fallen angels he'd crossed paths with before. The other two jabbered away, but their buddy-buddy banter gave away their close bond.

"Time to cash in on our hard work, huh?" one of them exclaimed, sounding pretty pleased with themselves.

"Yeah, bet the captain's gonna be all smiles when he sees what we've brought him," another chimed in, oozing excitement.

"Did you catch the captain's face when we handed over our haul? Classic!" the third one chuckled, his voice dripping with satisfaction.

But then, one of them piped up with a more serious tone. "Alright, boys, let's not forget the bigger picture here. With this mission wrapped up, we're getting closer to making our move. Give it another three or four years, and we'll be ready to rock and roll."

Grey, tucked away in the branches of a funky-looking tree nearby, absorbed their chatter with a mix of intrigue and frustration. Their conversation didn't give away much about their grand plan, but that last bit about making a move in a few years definitely raised some eyebrows.

Even though their talk veered mostly towards everyday stuff, Grey could sense an undercurrent of anticipation and ambition. And with every passing moment, his determination to crack the mystery of the fallen angels' scheme grew stronger.

From his hidden perch, Grey plotted his next move, ready to dive deeper into the rabbit hole and uncover the truth lurking beneath the surface.

Grey dashed through the landscape, his senses on high alert as he scoured every nook and cranny for any overlooked clues. His destination was a dense forest, its leafy canopy promising seclusion and a chance to gather his thoughts away from prying eyes.

Though Grey possessed the ability to fly or teleport at will, he opted for the safer route of traversing the terrain on foot. The risk of being detected by the fallen angels was too great, especially considering the residual spatial fluctuations left behind by teleportation.

Within the shelter of the forest, Grey found a secluded spot atop a moss-covered rock, a makeshift desk of sorts formed by nature's handiwork. Armed with nothing but a simple stick, he began to map out his thoughts, tracing the lines of connection between the fragments of information he had gathered.

"The dead creatures, and their plans for conquest," Grey muttered to himself, his brow furrowing in concentration. "It seems they're gearing up for some kind of attack, but on whom?"

As he pieced together the puzzle, Grey's excitement grew palpable. The realm appeared to be firmly under the control of the fallen angels, with the mysterious city he had stumbled upon likely serving as their stronghold.

"This is getting more interesting by the minute," Grey chuckled, a thrill coursing through him at the prospect of uncovering the truth behind the fallen angels' machinations.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Grey resolved to make the most of the time he had left. Each moment was an opportunity to delve deeper into the mysteries of this enigmatic realm, to uncover its secrets and perhaps even alter its course.

"I'll make the most of every second," Grey declared.

"I will use the remaining time I have to explore the whole realm and may be I will be able to have a good fight with some of the Fallen Angels" said Grey as he prepared for the coming adventure.