
The Magic Deity

Grey, is total boss at everything he touches, a guy who's got talent oozing out of every pore. Whether it's magic, smarts, or just plain old charisma, Grey's got it all. Join Grey on his wild ride as he levels up, faces off against baddies, and unravels the mysteries lurking in every shadow. It's gonna be one heck of a journey, full of twists, turns, and maybe a few epic battles thrown in for good measure. So buckle up, 'cause things are about to get seriously magical!

Grey_heaven · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Celetial Harmony

Luna's eyes widened in disbelief, her jaw slightly agape. "I... I can't believe it," she stammered, shaking her head in astonishment. "This is unlike anything I've ever seen or heard of, even in Aakash."

Lyra, sensing Luna's shock, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I know, Luna. It's hard to comprehend," she said softly.

Luna nodded, still trying to process the scene before her. "He's only seven years old," she murmured, more to herself than to Lyra. "And yet, he possesses such potential."

Lyra gave Luna a reassuring smile. "Yes, he does. That's why we need to train him properly, prepare him for what's to come."

Luna took a deep breath, her mind already racing with plans. "You're right," she said determinedly. "We'll create a daily training routine for him. We'll make sure he becomes strong, resilient, ready for whatever challenges lie ahead."

Luna was shocked—very shocked, to say the least. This was one of the greatest shocks she had ever felt in her life. What was happening in front of her was something she had never seen or heard of, at least not in Aakash. She had no idea about the outside world.

Grey, a boy who was only seven years old, was the source of her astonishment. She had been training him to test his abilities and prepare him for the upcoming trial. Her goal was to create a daily training routine for him, one that would make him strong and ready for the challenges ahead.

Grey had been absorbing every technique thrown at him like a voracious black hole, steadily refining his skills with each passing moment. This marked Grey's inaugural training session with someone of Luna's caliber. In his village, he had trained in isolation, occasionally testing his mettle against local beasts. But this experience transcended anything he had encountered before—it was a realm of growth he had yet to explore.

Luna's astonishment was palpable, her expression a mixture of disbelief and admiration. The techniques that had taken her years of rigorous practice to master were being effortlessly grasped by the young prodigy standing before her, as if he had unlocked a dormant reservoir of talent within himself. Even Luna, renowned for her prowess in martial arts despite being a magical beast, had grappled with these techniques in her youth. They were among the most intricate and demanding breathing exercises known in Aakash, relics of a bygone era when the realm was intricately connected to Earth and other mystical domains.

As Grey seamlessly executed each move, Luna couldn't help but marvel at his innate ability to absorb and adapt. The technique, now dubbed "Celestial Harmony," flowed effortlessly from Grey's movements, infusing each breath with a sense of serenity and power. It was a testament to his potential, a spark of brilliance that ignited hope for the challenges that lay ahead. With each fluid motion, Grey epitomized the essence of determination and resilience, embodying the very spirit of martial prowess that had captivated Luna's admiration.

Half an hour ago, Grey heightened his senses and perception to their utmost capacity, his mind assimilating every detail and his body bracing for the impending training.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Grey discerned something peculiar. Despite Luna's superior strength compared to his own, she had intentionally curtailed her powers to align with his level. Yet, Grey detected an anomalous rhythm in Luna's breathing—it bore a distinct quality, causing a subtle modulation in the surrounding energy.

'Her breathing pattern is evidently augmenting both her physical and mental faculties,' Grey surmised, his thoughts racing with astute observation. 'Her body seamlessly absorbs the ambient mana, imbuing her essence with purity and vigor. It's akin to a surge of empowerment with each inhalation, notably enhancing the refinement and potency of her mana, both internally and externally.'

Grey diligently honed his senses, his keen eyes capturing every subtle detail of Luna's movements before him. Although only ten seconds had elapsed since he first discerned her unconventional breathing pattern, Grey's analytical mind had swiftly synthesized a plethora of observations and theories.

As he scrutinized Luna's rhythmic inhalations and exhalations, Grey meticulously dissected the intricate interplay of her muscle dynamics, facial expressions, and emotional cues. Each nuance contributed to his burgeoning comprehension of not only Luna's actions but also the subtle energy shifts permeating their surroundings.

"So that's the essence of the technique," Grey murmured with a satisfied grin, his tone tinged with a hint of revelation. Seating himself upon the ground, he closed his eyes, embarking upon a deliberate journey of mental concentration. With meticulous precision, he assumed mastery over his body and mind, cultivating a state of absolute control and synchronization.

Within the recesses of his consciousness, Grey entertained a myriad of theories regarding Luna's unique breathing method. Perhaps it served as a conduit for harnessing and amplifying ambient mana, or maybe it facilitated a harmonious alignment of mind, body, and spirit. Whatever the case, Grey was determined to unravel the enigma, his pursuit of knowledge propelling him ever closer to enlightenment.

Luna paused in her movements, her attention arrested by Grey's serene presence as he sat upon the floor, his posture a portrait of tranquil focus, his eyes veiled in a veil of deep meditation. His unwavering dedication piqued her curiosity, prompting her to silently observe, her mind a whirlwind of questions and wonder. She had noticed his intense scrutiny of her movements and postures earlier, leading her to speculate that he was unraveling some profound mystery hidden within the fabric of their training.

With each passing minute, Grey remained ensconced in his meditative state, the very air around him seeming to respond to his presence. Luna's acute senses detected a subtle shift in the atmosphere, a weightiness descending upon the room, accompanied by an ethereal dance of pure mana converging towards Grey. His breaths became a rhythmic cadence, in sync with the pulsating flow of mana coursing through his being, infusing him with an otherworldly vitality and vigor.

Suddenly, a seismic change rippled through the surroundings, catching Luna off guard. The altered rhythm of Grey's breath and the swirling currents of mana around him left her momentarily speechless, her mind struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what was unfolding before her. In a burst of disbelief, she cried out, her voice resonating through the training area like a thunderclap, "IMPOSSIBLE!"

"How can you use that technique?!" Luna demanded, her voice trembling with incredulity, her eyes wide with awe and disbelief. Yet, despite her protestations, Grey remained steadfast, his focus unyielding as he continued to harness the pure mana energies that danced around him.

Meanwhile, in the adjacent room, Luna was in the midst of preparing a humble meal when she heard her namesake's cry of disbelief, her heart leaping within her chest at the unexpected turn of events.

She stopped what she was doing and swiftly disappeared, heading towards the source of the cry. Though she recognized the voice, her curiosity urged her on, eager to witness the cause of such a startling reaction.

In an instant, she materialized beside Luna, whose face betrayed disbelief. Lyra couldn't help but ask, her gaze fixed on Luna, "What's happened? What could make you shout like that?"

Luna remained silent, her eyes locked on Grey, who was deeply focused on his breathing. Following Luna's gaze, Lyra observed Grey and was astounded by what she saw. Pure mana flowed towards him like a stream, as if he were a magnet drawing in the surrounding energy. "How?" she whispered in awe, her voice barely audible, mirroring Luna's speechlessness.

A look of understanding dawned on Lyra's face as she grasped the gravity of the situation. "Luna, is he really doing what I think he is?" she asked, still processing the astonishing scene before her.

Luna nodded, her expression a mix of amazement and disbelief. "Yes, the technique Grey is using is one of the most difficult and powerful breathing techniques, named Celestial Harmony, from the time when Aakash was still prosperous,. It took me, a so-called genius in martial arts, many years to comprehend and master it. And here, this little boy is defying everything I thought I knew."

Lyra shook her head in disbelief. "How is that possible? He's just a child."

"I don't know," Luna admitted, her eyes never leaving Grey. "But he's doing it. He's breaking every rule, every expectation. It's incredible."

Lyra took a deep breath, still trying to wrap her head around it. "We have to support him, Luna. If he can master this, he could change everything for us."

Luna nodded, determination settling in her eyes. "You're right. We need to help him in every way we can."

Just as she said this, another change swept through the surroundings, more intense and overwhelming than before. A massive stream of mana began to flow into Grey's body, purifying every part of him. His body started to levitate, shimmering with radiant rainbow hues, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

Lyra and Luna watched in awe, their eyes wide with astonishment. "This is unprecedented," Lyra whispered, her voice filled with wonder.

Luna nodded, unable to tear her gaze away from the extraordinary scene. "He's not just mastering the technique—he's transcending it," she murmured, her tone a mix of disbelief and admiration.

As Grey continued to absorb the mana, his entire form glowing with an ethereal light, both women knew they were witnessing something truly extraordinary, a moment that would redefine their understanding of power and potential.

Hi there,

I'm looking for some feedback on my story so far. Here are a few specific questions I'd love your thoughts on:

What do you think of the overall plot so far? Is it engaging and easy to follow?

Are there any parts of the story where the pacing feels too fast or too slow?

Grey_heavencreators' thoughts