
The Mage with an Existential Crisis (Hololive Fanfic)[Under Rewrite]

A story of old, wherein demons, magic, and all sorts of supernatural exists. A story that told about the truth of the world, uncovering its myths and mysteries. A story of an all powerful mage searching for his purpose in the vast world, searching, for a place to call home. A story where Hololive Idols are more than just idols. +----------------+ A/N: Yahallo! I have decided to post this here as well, since its what I'm currently writing upon. As for those who have read my previous books, whichever it is. I still haven't found a single ounce of motivation or ideas in my bones to continue them for now. I'll occassionally write on the drafts, but for now. I present you my latest work, I haven't seen much Hololive fanfics around, so I decided to make one. I don't own Hololive, the idols, or anything that may came along them. I only own my OC, and probably the plot(?). For those who are wondering if this is a harem or not. Big no. I can't write harems, as simple as that. Some Idols, or hololive girls might be a bit OOC/out of character since I'm not that good to perfectly imitate how they act. Hope you guys enjoy.

Fumuyoshi · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Why Won't You Appear?!

"Hey idiot, yeah you, fuck you!!" = Conversations

'Idiot?! Me?! I hate this guy...!' = Thoughts

"Begone Thot!" = Spells, Attacks, Rage moments, demonic forms, yada yada yada. You get the point.


Enma's POV

"Feltiore City. It has been a while since I visited this lovely place." I mused to myself while looking around and spotting the different stalls of fishermen selling the fishes they caught with great effort today.

Various houses decorated the sides of the streets along with some inns, restaurants, stalls, and more. Carriages run to and fro in the middle of the streets, away from the bystanders to make sure no accident will happen.

Seagulls were flying up above occasionally dropping 'bombs' on any unlucky soul.

"Well I don't like you coming around often Enma boyo, you always bring trouble with you."

I chuckled lightly before blowing a raspberry at Marine. She glared at me when I did so.

"Come on now Marine, I'm not THAT bad, right?" A deafening silence just then enveloped our group as they all stared at me with blank expressions.

"Right, shutting up now."

I grumbled to myself. Looking down, I softly smiled as I gazed at Gura's passed-out form.

"We're here peko." Pekora's voice snapped me out of my trance and looked up.

In front of us is a huge mansion, practically dwarfing the size of most houses in Feltiore.

I smiled as nostalgia filled my body, soon enough we walked through the open gates and found ourselves in front of a cute short maid.

"Welcome home, Master." She said while bowing simultaneously at me.

"It's been a while Aqua."

I smiled fondly as her face practically lit up like fireworks on New Year. Her pink and blue hair is still tied into twin tails for as long as I have remembered.

I then noticed the refined amount of magicka essence flowing inside her and in her core. I went forward and patted her head.

"Come now, I missed your special made tea ya know?"

Aqua squeaked the moment my hand touched her head, it seems that Aqua is still shy when it comes to human contact.

I shook my head before noticing Pekora looming behind my shoulder.

"Konpeko Peko, Aqua-tan!"

Aqua's eyes lit up in recognition before fear settled in. I mused to myself as to how much Pekora has traumatized people. I wonder if she was even aware that she did traumatized people.


"Awe, don't be peko-like that peko. We've peko-known each other for so long now peko!" Aqua, however, was still unconvinced as I watched the two of them circle around me.

Aqua backing away from Pekora, and Pekora chasing after Aqua. Reminds me a lot of the old days.

"Ehem! We have injuries to take care of Enma." I jumped slightly as Amelia coughed from the side.

I sheepishly smiled at her and patted Aqua and Pekora.

"Now now you two, let's all get inside first so Aqua can heal our injuri-"

"You're injured, Master?! Quick come in, I need to heal you. Who dares to injure you, hmph! I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind when I ever meet them! Hmph hmph!"

I was pulled inside the mansion by Aqua, I tried to pry off from her, but her grip on my arm is unusually strong.

'You've become stronger Aqua. ' I thought to myself as I felt calluses on her palms, while I noticed the slightly hidden scars around her arms.

I looked at her back and thought about the first time I met Aqua. Back then, she was a slave.

A plaything for nobles to be used. She was one of the first slaves I have freed from the clutches of the nobles. At first, she didn't trust me, I understood why and I didn't pry.

Then all of a sudden, the next morning she was all clingy and wouldn't leave my side.

I remember Pekora always having an argument with her about sticking at my side.

"Here Master, sit. I'll treat you now." I placated Aqua's panicked movements by patting her head.

"Heal Gura first Aqua. I'll be fine, these are just scratches to me. Gura needs more attention." She nodded slowly and took a deep breath to calm down.

I nodded before setting Gura down on the couch. I took a step back and let Aqua do her magicka.

Pekora and the others approached and watched by the side, I took this time to look around the house I once lived in.

Everything seemed spotless, the ceramic vases, the chandelier, the candle holders on the walls, the picture frames, and even the doorknobs are spotless of dust.

I looked back to Aqua and stared at her face. I chuckled lightly at the look of concentration plastered on her face as her hand glowed in azure hue.

Slowly but surely, it enveloped Gura's sleeping form and the bruises and cuts that she received from the earlier fight with Cthulhu and Ina are healing.

I breathed in relief that I didn't know I was holding back. I felt the heavy feeling weighing on my shoulder disappeared. After that, the world spun, the colors became too bright and vibrant. Then it was black.


The moment I woke up in a bed, I knew that I passed out due to exhaustion.

Using that Lightning Armor took a major toll on my body, the fact that I used my self-made magicka after probably made it even worse.

I groaned as my throat felt parched and dry, I reached out and about to see if there is any water glass nearby.

However, a soft sensation was instead transferred from my right palm. I blinked in confusion only to realize that it was a hand.

"Pekora..." I turned my head to the side and gazed softly at Pekora's sleeping face.

'Cute.' I reached out and pinched her cheek softly.

I smiled as she took hold of my hand in her sleep and bit on my index finger.


"That's not a carrot Pekora."

I sat up and whispered to her bunny ears. They twitched surely before springing up.

"You're awake peko!"

"Oof!" I was forced to lie back down again as Pekora practically became a missile and burrowed her way into my arms.

"I-I was so peko-scared when you just suddenly dropped on the ground peko."

My arms snaked around Pekora's and hugged her tightly. I rubbed her back soothingly as her cries slowly grew weak.

"You should know better than most that I blacked out whenever I use taxing spells or forms of magicka right?" Pekora glared at me and head-butted me.

"Ow, why did you headbutt me all of a sudden?"

Pekora only pouted and buried her head into my chest again. I sighed softly and looked out the window.

The sea breeze was blowing outside as the night sky lit up in a magnificent luster under the luminescence of the stars and constellations.

"Come on now Pekora. I'm hungry, I'm sure Aqua has prepared a sumptuous meal by now."

"Fine peko. But I'm peko-sleeping with you tonight peko. Don't you peko-dare argue with me peko."

I raised my hands in defeat as we both stood up from the bed and made our way down the kitchen.

A soft humming was heard when we're just a few feet away from the kitchen.

Pekora and I glanced at each other and I saw the nostalgic look in her eyes. I probably have the same look as well.

We slowly tiptoed our way around the corner and peeked inside the kitchen. There, we saw Aqua humming to herself as she threw various ingredients into a pot before stirring.

I watched with a smile as an image of a much younger version of Aqua appeared beside her. Doing the exact same movements, humming the exact same tunes, and being clumsy as she tipped over a jar of pepper.

"Ah pepper no!" With a burst of speed, Pekora appeared right on time to catch the jar of pepper.

"Gotcha peko! Here, let me peko-help peko." I smiled at their interaction as I leaned on the door frame and crossed my arms in front of me.

I watched them coordinate with each other without saying a word. No wasted movements, pure muscle memory.

"Brings back memories..." I then felt my shirt being pulled, looking down to the side, Gura smirked at me.

"Heya dumb sharky looks like you are fine now."

Gura punched my side when I called her dumb, and I feigned that it hurt. A few seconds or so, we giggled at our stupidity.

I put my hand on Gura's head and petted her. She always loves it when I do this to her.

"You feeling okay now Enma-nii? I know that using those spells repeatedly is very taxing on your body. And from what I've heard, you even used your own special spell."

"I'll be fine sharky, what about you? I hit you pretty hard earlier with your trident. Does your side still hurt?"

Gura flashed her sharp teeth at me and gave me a big thumbs up.

"All good chum!" I chuckled lightly and patted her head.

"I smell something delicious, is dinner about to be served?"

Gura and I looked back and saw Amelia stretching her arms above her head. I looked away immediately as I noticed that her rather, ehem, bountiful chest was pressing tightly on her uniform that it might just pop.

"Yeah, dinner is about to be served. The diner is right that way, Gura show her da wae."

Gura hummed in agreement before motioning Amelia with her hands. I glanced at the corner of my eyes and found them walking away while chatting amiably.

I smiled at that, Gura needs more friends and Amelia might just fit the bill. Ina too, if we can save her in time.

I soon shook away those depressing thoughts as I felt two presence approaching.

"Ah Marine, Suisei, you two are he....re?" I blinked in confusion as I stared at their sweaty and disheveled forms.

"I won't judge but could've you at least wait after dinner?"

I watched in amusement as Suisei looked like a cat whose tail got stepped on.

Marine, on the other hand, blushed intensely at my accusation.

"Y-you got it wrong Enma! I was practicing with my Axecutioner!"

"I see, I understand Suisei. I really do."


I looked away from her and stared at Marine.

"What about you? Don't tell me that you were actually- oof!"

I held Marine's hat as she threw it at me in her flustered form.

"N-no! I'm not doing anything you erogaki!"

I looked at her in disgust as I smelled a peculiar scent on her hat.

"Sure, whatever you say, Marine."

I dodged out of the way as she lunged at me, doing so her face met with the doorframe and crashed with it.

"Well, dinner is served. Marine get your ass up and take Suisei to the diner room. I'll help Pekora and Aqua take the food there."

Marine stood up and rubbed her slowly reddening face while glaring at me. She lead Suisei towards the diner room while grumbling under her breath.

I shook my head in exasperation before turning my attention back to the cooking duo, only to find them smiling at me.

"Let's have dinner shall we?"

