
The mafias who fall in love with assassins [love shot]

Black hand is a powerful mafia organization under Naxus Helios, consisting of five special assassins; Spade Raxez, Jeisz Astele, Vash Lovent, Caden Larsen and Thalia Vellir. His girlfriend named Aztreya Grandiosrel was killed by Shinize Arcella and Katana Arcella, more known as the Arcella duo. And that's the start of his true love story as well for the other characters.

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|[love shot]| /teaser/

''Your lips are the gun, your dazzling eyes are the trigger, your smiles are the bullets, which fuckin shoot me repeatedly. It's the love shot, baby.'' - Naxus Helios.

''If you think your rough edges are no good for me, you've forgotten that the goddess of love, was born out of the raging sea.'' - Shinize Arcella.

''The furthest distance in the world ain't from life to death, but when I stand in front of you, yet you don't know that I love you.'' - Vash Lovent.

''I believe I am a warrior, slaying witches and dragons. I'm a fighter running off on my own." - Vera Leinzi.

''My feelings for you states the Newton's law of universal gravitation. I'm the earth and you're the sun, you mesmerized me by your luminous glamour that's why I've been persuaded to keep chasing you around because of what I felt.'' - Spade Raxez.

''There can be no blue without yellow and orange. No me without you.'' - Katana Arcella.

''Don't be overly confident when a guy tells you he like you. The issue is, until when? Candidly, as seasons change, so do people and feelings. Last but not least, like and love don't have the same meaning.'' - Amethyst Grandiosrel.

Pardon me for some grammatically incorrects. I am a Filipina and I am not so good at English. I'm still working on the process of becoming great. I hope you'll enjoy reading.

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