

‘The park at the same place at 4pm as discussed.’ He said hanging up.

She put her phone down. Luca locked at her. ‘Is it set?’


‘Are you sure you don’t want my men there?’

‘I’m sure Luca. It’s best if I do this on my own. He won’t be happy if he knows I lied to him again. I want them home safe.

‘So he doesn’t know where Matteo is?’


‘He’s safe Alora. We had no choice but to send him there, he nearly burnt the school down. God knows what was going on in that head of his.’

‘He’s out of control Luca and I’m to blame.’

‘No you’re not. He chose to light the match and drop it on the gasoline not you. You can’t keep blaming yourself for his actions and his stupidity.’

‘Well I do.’

‘Well don’t. He’s in a correctional centre. He’s getting the best help possible.’

‘What if he finds him Luca?’

‘He won’t the security is top spec I made damn sure they were.’

‘What about Marco, what if Raven finds him?’