
The Mafia Hunter

Charles Parker, a well-known private investigator/detective, alongside his bestfriend and police officer, Kyline Mendoza, work together to hunt one of the most dangerous mafias in the city, and wants justice for his mother, Rio Gonzales-Parker who is a survivor from the hands of the mafia she despises, Lorenzo Kim. As Charles and Kyline do their jobs as mafia hunters, they have developed their feelings, causing Charles to think if he would risk her as they hunt for the guy who ruined his mother. Will he be able to protect his love ones from this world that they're going to enter?

babypammy24 · Tổng hợp
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5 Chs

#4 Pay Father's Debt (part 1)


After a few minutes, we arrived at the cemetery to visit mom. Rio was staring at the window the whole time, looking at the distance and spacing out. I wonder what she was dreaming about a while ago. I know it was about mom, but what is it about mom that made her cry in her sleep?

I suddenly feel guilty about what's gonna happen, especially after what dad has said to me a few days ago. Could she still handle the pressure that she's going to face? Rio, forgive me, for what's going to happen to you. There's nothing I can do for now. But believe me, I don't want any of this to happen. To our family, especially you.

I tapped her shoulder, signaling that we have arrived. "Rio, we're here." I told her. She flinched a little, blinking a few times to make her come back to reality after spacing out. "Oh, okay." she replied. "Are you okay?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. "Okay. But if there's something bothering you, just tell me, okay? You know that I'm always here for you, Sis."

She chuckled and nodded. "Okay, thank you Jamie. You're really grown up now." "I always am, you just treat me like a kid." I replied, and we both laugh. "So, let's go?" She nodded and we both got out of the car.

We stopped once we had reach mom's tombstone. Rio placed the flowers beside it, while I was lighting the candle. After a while, we stare at the tombstone before talking.

"Hey mom, it's been a while. And I really miss you..." I stop and held my medal before talking again, while trying to hold my tears. "...I finally did it mom. I use to tell you that I can't get this award, probably because in my mind, I can't do it. But you gave me the courage to work and study hard, even though I would sometimes doubt myself. But mom, even though I have receive this award, how come I still feel like a wimp?" Rio suddenly walk in front of me, and hug me. I just let myself cry, knowing that I feel so vulnerable. Why can't I be brave enough to protect them? First, mom. then dad, but knowing that it's his fault that he got involved into an unbelievable situation and he even drag me into this. Lastly, I can't even protect my own sister, whom I look up to when I feel so down, now she gets into this trouble because of dad. What have I done wrong to be in this situation?


I hugged him, knowing that he really needs it right now, While rubbing his back, he just broke down, and I just let him. Believe it or not, even though dad , being proud of him, Jamie still feels like he's the most vulnerable member of the family. And besides me his sister, mom was there to encourage him. Now that she's gone, he's been so down lately. And I feel guilty for not often being there for him because of my studies.

"Don't say that Jamie. You're not a wimp." I assure him. I broke the hug and wipe his tears with my thumb. "And I'm so sorry for not being there for you. I would've been there when you needed me. But you know how busy I was. Taking care of mom's business that she left, and my studies. But believe me when I say that I'm always thinking of you. Whenever I'm in school, I always wonder if you're doing okay in school, or are you getting into trouble, which I know you wouldn't because you're not like that.' he chuckled at that, which made me smile. "Just to remind you Jamie. Whatever happens, always remember that I'm always thinking of you. You and dad, are very important to me. And it hurts me a lot knowing that you guys have been a little off lately."

Jamie suddenly avoided eye contact, but I lifted his chin, with a confused expression on my face. "Is there something wrong Jamie?" I suddenly ask. "Yeah, I'm fine... Can I ask you something? Just don't be mad at me okay?" I got confused, but I just nodded, curious about what he's going to say. "Rio, what if there will come a time where..." he suddenly stop. "Where what?" I asked. "Let's just say dad, did something that's disappointing. And he had to sacrifice something, even if that includes us. Will you get mad at him?"

My eyes widen at the sudden question. What does he mean? Why is he asking me this? Did dad got into trouble that I didn't know of?

Instead, I answer his question. "I might. But it's not like he wouldn't do that, right Jamie? I mean dad loves us so much that he will do anything for us. He will never do that." He avoid eye contact again, and I ask him one question. "Jamie, what is really going on?" It took him a while to answer. Then, he look at me again with tears now appearing in his eyes.

"Rio, I overheard dad the other night... he's..."

"He's what Jamie?" I suddenly grab his shoulders.

"He's gonna sell you out Rio. I'm sorry... I had nothing to do with this, he just told me not to tell you. But I can never lie to you. I'm really sorry." He burst into tears, and so did I.

My heart dropped at what he said. "Why would dad do that? How could he do that to me, his own daughter?" "I don't know the reason. But believe me, I don't know anything about this. I just knew it the other night, and he just told me not to tell you." Jamie replied.

I don't know why dad hid this from me. But one thing I know, is that he never shares stuff about the company to me, knowing that he wants me to concentrate on my studies. But why dad? Why sell out your own daughter?

"Get in the car." I told Jamie. "Why? Are you mad at me?" "No, I wanna talk to mom in private. Don't worry, I'm fine." I assured him. He left to start the car. I look back at mom's tombstone, while closing my eyes trying not to cry again. "Mom, is this the reason why you told me to prepare the pain that I'm going to face? Do you know about this as well? Mom, please tell me that this is a nightmare." I couldn't help myself, and just let the tears fall from my cheeks. But still, I won't let them get away with this. "Mom, you told me to be stronger, and I will. Just promise me that you'll be there." I kissed one of the roses and placed it near her tombstone, and left knowing where I was headed.

Dad, it's time for me to know what you have been hiding from me.

It's time...

To reveal the real you, Father.