
The Mafia boss wants the bad girl

Cold_Silence · Thành thị
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2 Chs


Zoey and Aubree drove to the mall and they started looking for whatever they needed. Aubree always knew she got covered by her best friend when it came to shopping and going to parties. Zoey was the bag man who liked to spend money carelessly but she didn't care because she had a lot to waste anyways. She came from a super rich family and the amount she wasted couldn't be compared to the amount her family has. But again she was just spoiled, being the only child was a big advantage to her and she got anything she wanted.

Aubree herself came from an average family and she depended on her salary to cater for her needs. The small amount of money she earned from her art studio was her salary. Her mother was not the best when it came to her because she always felt that hatred she had towards her but she was long used to it and came to terms with it. She's been used to being a lone wolf who doesn't need support and so far it's been great. Her don't give a shit attitude has also contributed to the progress she's had and being where she was. At least she had achieved something even if it was something small. Her art studio was her small achievement. She likes to draw and owning it was the best thing that could happen in her life.

"What the hell are you thinking about Bree?"Zoey got Aubree from the trance she had fallen into.

"I'm moving out."Aubree suddenly said returning the shirt she was holding back to the display clothing rack.

Zoey blinked a bit confused at Aubree's sudden declaration because she couldn't call that a statement."don't you like this clothing store? We can look for another, there are many in the mall. Or we can go to....."

Aubree chuckled making Zoey pause talking."I'm not talking about the clothing store. I want to move out of my mom's house. I want to live alone."Aubree corrected smiling.

"What? I mean why? Are you sure? That's quite a big decision babe have you thought about it well?"Zoey asked worried that Aubree is making impulsive decisions.

"Those are too many questions and I know what you are thinking. I am not impulsive. This is something I have been thinking about and I think it's time I move out. I'm grown now I don't have to live with my mother and brother under the same roof."Aubree smiled wrapping her arms around Zoey's shoulders to assure her everything is fine.

"Your brother just visits. It's not like he's always there."Zoey gave her a side look.

"It feels like he's always there."Aubree drove them out of the store and they walked to the next one. Shopping today felt a bit off. So far they had not found anything they liked.

Zoey picked up her phone when she heard it ringing but Aubree didn't get her hands off so she answered it with Aubree hovering over her.

"Yes..." she said and then kept quiet to hear what the person on the other end was saying." yeah sure... we'll be there." she said again." Yeah, she's here with me and we'll be there by what time again?"Zoey looked at Aubree smiling."okay, eight it is then. Bye." she hung up the phone.

Aubree raised a brow at her inquiring what the call was about and why she was part of their conversation.

"It's Mike from last weekend. He has another lit party and he has invited us."Zoey happily said.

"Yeah right....was he asking for me or what?"Aubree asked and Zoey looked at her.

"Let me guess, you don't remember who Mike is."Zoey chuckled. She knew Aubree too well.

"If I don't remember him that only means he's lame as hell and not my type. But whatever, we'll hit his party like it's ours like we always do."Aubree said and Zoey nodded.

"Maybe you'll have someone to smash tonight."Zoey winked at Aubree teasing her.

"Talk for yourself bitch. I don't need anyone to smash me."Aubree got her arms around Zoey.

"I've been smashed babe, by plenty of guys. You are the Virgin one who needs a dick in her life. It's ironic how of a baddie you are yet you are so innocent when it comes to sex. You should...."Aubree covered Zoey's mouth with her palm to stop her from talking anymore.

She looked around and dragged her stupid friend along with her."let's get the outfits for the party instead of talking about some bullshit."Aubree said and Zoey smiled but she didn't say anything when Aubree uncovered her mouth. She knew Aubree is shy about sex topics sometimes. Maybe it's because she's a virgin.

They shopped around quickly and Aubree got the new sunglasses that she wanted then Zoey drove them to her house because Aubree refused to go to her house knowing her brother would start his drama again especially when he hears she is going to a party.

"Nobody is home, though my mom would be happy to meet you if she was around, "Zoey said as they got in the house and the butler welcomed them home.

"Yeah...no..your mom just thinks I'm cool and dope that's probably the reason she likes me. And also the fact that I'm getting her nerdy daughter out of the shell."Aubree chuckled watching Zoey glare at her.

"I'm not a nerd, well maybe under the water but nowadays I'm not. I'm a complete bad girl like you now."Zoey said and Aubree shrugged. She knew Zoey will always be a nerd no matter how she fits in her world. She too has a nerdy personality under the water but she doesn't let it show.

They reached Aubree's room and immediately they closed the door, they heard a knock. Zoey opened the door to be met by the butler.

"Miss Zoey, would you and miss Aubree like something to eat or drink?" he politely asked.

"I want any kind of food ready James."Aubree immediately replied and Zoey looked at her." What? I'm fucking starving." she said.

Zoey looked at James their butler and smiled." Just bring me a glass of juice and some fruits." she said and James nodded then he looked at Aubree.

"Miss Aubree, would you like chocolate cake? It's the only thing ready, the maids just finished baking it."

"Hell yes James, cake is super fine and an apple juice please."Aubree said dropping on the bed then James left." Don't say a word Zoey, I go to the gym to maintain my shape though it's not like I gain weight if eat too much junk."Aubree said.

Zoey sighed and joined Bree to bed." We should start getting ready. It's getting late."Zoey said.

Aubree nodded but signalled Zoey to go first." it's early but you can go ahead and get ready first. You take longer time anyways to get ready."Aubree said and Zoey stood up to leave but the door was knocked again."I'll open it."Aubree went to open the door while Zoey left for the bathroom

"Here is your cake miss Aubree." a maid said immediately after Aubree opened the door.

"Call me just Aubree please and thank you. That was super fast but it's great I'm starving."Aubree said and the maid smiled.

"You are welcome." the maid said and Aubree took the tray with the cake and their drinks and Zoey's fruits then she closed the door after the maid left.