It's almost dusk as Mama Luna stares far from the horizon while sipping her chamomile tea. She just finished her fifth cigarette for the day. It is an improvement compared to consuming a pack of Marlboro during her younger years. She sighs while holding her chest. The old reclining chair creaked when she moved. Mama Luna is now in her early 70's. Recently, her routine consists of staying at the balcony while waiting for her girls to approach her. Mama Luna sighs again as she took the last gulp of her tea. She slowly shook her head and closed her eyes. Her lips started to form a smile and she slowly leaned her back while still holding the empty cup. Mama Luna is trying to feel the humid wind passing through their lively city just like the good old times.
She was about to doze off when she heard Pink calling her. "Mama Luna?" she says with her sweet, young voice. The old woman opened her eyes and answered. Pink approached her and kissed her cheeks. Mama Luna greeted the sweet child and kissed her back. She then focused on looking at Pink's innocent, young porcelain face. The frail woman's mind suddenly wandered. She's thinking of all the girls she took under her custody. She was trying to recall all the faces that she trained to be the best prostitute- no, not a prostitute. She did not like that word. There's a bitter taste in her mouth every time she says that word. For her, prostitutes are at the lowest level of the sex workers' chain. They just put on their most revealing clothes and put on heavy make-up to hide their ugliness. Giving comfort to men is a form of art. As a woman, you need to bring joy and solace to any man that needs it. That's what she always tells her girls.
Mama Luna went back to reality and smiled at Pink. She asked her why she's looking for her. Pink sniffed and her cheeks are turning red. Then, she started to shiver and tears come running down her cheeks.
"I'm not ready, Mama."
The sweet, old woman stretched out her arms and she motioned Pink to kneel and to just embrace her. Pink even cried harder as her face is buried between Mama Luna's breasts. "There, there. Cry it out, baby. It's okay. Shh..." Mama Luna started to hum a tune that's similar to everyone's who's working under her. The tune that always calms anyone who hears it. It is a magic spell.
It's common for some girls to want to back out for their first encounter and their Madam always knows what to do. She would let them cry first and she would rock them in her arms making sure they feel secure. Mama would then explain that they will not be forced to have sexual contact with their client. In the first place, the reason why men hire escorts is to have a gorgeous woman accompany them to lavish events to boost their confidence. It is the option if their wives became old, fat, and wrinkly. Bringing a distasteful wife on such occasions will just stain the men's reputation.
As she wipes the tears of Pink, she remembers how she became the mama-san or the madam of the escorts. How she successfully established the Moon Lounge to be the haven for adults who thirst for the company of plump, young women, and if lucky, they could scratch the itch they've been longing to end.
It was thirty years ago when Mama Luna was still known as Jamila Davis. She was born and raised in the slum area of the vibrant city known as Dos Rios or two rivers in English. She's African-American and during her youth, she has always been in trouble due to rampant racism that she encounters daily. She never backed down. She would fight those who speak ill of her race. She's a feisty, strong woman that could bring down a grown man. She's around six feet and she has broad shoulders and hips that only add to her physical strength. Because of this, she's always in and out of jail. The police already know her and for some miraculous reason, they just release her the next day unscathed. Jamila becomes a free woman and when she again hears someone saying the 'n' word, the cycle repeats.
After reaching her 30's, she lied low and started to become a good citizen. She was able to maintain a good record and she was even recognized as someone worth emulating by the police authority. Her neighbors started to love and gain respect for her. Her strong sense of justice did not vanish, though. That's why she was appointed to be the representative of their minority class in the city.
It was one fateful day when she's passing by an alley and he heard a familiar voice. Jamila that time was heading home from work. Jamila rushed to see what's going on and she saw her cousin, Jacob. Also, for the first time, she's eye to eye with the henchmen of the biggest mafia family- the Peralta family. Everyone knows who they are and everyone knows not to mess with them. Jamila, trying to assess the situation, did not take a step further. She just stood just a meter away from the alley entrance if escape is needed. Meanwhile, Jacob keeps on talking. He wouldn't stop. His hands are in the air and he slowly went down on his knees. He keeps on explaining how it's not his fault the money's gone. There are two guys in front of Jacob, one of which is carrying a weapon. Jamila is trying to understand why her cousin would be involved with the mafia. Then it occurred to her. Three years ago, Jacob came home late with a smile on his face carrying food for the whole family. He then talked about landing a great job at the Moonstar Hotel and Casino. It made sense. The Peralta mafia owns the three biggest casino hotels in the city. She did not think of anything about it at first. She was just happy for her cousin that finally got decent employment. Now, her cousin might die in this dirty alley. She needs to do something.
She mustered courage and inhaled deeply. "Jacob!" she shouted. Jacob tried to turn his head to look at who yelled his name but it was too late. For Jamila, everything's happening so slow. Just as Jacob's eyes met hers, he got to say something to Jamila, "I'-m so-rry." The skinny guy then lifted his coat and pulled out a revolver. He aimed at Jacob's head. Her cousin started to shake and cry. He again confessed that he doesn't know anything. The other henchman turned his attention to Jamila. He smiled and slowly started walking towards her. The guy approaching opens his mouth and he was about to speak, Jamila heard the gun being cocked from behind. The sound echoed through the alley and it rang on Jamila's ears causing her to have an adrenaline rush. Within her peripheral vision, she saw something long and shiny. She quickly grabbed it and rushed toward the approaching guy. The coy smile on his face suddenly disappeared when he saw the black woman with a pipe about to attack him. He tried to back away but it's too late. The metal pipe hit his head so hard that his body flew and hit the side of the building. Blood started to ooze and at the guy's head and he became unconscious.
The skinny guy got rattled when he saw his partner lying down. He kicked Jacob and decided to shoot the woman first.
"You damn niggas! Don't mess with us!" he shouted at Jamila and he blindly took a shot. He thought he got her but the woman did not yield. She quickly ran and as she's about a meter away from the guy, she jumped and lifted the pipe she's holding. The skinny guy stood in fear but then remembered his gun. As he was about to fire another shot, Jamila strongly hit the skinny guy in the neck and she heard something crack followed by a thud. The skinny guy's body laid next to Jacob who's still kneeling.
Jamila's adrenaline rush was about to lapse as she was taking deep breaths while looking at her cousin. She did not know she still has the strength in her. She let go of the pipe and reached out her hand to his cousin. "We need to go." Jacob was still shaking but his cousin is correct. They need to get out of the place right away.
They took a different route going home. As they were under the river bridge, Jacob stopped Jamila. "You're bleeding." Jamila looked at where Jacob's looking. It's her right arm. She felt it with her left hand and she winced. "It's just a graze. There's cotton and alcohol at home." She tapped on Jacob's shoulder. He started to cry.
"I can't go home now. They will just find me and they will harm our family."
He's right. They might have already discovered the bodies and they are already searching for them. They couldn't risk getting caught. "I'll go with you."
"No. You need to go home and pretend nothing happened. They will not harm you if you say that I am not a family."
"Tell me the truth first. What did you do in the first place?"
"It's not me. It's the Romanos'. They are the cousins of the mafia boss." Jamila was shocked. She did not know what to make of it. She just wants to understand the reason the mafia is after him and soon, her and their family.
Jacob turned around and saw a big rock and took a seat. He placed his elbows on his knees and covered his face with his hands. He let out a deep sigh, removed his hands from his face, and started to talk again.
"Those two earlier are loyal to Romanos'. They are just pretending that they are investigating me but in fact, wanted to silence me. They're taking money from the casino."
Jamila pressed her wound. She is trying to be calm while listening to Jacob. Her cousin continued talking.
"I accidentally saw them packing up the money disguised as laundry one day. At the same time, the rumor of someone stealing from the mafia started."
"They thought of using you." Jacob nodded.
Jamila sighed. Then she smiled knowing that her cousin is innocent of the crime. She then told Jacob to hide in the meantime. She took the pen from Jacob's breast pocket and wrote something on his palm. "Go to this address. Ask for Marcus and tell him I sent you there. Go now while there's still sun. I will take care of our family."
Jacob nodded and hugged his older cousin. He started to walk away from Jamila. He looked back at her one last time.
It's already dark when Jamila reached their family compound. She opened the wire gate fence and entered the compound. She's almost near her house when she noticed something different. No one's outside. Her grandparents are not outside watching the children play. It's awfully quiet.
"Where's your cousin?" a raspy voice came out from the darkness. Jamila stood still. She's trying to assess the situation. She's trying to listen to other voices and sounds. She wants to know if her family is safe. If anything, she knows that she will die. She just wanted to make sure her family will not be harmed.
She heard footsteps behind her and she slowly turned around. It's Luca Peralta. She can recognize the scar on his forehead. It's been a rumor that the mafia boss has a scar on his forehead. People also say he's old as oak but the guy standing in front of him looks like they're about the same age. His sleek, black hair is combed neatly and pulled back. His almond eyes are tantalizing. Jamila's a bit taller than him but she feels overwhelmed by his presence.
"Can you speak?"
"Why did you not answer my question?"
"I don't know-" Jamila gulped. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"You see, Miss-" the boss motioned his hand towards her signaling to say her name. "Jamila," she answered.
"Miss Jamila, I seem to be losing money and my people think your cousin has something to do with it."
"He is a good kid. He will never bite the hands that feed him."
The mafia boss smiled, "Ah yes, of course. Loyalty." He started to take a step towards Jamila as he placed his hands behind his back.
"Miss Jamila, it might not be important information to you but I am the owner of the casino. It's rare for me to go outside this late. Unless it is something that interests me."
"You are also the mafia boss."
Luca chuckled. "Well, yes. It's flattering to know that you recognize me." Footsteps start to approach and surround them.
Jamila has no other plan but to say everything Jacob told her before someone shot her. As she was about to speak, someone went beside the mafia boss. He's wearing glasses and he dressed sharply. She's dead if that guy is the Romano that Jacob talked about. The glasses guy spoke.
"Tell us where Jacob is or we will slaughter everyone in this compound."
Jamila was then approached by two men and as they were about to touch her, she throws a punch and landed straight to the face of the man to her left. Three other henchmen then brought out their guns and pointed at Jamila waiting for their boss' signal.
The mafia boss waved his hand, "Put that down." They followed the order. Luca noticed the bloody right arm of Jamila.
"Where did you get that?"
"A skinny guy shot me earlier," she answered honestly.
"You bitch. You're the one who attacked my soldiers!" the guy with glasses growled.
"So, you're Romano?" Jamila now understood something. "You're the one who framed my cousin! You wanted to kill him so he wouldn't talk and just pass the blame on him. That's low."
"Why you-" the Romano guy pulled out his gun and pointed at the black woman. He wanted to end her life before she continues talking.
The mafia boss placed his hand on Angelo's shoulder. "Don't shoot her. I want to listen more to what she has to say."
Jamila did not take any chances. She started to speak again even without getting permission to talk. She needs to save herself and her family.
"Jacob saw them loading the stolen money pretending to be laundry. Please don't hurt my family. Kill me but spare my family."
"Why would we listen to a scum like you?" Angelo scoffed. "Let's just kill her boss. She's just stalling. We need to find the thief."
The boss was silent and took a few steps away from the center. He smacked his lips and he finally stopped walking. He's now beside the table where Jamila's grandparents would play chess. The chessboard was still there along with the pieces. The boss started to move some pieces around the board. He picked up a wooden chess piece and began to speak.
"Miss Jamila, I stopped killing people when I became the mafia boss." He then faced them. "I already have people that would do it for me anyway. Tell me, Miss Jamila, who should I order to be killed?"
Jamila did not think. She answered right away.
"You need to make sure that the right people will be killed. Those who stabbed you behind your back. If you still plan to kill me, I suggest you postpone it for the next hour. I also need to know if my cousin was lying because if he was, I'll gladly take my life in front of you."
The mafia boss seemed pleased with the answer. He motioned someone to make a call to confirm things. Angelo started to fidget. "I need to make a call as well. My son's waiting for me."
"Vincent will be fine, Angelo. What are you worried about?" Luca approached his cousin. Angelo just shook his head.
"Do you have tea, Miss Jamila?" Luca asked sweetly to Jamila. She said yes and casually invited them to her house. She mentioned that she only has chamomile. Luca answered that it's perfect to calm Angelo's nerves.
The three of them sat at the dining area while the henchmen are waiting outside. The mafia boss asked Jamila some questions like they're having a tea party. Angelo was just silent. He keeps on looking outside the window and glancing. He's very much nervous.
After what seemed to be forever for Angelo, someone approached the mafia boss to report what happened back at the casino.
When the mafia boss snapped his finger, the man pointed his gun at Angelo.
"What is this?"
"My first kill," answered the guy. Jamila just noticed how the young man resembles the mafia boss.
Bang! Thud. Jamila just looked at the lifeless body lying in her home. She did not shriek.
"I'm sorry if this happened here at your home, Miss Jamila. Perhaps I can-"
"Also, the three men outside pointed the gun at me earlier. They're loyal to the Romanos' for sure."
The guy with the gun nodded and went outside to shoot the remaining Romano loyalists.
The mafia boss stood and offered to shake hands with Jamila.
"Where are my family?"
"They're at Moonstar. I can give you a lift. Say, Miss Jamila. Why are you so confident that your cousin didn't do anything wrong? This dead man is my cousin and yet he betrayed me."
"You already confirmed that my cousin's innocent earlier. You said that you don't usually go outside but this one's interesting. My cousin would not be that interesting himself."
He let out a hearty chuckle. "Would you like to be part of the Peralta family?"
Jamila Davis accepted the offer and after a month, she was then known as Mama Luna.
"Mama Luna, please keep caressing my head."
Mama Luna laughed. "Oh, I'm sorry baby."
She continued to caress Pink's head and sensing that her youngest escort is not yet ready, she called for Olive to replace her. The young girl thanked Mama and that was the time that she smiled again. She confessed to Mama how she cannot be like Scarlet.
"Mama, I miss Scarlet."
"Me too, baby. Me too."