
The Mafia's queen: Entangled with a psycho.

[This book contains both matured contents and matured thoughts. P.S, this author is very shameless.] Of all the things that could possibly happen to her, the least one she expected was falling in love with an overbearing, conceited, rich mafia boss.~ .... ' Becca, you will be mine, all mine and there's no where to run. You can't escape from me.' Becca Ramus, a beautiful young woman who's only wish for herself was to have a simple and easy life but it seemed her wish wasn't quite granted as she was born an illegitimate child of a rich womanizing businessman whose wife, Regina, is a cold-hearted tyrant. She left Massachusetts to New York to build her own business empire but somehow gets the attention of a dangerous mafia boss, who is hell-bent on keeping her as his woman. Leo Kane, a very good looking rich businessman, who is also a dangerous Mafia boss. He meets Becca and falls hard for her, harder than the fall the devil had when he fell from heaven. He becomes determined to get her at all cost and claim her as his woman. The question is will he succeed? " Oh, you should have known me by now Becca, I never lose." He said with a smirk while caressing her face with his hands. Hello guys, welcome to my very first novel . Please check it out and have a great time. please pardon my grammar errors. Thanks This book contains a lot of harsh abusive language and violent scenes so read at your own risk.

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Chapter Twenty Six: Cursed chair

" That's insane and doesn't even make any sense. If you are worried about what you will feel when you see him again then it's easy, just get drunk and kiss him again." Kristina said with a grin, showing off her pearly whites.

" You are not helping!" Becca huffed. "What would he think of me now?"

" I'm not trying to help," Kristina responded, still trailing behind Becca.

" Woah! And the award for the best sister goes to....." Becca said in the most sarcastic tone she could muster. They reached the stables, Becca's eyes searched the entire place until she saw what she was looking for. A shovel. It was on the ground and she walked towards it, picked it up, and started digging.

" What in the name of flying pigs are you doing?" Kristina asked, folding her arms over her chest.

" Digging my grave, what does it look like? This will be the final resting place of Rebecca Ramus." Becca explained and Kristina rolled her eyes.

" This is childish, You can't be serious." When Becca didn't respond and kept digging, Kristina walked up to her and yanked the shovel out of her hands.

" Hey, give it back!" Becca whined, earning herself a glare from Kristina.

" One more word from you and I will be the one putting you in that hole. Why do you care so much about what he thinks, huh? You are a grown woman who is allowed to kiss whoever she wants even if it's Leo's scummy self." Kristina said, staring straight at her sister who averted her gaze to stare at the ground.

Becca felt like a little kid being scolded by her mother and truth be told, she didn't know why she was stressing so much about it. It's not like she intended to kiss Leonardo's fine ass lips, it just happened.

She could always pretend like she didn't remember but the thing was that he would. Becca didn't want him to have a bad impression of her. She didn't want one of the richest men in America, who she also kinda had a crush on, to see her as an easy woman who would willingly kiss just anyone when she was drunk.

" You are acting like you inconvenienced him when he probably liked it more than you did," Kristina said, biting her lips to suppress the laugh that was threatening to come out.

" Kris!" Becca glared at her. " Give me the shovel!"

" Hahaha...Wait, do you know how funny your face looks like right now? This is priceless. Damn! Where is my phone? I need a picture." Kristina searched her pockets for her phone. Taking it out, she clicked a quick picture of Becca looking extremely angry.

" This is so rich." Kristina laughed, wiping fake tearing from her eyes.

" I can see you are enjoying yourself," Becca grumbled.

" Of course, very much actually. Best birthday present ever." Kristina responded and Becca paused. She had totally forgotten to wish Kristina a happy birthday. " You forgot to wish me," Kristina added.

" I'm so sorry, I totally forgot." Now Becca felt awful. She was so wrapped up in her own problem that she completely forgot her sister's birthday.

" How would you remember when you were busy recalling how Leo's lips taste like." Kristina blurted out and all Becca could think of was ' how did she know that I was reliving the moment? Could she read minds or something?'

" Please stop teasing me, I already said I was sorry." Becca finally put two and two together and realized that Kristina might have been doing all this to get back at her for forgetting her birthday.

Becca knew it was all her fault but wasn't this too much of a punishment.

" Let's go inside, I'm hungry. You wouldn't want to starve your little sister, would you?" Becca asked, batting her lashes cutely at her sister. Trying to coax Kristina into letting her go from her teasing clutches.

Becca only hoped that Kristina wouldn't be shameless enough to tease her in front of everyone inside but knowing who her sister was, she was more than capable.

Seeing as Kristina relented, Becca took her by the wrist and dragged her towards the house before she changed her mind. They went straight to the dining area, seeing Johnny and their parents already seated, Becca went ahead and sat on the seat Johnny pulled out for her.

" It's nice that you both decided to join us. Where were you?" Nathaniel asked, with his eyes curiously looking at both his daughters, first Kristina then Becca.

Kristina opened her mouth to say something but judging from the teasing glint that danced in her eyes and the wicked smile she was giving Becca, she was probably going to say something that would only make her sister more embarrassed than she already was.

Before the words could roll out of Kristina's mouth, Becca quickly cut her off.

" We were playing, running. You know, we might be adults but very much kids at heart, right Kris?" Becca turned to her sister, staring at her with pleading eyes.

" Right" Kristina responded with the wicked smile still on her lips and Becca heaved a sigh of relief, thinking she was free but didn't comprehend the saying ' from the frying pan into the fire ' until she heard Johnny speak.

" Hey Becca, I don't remember seeing you at the party. I know I arrived late but I stayed till the end and didn't see you even once so where were you?"

" Yeah, it's like you just disappeared after I saw you with Liam. I did see him with Kristina after that, so where were you then? Regina also asked, making Becca feel cornered.

" I went out for fresh air." Came Becca respond.

" For more than an hour?" Regina doubtfully asked, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

Becca nervously gulped and glanced to her left where Kristina sat beside her, happily eating her food like she was deriving pleasure from her sister's torture.

Sisters! How cruel they could be.

" You know how I am, I got distracted and started staring at the midnight sky," Becca said, trying to hide her nervousness from them.

Becca knew Johnny and her stepmother, if they were to find out that she had gotten drunk and Leo Kane had made a move on her in that state, a war would definitely break out and heads would roll. Knowing how overprotective they both were, she was sure they would go berserk and things never ended well when they did.

Becca was still trying to stay calm when she heard Kristina clear throat. Her eyes instantly flew in Kristina's direction as she saw her taking a glass of water closer to her lips and said in a low voice.

" And apparently ended up kissing it too." She said and though it was too low for the rest of the people seated around the table to hear, it was still loud enough for Becca to hear clearly.

Kristina was doing this intentionally and sometimes Becca would ask herself what she did in her past life to deserve such a sister like Kristina.

Becca guessed her response was more than enough to clear both her brother's and stepmother's suspicions since they didn't bother asking any more questions.

The agonizing breakfast was soon over and Becca was the first person to leave the table, not wanting to spend a second more there. She went back to her room and called Navaya again. Once she picked up, Becca told her bestie everything and as expected, Navaya squealed loudly like a hyperactive teenager. Saying that her predictions for Becca were slowly coming true and some other love-related shit that Becca didn't pay much attention to.

The remaining days Becca had for her vacation passed by fast and she couldn't have been more grateful for it. With all her things packed, she said goodbye to her parents. Although Regina had insisted that she take the private jet but Becca politely refused. Becca's refusal made Regina upset with " what's the use of making money for my children when they won't even use it?" being her exact words.

Becca wasn't bothered by her stepmother being upset or her tantrums, she knew it wasn't Regina's first time being upset and it wasn't going to be the last.

Johnny drove her to the airport where they hugged and said goodbye to each other. She then boarded the plane, first class again, her stepmother made sure.

The stewardess showed her to her seat and her jaw literally dropped to the floor when she saw who she would be sitting next to. Even when the stewardess left, Becca stayed rooted to the spot, staring at the person sitting on the seat next to hers. The person she would give everything not to see for the meantime but there he was, sitting right in front of her.

Leonardo Kane in his full glory, wearing a Gucci suit sat on the seat next to hers with beauty that could rival that of the Sistine chapel. His eyes were closed, probably sleeping, she wasn't too sure. For some weird messed-up reason her treacherous eyes went to the bulge on his neck as she watched it move up then down and blinked twice because she found it kinda hot.

Father Lord! When did gulping become so sexy? She needed holy water to wash her eyes after staring at how sinfully beautiful he was because God help her, he was looking like a sin she wanted to commit. He looked like a work of art painted by God himself.

Damn! Being this hot should be made illegal. This man was exuding too much sexiness and all he was doing was sitting down?

' Why me? Does the universe hate me or something? Which demon did I offend in my sleep to have such bad luck?' Becca asked herself, crying silently. She knew it, she knew she should have buried herself alive when she had the chance. Her mind was becoming chaotic.

She looked at her ticket then at her seat to make sure it was the right one but unfortunately, it was. She glanced at the handsome sleeping man in front of her and sighed. She had three options now, it was either she put on her big girl pants and sit next to him, switch seats with someone else or simply jump off of the plane.

Becca couldn't choose the first option because she knew she wouldn't survive, she would die of anxiety and awkwardness. So that left the last two options. She looked around, her eyes searching for someone who could trade seats with her. But just when she thought of moving she saw him open his eyes.


He adjusted on his seat. Turning to look at her, a smile graced his alluring lips, and the image of them kissing flashed through Becca's head.

' Becca, what is wrong with you?' She internally scolded herself.

She tried looking away but couldn't, he was just too pretty not to look at.

" Hey," He said with a smile while stretching a little.

" Hey" She smiled back with a wave.

" What are you doing standing there looking sexy as fuck?" He said with his accent dripping of nothing but manly sexiness. Becca's eyes widened with shock when she saw him pat the seat next to him, her seat.

" Sit," He said, his voice calm yet hypnotic but somehow Becca managed to resist the spell he was casting and stood where she was.

When Leo saw she wasn't going to move and chose to remain frozen there like a statue, he took her by the wrist and pulled her to the seat.

He made her sit on the cursed chair.

Turning to face her, he gave her a soothing smile.

" I saw you were reluctant to sit next to me, don't worry I won't bite." His smile turned into a smirk, a wicked one. " unless you want me to." He added in a low voice and her eyes widened again. Leo saw the horrid look on her face and chuckled. This was going to be so much fun.

Hello beautiful readers, as you all know from how the book is going, it's going to be a slow romance story between two people who have different lives, come from different worlds and think differently but somehow manage to find themselves in each other.

I'm saying this because I don't want you to think the story isn't moving fast enough because this is the pace it's suppose to move at.Don't worry because I, the author, will make this book so gripping that you would fall in love yourself. hehehe

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