
Chapter Eighty-one

The gods were definitely on his side this time. When one door closes, another would open. These thoughts and more were on Diego's mind. The was a eighty five percent chance that Bella was pregnant, if so, he was gaining upper hand. For long he had waited, now the odds were all in his favor and the heavens throwing him opportunities. His puppets Pablo and Stella could not even tell that he was the mastermind feeding them, all they knew was an unknown person with a strange untraceable number dishes them information claiming to be an ally who wanted nothing more but to become future partners. Gullible creatures that they were, they bought the lies without questions because of their greed. 

He had the stage set up already at least, now he could play a fast one on Jay. He sent a message to Pablo for Stella. Stella was in her hotel when she got a call from Pablo giving her directives on the next stop of their plan, it was more than what she wanted, time to put the bitch in her place. She began calling Jay, but he refused to answer. She decided to keep bugging him, she had all the time in the world after all so she did not mind doing it all day. That's when he texted her, saying he was in a business meeting. What a lie, what did he now take her for. She just could not wait to bug him with her week old pregnancy. She detested competition after all. She texted him a reply. 

Jay could not understand why Bella was cool about the entire situation that morning. He kept pacing around the garden, when Stella started calling him. What a great way to make it worse, the bitch was calling, what did she want from him this time around. She had to be show her place as soon as possible as she was beginning to cross her boundaries. He tried ignoring her calls, but she continued bugging him and making him restless so he texted her that he was in a meeting. Feeling guilty almost immediately that he had to keep lying but that did put her in her place except that she replied saying that they needed to talk. Talk about what, he wondered. He refused to reply her after that and went to look for Bella. He noted her chilly composure when he entered her room and he discovered that she had been sad all along. She did not even notice him enter, and he hugged her from behind. He kissed her neck and whispers into her ear, " Let's go down for breakfast love ",he said and she suddenly turned around and hugged him tightly. She could not hold back her emotions as she held on to him tightly, he smiled, the lady was truly his, raising her face, he planted a kiss on her lips and she responded hungrily, he was going to miss her and he was beginning to realize it.