

Darien entered into the study and was welcomed by Emma's father who sat him down.

"What brings you here my future son-in-law". He smiled.

"Son-in-law". He chuckled.

"What's the matter is something wrong". He asked once he noticed his behaviour. Did the two have a fight?

"Mr Cooper I'm sorry to say this but this wedding can't take place". He said firmly not beating around the bush.

"What do you mean". He frowned.

"I'm sorry but I can't accommodate a bastard". Darien stated as the man's facial expression became dark.

"I'm sorry to say this but your daughter is a whore... she's carrying someone else's child." He spatted out not caring if he hurt his feelings.

"What rubbish are you saying?" He asked Darien.

"I'm not lying, I even have evidence to prove my claim." He said bringing out his phone as he played an audio recording. It was the recording of Emma and the manager and how she said the child wasn't his.

"Darien I'm... I don't know what to say." He said as he managed to control his raging anger.

"You don't have to say anything just break this alliance...I just came to say that this alliance is called off." He said as he stood up and exited the study.


"Sir you can't do this please." The short maid begged as Liam narrowed his eyes and said"45 minutes remaining".

"Mr Russell." Isabella suddenly called as Liam turned to face her.

"Sir she didn't mean all she said please forgive her." Isabella pleaded as Liam widened his eyes in shock, looking at the girl in front of him.

"No you're not going to apologise for her." He said.

"Head maid!" Liam suddenly called as she came rushing over.

"Yes young master."

"Get her out of here!" He ordered as he grabbed Isabella by the arm and headed up stairs, shocking the other maid. Their master never relate with women.

Liam led her to her room and sat her down on the bed.

"Did she hurt you?" He asked worried which made Isabella open her mouth in shock.

"She didn't sir." She said as a sigh escaped through his lips.

"You didn't want me to fire her why?" He asked as he suddenly moved closer to her.

"Sir she didn't deserve such a punishment...I guess." She said trying to maintain her calm because he was already so close to her, their lips almost touching.

"So you're trying to say that all she said was right? You actually came here to...bed me." He said as he whispered the last words into her ears as her face turned bright red like a ripe tomato once his hot breath fanned her skin.

"No sir...I didn't come here for that." She said as moved back a little hitting her head on the bedrest.

"So what did you come here for?" He asked as moved even closer, leaving no gap between them. Isabella was about to say something when Liam's phone rang.

"Sh*t!" He cursed as he stood up and headed out the door.