
The First Trial

As the loud scream occured, A student's head was sent flying, dripping blood everywhere infront of Yong Jin and the others.

'Gaaaahh! What the hell!? A head just flew!'

'Look there! The student's body!'

Yong Jin was shocked and saw the body, headless.

Park Hongjun was trembling, when the head rolled over towards him.

The students then started panicking, The invisible wall was still intact, The students couldn't leave the school premises.

'There's a weird creature! It's a goblin!'

'I think the goblin just cut the girl's head!'

'Run! The goblin's gonna kill us all!'

The Goblin stared at the panicking students as they ran wild, Park Hongjun froze and Yu Insong as well.

Yong Chaerin was trembling alongside Dom Taejon, Yong Jin was shocked, and didn't really believe that a goblin was infront of them. Yong Jin only knew that goblin's were only seen and heard at fantasy stories and didn't really exist in real life.

'Keke! Humans are really soft and easy to cut! Keke!' As the goblin spoke in human tongue with a scary tone.

'Taejon! Follow me! We need to escape!'

Yong Jin grabbed Chaerin's hand and dragged her to escape.

The Goblin then started laughing while grinning, Then it pulled out a small sword and used it to slash the students that were running around trying to escape.

The students that were caught or cornered by the goblin were immediately killed.

Then a small earthquake occured causing the School's center yard to leave a huge crack on the ground.

Then the crack grew bigger, then soon more goblins came out from the ground.

The students that were trapped in the school grounds started regrouping at the third floors of every building in the school.

The students were blocking desks and chairs at the Stairways.

Yong Jin tried to stay calm for the sake of his sister who is currently panicking from what she had witnessed.


Taejon was still running but was currently dozing off.

'Taejon! Snap out of it! If you want to survive, follow me and stay calm!'

Taejon heard Yong Jin's desperate voice and tried to stay calm.

Then they hid themselves at the back of the gym..

Yong Chaerin was trembling in fear and couldn't grasp the situation she was in, so Yong Jin tried to calm her down.

'Chaerin, Listen carefully... You need to calm down and help me so that we can get out of this place.'

Chaerin nodded while tears slowly fell from her eyes.

Goblins were roaming around mercilessly killing students all over the school.

Then a massive earthquake occured, causing the school buildings to almost collapse.

Yong jin and the others noticed that the skies suddenly became dark, the whole school were completely covered by a huge shadow.

When Yong Jin lifted his head, he was completely shocked to see a huge tree was seen from afar.

The huge tree engulfed the entire seoul, causing the entire city to darken.

Yong Jin ran fast while dragging his sister and hid themselves to one of the public restrooms.

Taejon was also hiding with them, shivering in fear as he couldn't understand what was currently happening.

Yong Jin was also confused but didn't give in to his emotions, so he tried to think of a plan to escape from this hell like place.

'Oppa, what should we do?' As chaerin's voice trembled while whispering.

'I don't know yet, I'll think of something.'

'Jin, we're gonna die!' As Taejon bit his finger nails while shivering in fear.

Yong Jin slapped Taejon's face and said 'Snap out of it! I don't know what's happening right now but we're not gonna die!'

Chaerin and Taejon then became silent...

Yong Jin checked the door and walked quietly to see what's happening outside.

But after he took a few steps, A goblin's voice was heard. He immediately hid himself while the voice was getting closer towards the restroom.

Yong Jin took a peek to see how many goblins were outside and saw that it was only one that held a rusty axe on it's right hand.

The goblin quietly walked towards the Restroom, while Yong Jin stood beside the door to prepare a sneak attack unto the Goblin.

Before the Goblin could enter the door, Yong Jin then grappled the Goblin's neck. He then scissored his legs so that the goblin could not use his arms.

The Goblin was gasping as it tried to breathe, but Yong Jin choked him hard.

After a few seconds the Goblin fainted, Then Yong Jin grabbed the Axe and cut off the Goblin's head without hesitation.

Purple liquid came out of the body and head of the Goblin..

'Come out you guys.' As Yong Jin called Chaerin and Taejon.

The two quietly came out and saw a headless goblin lying on the ground while Yong Jin was holding an axe covered with Purple liquid that resembled as the blood of the Goblin.

Chaerin and Taejon were shocked to see at Yong Jin.

'Oppa, did you kill that goblin?'

'Yeah, If i didn't kill it we would have all died in here.'

Chaerin and Taejon stood infront of Yong Jin quietly.

Then Yong Jin told them to follow him silently.

The two nodded and followed Yong Jin's instructions.

As they walked along side the walls of the school gym, Alot of screams were heard from all directions.

Blood were scattered around the entire school grounds, Students were running around trying to hide their presence from the Goblins that were roaming around the entire school trying to kill all of them. Park Hongjun and Yu Insong were seen at the 3rd floor of the Second year School building.

They were trying to barricade the Stairways to prevent the goblins from coming up.

Students who were still at the ground floor were trapped and weren't able to climb up towards the second floor that were blocked by other students.

'Please let us in guys! we're gonna die if you don't let us in!' As the students yelled desperately to convince the students who barricaded the second floor to open and let them in.

But the students didn't budge, The bullies were guarding the barricaded stairways and didn't let anyone in.

'If anyone tries to open the barricade then I'll kill you all here immediately!' As one of the bullies spoke while holding a kitchen knife that he got from one of the kitchen rooms at the second year building.

The students didn't have a choice but to follow the bullies who were currently armed.

Then the goblins finally caught the students that were stuck at the the Stairs and killed them all.

Screams of desperation were heard and echoed throughout the building.

Yong Jin knew that it was pointless to go inside the buildings since the students already barricaded it.

So they tried to check the entrance of the Gym and noticed that it was opened, But before they could enter inside...

'Wait, I smell blood coming from inside the gym.'

Yong Jin then started sneaking quietly...

After he opened the door, he saw alot of bodies scattered on the ground.

Others were stabbed, others were missing body parts, Others were covered in blood. Yong Jin couldn't take it and vomited immediately after seeing the dead bodies.

'Chaerin, Taejon cover your eyes and hold my back, I'll drag you both.'

The two followed Yong Jin's instructions and they went inside, Yong Jin found an open space at the back and tried to make a hiding spot there with some tables and chairs.

Then he told the two to stay quiet while he go back at the entrance and lock the doors.

The two nodded as they covered their noses...

Before Yong Jin could reach the entrance door, A voice of a goblin were suddenly heard. Yong Jin noticed that it wasn't just a single goblin so he immediately thought of something and ran towards one of the dead bodies and covered himself with blood as he pretended to be dead and was lying next towards the student's corpse.

The Goblins were at the Entrance of the Gym and noticed that it was open, So they all went in to check the Gym.

One of the goblins stabbed one of the corpses that were lying at the ground, Then they had a small talk using a different language.

Then suddenly a scream was heard outside of the Gym so the Goblins immediately ran outside the gym to check where the voice was coming from.

After the gym was cleared, Yong Jin immediately stood up and closed the door silently, He saw a chain and some metal pipes near the door and used it as a lock. But while he was trying to lock the door, a footstep was heard from his rear and he immediately turned around to see.

Then he saw a goblin with a short sword that was covered in blood standing at his back.

Yong Jin immediately grabbed his axe, while the goblin rushed towards his direction.

The Goblin tried to stab him in the chest, but Yong Jin's reflexes were quite fast and immediately dodge the goblin's attack. Then he countered attack using his axe and immediately cut the Goblin's head.

Purple blood splattered around the area as the Goblin's head flew and landed near one of the corpses.

Yong Jin's heartbeat was beating fast, He immediately grabbed the Goblin's small sword and ran towards where Chaerin and taejon were at.

'Taejon, grab this.' As he threw the small sword towards Taejon.

'Where did you get this Jin?'

'From the goblin i fought earlier.'

'How can you be so brave to fight with a goblin?'

'I don't know, but my instincts tell me to fight whenever i see a goblin in order to survive.'

Chaerin was still trembling in fear while she sat down at the corner.

'Chaerin, Listen up. I want you to look at me.'

Chaerin then lifted her head and looked at Yong Jin.

'No matter what happens, I will not leave you okay? So don't worry and trust your oppa. We will get out of this hell and go home.'

Chaerin nodded as tears fell from her eyes.

'Taejon, I need you to help me fight with the goblins.'

'Okay Jin, I'll try.'

'We need to kill them in order to survive, If we don't kill them. They'll kill us.'

Taejon went silent...

'The Buildings are currently barricaded, It'll be safe to stay here. But I'm not sure how long we can last if we just stay in this place.'

'So what do you have in mind Jin?'

'We're gonna be goblins.'

'What? What do you mean by that?'

'It's what i said, We're gonna be the goblins from now on.'

'We're gonna be the goblins?'

'Yes, We can't leave the School grounds. There's an invisible wall blocking at every side of the school.'

'I know that, but what do you mean by being goblins?'

'We'll do what they do. They kill us, Then we'll kill them.'

'But isn't it too hard for the both of us? When the massive earthquake occured it literally tore the ground at the center yard of the school and alot of goblins came out from it.'

'It'll be hard, but if we take our time then we can kill them all.'

'But I'm scared...'

'You'll die if you chicken out right now! We gotta kill them before they kill all of us!'

Taejon stared at the small sword and clenched his fists as he nodded.

Then the three of them started planning and headed towards the back window of the gym.

'Chaerin make sure to stay in the middle okay? Taejon you cover us from the back and I'll be at the front.'

Chaerin and Taejon nodded.

Then the three of them successfully went outside of the gym through the back window.

Alot of screams were still heard coming from inside the school buildings nearby.

'Follow me.'

Yong Jin started to sneak around the school while they searched for goblins.

Yong Jin finally saw a student who was getting stabbed by a single goblin.

'Let's go, There's one goblin.'

Yong Jin immediately ran towards the goblin who was immersed in stabbing the student at the chest.

Yong Jin swung his axe and cut the head of the goblin immediately, Blood were spilled while the head flew.

Chaerin was surprised to see the goblin's head flew as it spilled purple blood around the ground.

The student that got stabbed multiple times was already dead, So they continued to sneak around the school yards.

Then another earthquake occured....

One of the school buildings collapsed, causing the students that were inside to be buried alive.

Alot of screams were heard underneath the building, Survivors who weren't badly injured desperately screamed for help.

'Oppa, Shouldn't we help them?!'

'No we can't waste our time, the Goblins will approach them anytime now!'

'Jin's right, we should save ourselves first Chaerin.'

Chaerin who was worried that one of the students buried might be Jiho, since the building that collapsed was the First Year's building.

'Oppa! Can't we just check please? I'm worried my friend might be underneath too!'

'Chaerin! What is it with you!? Our lives are more important right now!'

Chaerin became silent...

'Taejon cover our back I'll head inside the third year's building.'

'Okay jin, copy.'

Then before they could approach the building's entrance, Chaerin disappeared.

'Where's chaerin!?'

'I don't know i was watching at the back then suddenly your sister disappeared.'

Yong Jin searched around and noticed that Chaerin was already far away, She was running towards the Collapsed building.

'Damn that idiot! Come on Taejon let's follow her!'

When they ran towards Chaerin's direction, alot of screeches were heard...

Then Goblin's screams were heard from all of the directions.

When Chaerin got near towards the Collapsed building, Goblins started surrounding the entire ruined building.

Chaerin stumbled after seeing alot of goblins gathered infront of her.

'Chaerin! Run!'

Chaerin was still trembling and couldn't hear Yong Jin's voice.

'Shit!' As Yong Jin desperately ran along with Taejon towards his sister.

Goblins were gathering from all directions, surrounding them in circle.

The Goblins started smiling as they looked at the three students who were infront of them..

Chapter END