
The Madhouse of All Worlds

I don't know when there has been such a mental hospital in the world. It has appeared in the busiest streets of Gotham City, and once hidden in the darkest corners of Raccoon City, it may have had a small depiction in the Sherlock Holmes Mysteries, and may have had a second in the film of Hannibal ...... Some say that the girl in the nurse's uniform inside looks a bit like Harley Quinn, others say that the old man in the ward on the second floor calls himself Professor Moriarty, some find old chainsaws in the corners of the corridor, others turn up cardboard cards with clowns painted on them under the bed, the attending physician is forever slouching, and inexplicable blood is always seeping out of the floor cracks. If one day you stumble upon a strange hospital on your way from work, then whether you are sick or not ...... welcome to it.

zhen_su · Kinh dị ma quái
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15 Chs


As soon as the words fell, the guard at the door had a jolt, as if he had been pardoned and wanted to stand up, but it seems that his movement was very inconvenient, struggling there for half a day before he could easily stand up straight.

This time, everyone saw that the man was tying a bandage on one of his calves, and when you look more closely, it should be a shirt sleeve cut from nowhere, with clear traces of blood on it.

"Bastard, this man is injured." Chief Gordon shouted.

On the other end of the phone, Ziliang said in a nonchalant manner, "Yeah, you should already know from Officer Hill that one of the guards suffered a gunshot wound, but don't worry, it's just a small wound and no major bleeding, at most it's just a little inconvenient to move around."

In the time it took for those few words, the guard had begun to take a few difficult steps forward and could see that he was in great pain.

"The hostage is in pain, I have to send someone to pick him up!" Gordon shouted.

"I'm afraid this ... won't work, your men can't pick him up or the people behind them won't be able to follow." Zi Liang said.

Gordon was stunned: "Can't keep up? What do you mean?"

This question just asked ...

"Chief, look!" A police officer next to him then pointed in the direction of the bank's main door and shouted.

At the same time, Gordon naturally saw, just behind the wounded guard, there seemed to be a rope attached, that rope slowly tensed with his slow pace, and then led out of the door a second hostage ... that man's hands were also tied, and his feet were also tied with ropes, causing him to move forward only a little with small steps, and he also had a paper bag fastened to his head and a piece of paper on his chest with [30] written on it.

"I think you've seen it, Commissioner Gordon, the hostage you want." At that moment, Zi Liang's voice came over the phone, "Okay, okay, one by one, walk slowly, and if anyone falls down because they're walking fast, then I'll shoot all of them after that."

Gordon looked at the hostages who were walking out one by one: "What kind of trick are you playing." He yelled.

"That's none of your business, anyway I will return your hostages to you, all you have to do is just take your time and wait, well, not much more to say or I will post the wrong numbers." After saying this, Zi Liang immediately hung up the phone.

Gordon pursed his lips tightly, he did not know what this newly emerged kidnapper was up to, but he neither asked for an evacuation route, nor did he hold the hostages hostage to bargain, and even ... he released them ... from these calls, Gordon could clearly feel that this man did not have a bit of panic, everything acted very methodical, but it did not make sense.

This feeling is very bad ... because just like Officer Hill, from this kidnapper called Ziliang, Gordon also saw the shadow of those who have not appeared for many years "super criminals".



"Someone's got a gunshot wound, ambulance ready!" Gordon shouted at the staff behind him.

He then turned his head and asked quietly to Officer Hill beside him, "Any luck with the perimeter stakeout?"

"No!" Officer Hill said: "The entire bank windows, doors, all people are watching, there has been no movement."

Gordon nodded: "Let the tactical team ambush the back of the bank, but from a distance around, and not too close to the ambush site, this person is likely to be watching us through the bank on the outside of the monitor. The bank's vents, rooftops, and the top of the building are all set up with snipers. Someone out immediately report, in the search for two teams of armed police standby, until the hostages all come out, immediately block the whole building. By the way, although the man called Ziliang said he was only one person, but he can not be trusted, so those wearing hoods do not let go of the hostages, may be mixed with the robber's companions."

After hearing this, Officer Hill was smart enough to respond without moving a muscle and quietly retreated to the back to arrange these things.

Gordon picked up the binoculars again, watching the hostages come out one by one, at this moment, out of the bank is already the 19th hostage.

But because the head of the guard was wounded by a gunshot wound, so he could only go forward with great difficulty, the speed is very slow, and the location of the police is also quite far from the bank, which led to a very difficult time, but no one dared to pick up a little, you can only so dry wait.

Finally, after about seven or eight minutes, the last hostage with "1" written on his chest finally walked out of the bank.


It is at this moment, long wait for the police immediately swarmed, the hostages will be protected, and several police officers with riot shields also rushed to the rear of the last hostage, trained to support the shield, afraid of criminals coming out of the door to shoot at the crowd.

And several doctors were busy rushing to the guard who had been injured, untying him and taking off his hood.

"Uh-uh..." Inside the hood, the guard's mouth was taped shut, so all he could do was grunt desperately.

The doctors stroked him onto the stretcher first, and then tore the seal off his mouth.

"Doctor! Doctor!" The guard shouted.

"We're here, don't panic, you're safe!" A doctor reassured the wounded man.

"No! I mean the robber, he's a doctor!"

"Huh?" The people around him froze.

"Well, you need to calm down now, let's leave the rest to the police." The medical officer gestured for him to hurry up and lie down, and then two people carrying a stretcher nervously took him to the ambulance.

Meanwhile, those hostages behind him had all been safely escorted over. They were removed from their hoods and mouth seals, but not untied, and this moment, crying, shouting, thanking, praying, anyway, all kinds of voices simply in a row. There were a few people in the crowd who were not overwhelmed by the joy of coming back from the dead and were shouting desperately to the police: "The kidnapper is a man! The kidnapper is a doctor, he is wearing a white coat!" and so on. The majority of them were incoherent.

Of course, now that the robber has no hostage as a bargaining chip, the police are naturally not afraid of anything, the previously arranged tactical team is already in position, as long as the command, you can go straight in and capture the kidnapper.

But Gordon is not in a hurry, unless the other party can fly, he does not think the other party can run away.

So, he steadily dialed the phone again.