
The Mad Teachers

Nightmares teach you things about yourself. This one will teach you the brutal, horror of survival. A mad man prepares a city of people for there impending doom in his own misguided way. Sequal of Inheritance

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The Price of Power

What is power? What is freedom? To hold so much of it but be limited of its use. This was there predicament. First Damien, he could generated all the nutrients need for cellular regeneration. But limited amounts. Now he held a book that held unfeasible power but he and anyone other human was privy to only three. He had to choose or the power would consume him. To make matters worse the power would wait for its opportunity to cause mania or delusion within its owner mind. One was very variable to mental attacks. This was unavailable for it was beyond human understanding. One should be greatful for the tamed version one held. If he wished to over come this he would need to elevate his mind whatever that meant. "Or you could just flip threw the pages." He looked at curly. "You could just flip threw the book instead of printing it on your skin. That way you have access to all of the runes." "What if that destroyed the book?" "Could it? Its holding all these magical runes? So why can't you wield them from the book?" I never saw the previous owner do that. But that doesn't mean he couldn't. Come to think about it, he was a secretive person, maybe he just decided against it. Not for any other reason other than his own paranoia. "Well if you use the book like that. There is several weaknesses." "Can't hold a weapon..." He thought it over. "Curly you take the book." "But..?" "Listen I'm take a few pics and use them to apply on my self and your brother." "Okay, which one you got your eye on." " The one for vitality." "How about waiting. We've only read the introduction. There a possibly that there are things which we need to know before applying." Damien understood curly was looking out for him. " Okay how about you finish reading the book then we'll tell everyone about it and pick our runes then." "Bet."

Curly had found himself in a rather strange predicament. He had a jinn with untold power. But it had slipped from his control in his ignorance. It choose to gift him with little power so it didn't have to protect him/ itself. Now it had gifted him with a tool or a person who had become a tool in his pursuit of power. Its seemed like a warning but still it was a useful gift. Still he would have preferred a bound jinn. Anyway now he had a rune book. The book he wished to give to damien. He had aquired a pen that use to be a person thar own the book. He didn't want to be come a pen or any other object used by others. So caution was need. But then again they could be dancing in the jinn hand. It isn't me you need to worry about. I'm on your side. Are you lying? Here I'll help you so you can see my innocence. Pull out the pen. Curly did as he was instructed. Just like when he picked it up earlier he heard his voice. "Good evening." How does this prove your innocence. Don't you hear him thats the last owner of this book. So your point. He not bound to you so maybe you should worried about him. "No need to worry about me. I can prove my loyalty. Turn to a blank page and let me control the arm with the pen." Curly was hesitant but eventually said fuck. It took awhile but he drew a symbol. It looked plain at first but after he finished it it glowed like the rest of the runes. What the hell did you just do? "Listen well, that runes represents me a battle mage. Anyone you mark with it will slowly turn into one. With no draw backs other than not being than me who it represents. The great ones we in encountered thats what most of those runes repersent. Thats why to many will cause insanity. I used the book to tap into the sight of there creator. I made his ability my own with a slight twist. I could use it on anything other than the great ones. Like magic spells or concepts. This allows for spell casting without the need to focus. Much like my duelist friend. Now I could instantly cast most spells." But your a pen. "So my life goal was achieve I surpassed him." You know he was a fraud right. "...?!?" He wasn't some quad instant castor. He lucked out and had a jinn at his beckoning and call. Curly words startled him. Katana introduce yourself. There conversation was breif but at the end he had to accept the truth. But the man fragile mind was descending into mania. Calm yourself you are the first to match a jinn. " Ignorant fool, jinns don't use spells. The instinctually control the forces of our world to do as they command." Yet you created a tool that could give a new generation of mages there ability and the might of your own human spells. This make you something he could never hope to be. A genuinely outstanding mage. The mania had stabilized. "I'll help you with whatever your ambitions are but in exchange I don't want that part of the history to be written. Let him fade as all frauds should." Deal.

As long as you stay focus on the target I'm capable of creating runes that represents what you were thinking of. One that gives you cammand of the power of said thing. So what if I drew a rune that represents these runes or several of them. "Idk never tested such a thing. But remember somethings aren't possible without all the info. Like creating a rune that give some the talent of our fake duelist. Instead of a instant castor rune you'd get an explosion of magical energy." So basically you can't create a rune of something and you don't know what it is. "Well you could but it'll explode." So it has to be the thing repersented correctly. "Yeah" You been quiet. I'm listening and learn like you. Why? Using these runes I could be the first jinn to wield spells. Why would you want that. Cause some spells make even jinn envious. So how do we start. Well first let me borrow your hand again. "I'm going to finish that book." Yeah cause there are alot of empty pages. What you gonna put there. "Let me concentrate!!!" (Between you and me good job. We almost lost him, though it was also your fault. If you hadn't opening your big mouth. My mouth didn't tell him he was fooled, yours did or its better said, he believed you, not me. :) Fuck you!!! )

Damien was considered combination of these 9 runes he took. He was weighing there advantages against there disadvantages. He had just organized it in a word document on his phone. This helped him think it over and increased his the likeness that he choose the best one. He was looking for Tgray to ask his opinion. But he couldn't find him. He check the chapel. Then he went room to room in the church but no tgray. Must be in the fields. As he step outside only to run into curly. "All done ready for an upgrade?"