
The Machiavellian Heir

After a long and dangerous career as an assassin and politician, a man finds himself reborn into the world of his son's novel. Born as Lucas de Clare, the son of a rich count. With his extensive knowledge and skills, Lucas must navigate the treacherous political landscape and manipulate the plot for his goals 5 chapter per week ———————— (First Novel just giving it a try) Criticism is welcomed as I always look to improve Comments Power stones and Ratings help the story grow!

PapiTaxi · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Chapter 67

As I stepped out of the church, the darkness of the night had descended upon the streets, casting an ethereal glow upon the deserted thoroughfare. The lamplights flickered, their warm illumination casting elongated shadows upon the cobblestones. The city was veiled in a serene stillness, as if the very air held its breath in anticipation.

With each deliberate step, I ventured further into the heart of the street, my senses keenly attuned to my surroundings. A hushed breeze whispered through the alleyways, carrying with it the distant echo of nocturnal creatures. The nocturnal symphony of chirping crickets and rustling leaves accompanied my progress, enveloping me in a cocoon of solitude.

Using my scanning ability, I focused my energy, channeling it into a more potent scan. Threads of mana emanated from my being, extending outward like tendrils of ethereal light. With heightened concentration, I honed my senses, seeking out the elusive presence that I knew was near. The mana tendrils acted as extensions of my perception, delving into the fabric of reality and seeking out any disturbances.

As the mana tendrils fanned out across the surroundings, I could feel the pulse of magic responding to my will. With a surge of exhilaration, my scan intensified, reaching beyond the limitations of mere mortal sight. The world around me shifted, colors becoming more vibrant, and subtle details emerging with newfound clarity.

And there, amidst the night's cloak of invisibility, I detected a faint shimmer. It was as if the very fabric of reality had rippled, betraying the presence of an unseen entity. My enhanced perception allowed me to discern the outline of a figure, a distortion in the air that hinted at a hidden form. The invisible being seemed to blend seamlessly with its surroundings, becoming one with the shadows, rendering it nearly imperceptible to unaided eyes.

"Are you going to stand there and watch forever?" I challenged, my voice laced with defiance. In one fluid motion, I unsheathed my sword, prepared for whatever would come next. But before I could react, the figure materialized before me, striking my wrist with a force that forced me to release my grip on the weapon. I quickly leaped back, my mind racing to comprehend the unexpected speed and agility of my assailant.

Confusion clouded my thoughts as I observed the man standing before me. He donned a sleek tuxedo, devoid of any conventional armor. His piercing purple eyes and long, ebony hair gave him an otherworldly aura. With an air of nonchalance, he examined my discarded sword before casually launching it away as if it were a mere trinket.

This was no demon I faced, but a formidable human adversary. I felt a flicker of disdain emanating from his gaze, as if he regarded me as a pitiful aberration of nature. In an instant, he closed the distance between us, launching a lightning-fast right hook that I barely managed to block. His left hook followed suit, but I deflected it just in time. However, his right hand found its mark, landing a powerful blow to my stomach that sent me staggering backward.

Clinging to my resolve, I swiftly conjured an ice wall as a defensive measure, hoping its formidable strength would shield me from further harm. But with a single punch, the man shattered the icy barrier, his strength defying its formidable construction. Determined not to succumb easily, I conjured a dense mist, shrouding the surroundings in an attempt to obscure his vision.

"Young one, your feeble tactics won't deter me," the man declared with unwavering resolve, his voice resonating with a sense of authority. He calmly surveyed the mist, unaffected by its veiling presence. Realizing that my stationary position would not deceive him, I focused on studying his movements, searching for any trace of vulnerability. Yet, my efforts proved futile as he swiftly locked his gaze upon me, closing in with alarming speed.

Seizing the opportunity, I decided to shift the tide in my favor, launching myself into an offensive charge. As I sprinted towards him, he aimed a right hook, but I deflected it by positioning my right arm on my left side. Despite the blow connecting with my back, causing searing pain, I pressed on, aiming an elbow strike at his solar plexus.

The man gasped for air, momentarily caught off guard. Capitalizing on his vulnerability, I swiftly followed with a strike towards his groin and an uppercut to his jaw. Unleashing the full force of my strength, I concluded with a double-fisted blow to his chest, sending him crashing to the ground.

As I surveyed the man lying on the ground, a twinge of doubt nagged at the back of my mind. Despite my initial victory, there was an unsettling calmness in his breathing, suggesting that he was far from defeated. His deliberate, measured breaths hinted at a calculated strategy, and I knew better than to let my guard down.

Swiftly, I formed tiny ice needles, imbuing them with mana, and launched them towards the surrounding buildings. The needles embedded themselves in the structures, serving as a surveillance system to detect any hidden movements. I couldn't afford to be caught off guard again.

Realizing that his trickery had been thwarted, the man rose to his feet, his voice resonating with a tone of finality. "You possess talent, child, but the time for play is over." With lightning speed, he charged towards me, forcefully slamming me into a nearby building. The impact jolted through my body, but before he could deliver a devastating stomp to my leg, I utilized my teleportation ability, vanishing from his reach and reappearing in the middle of the street.

It was evident that I had been pushed to the brink. My earlier attacks had failed to subdue him, and it was becoming clear that this opponent surpassed my own capabilities.

A voice carried through the air, distracting me from my thoughts. I watched as the man fell from mid-air. Seizing the opportunity, I channeled my mana into the ice needles I had deployed earlier. They rapidly expanded, forming towering pillars of ice that threatened to crush him. However, with astonishing speed and strength, he managed to grasp the pillars, shattering them into smaller fragments with a mighty grip.

Undeterred, I manipulated the broken shards, propelling them towards him with precision. But to my dismay, he effortlessly evaded each projectile, his agility defying all logic. His movements were a blur, a testament to his incredible speed and reflexes. It was becoming increasingly evident that this opponent was on a completely different level.

Fear surged through me as I struggled to keep up with the man's lightning-fast movements. His presence loomed before me, his piercing purple eyes locking onto my own, as if daring me to defy him. A devastating uppercut was launched towards me, and in a desperate attempt to defend myself, I reinforced a layer of ice with immeasurable strength. Yet, my efforts proved futile against the overwhelming force of his strike. The punch would connect, and there was nothing I could do to prevent it.

But in that critical moment, a radiant, clear yellow glow enveloped my entire being. The impact of the punch was nullified, as if it had been absorbed by the protective barrier. The defensive rune, fueled by mana, shattered under the strain and dissipated in an instant. Beads of sweat formed on my brow, a testament to the danger I had narrowly escaped. That blow, had it landed unhindered, would have surely been fatal.

Seizing the opportunity, I teleported backwards, creating some distance between us. However, it became apparent that my foe was not willing to let me retreat so easily. Before I could fully gather my thoughts, he closed the gap once again, his intent unwavering. Just as he was about to close in, a familiar aura washed over me, and a smile crept across my face, brimming with both relief and anticipation.

"She has arrived" I said with a wide smile

I should upload atleast 1 more chapter later today Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

PapiTaxicreators' thoughts