
The Machiavellian Heir

After a long and dangerous career as an assassin and politician, a man finds himself reborn into the world of his son's novel. Born as Lucas de Clare, the son of a rich count. With his extensive knowledge and skills, Lucas must navigate the treacherous political landscape and manipulate the plot for his goals 5 chapter per week ———————— (First Novel just giving it a try) Criticism is welcomed as I always look to improve Comments Power stones and Ratings help the story grow!

PapiTaxi · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Chapter 63

"Now, let's try this again," I said, a hint of satisfaction coloring my voice. "Who is 'she,' and why were you looking for me?"

The demon's gaze remained defiant, showing no willingness to cooperate as he remained trapped in the icy prison. I narrowed my eyes, studying his reactions closely. Then, a flicker of recognition crossed his eyes, but he quickly masked it. A subtle twitch of his eyebrow and a flare of his nostrils betrayed his internal turmoil.

"The Baroness?" I suggested, watching for any further reaction. This time, his gaze betrayed a momentary shift, a crack in his facade. His eyes narrowed, filled with a mix of anger and apprehension.

"Thank you," I spoke with a sly smile, knowing that his reaction confirmed my suspicion. "Oh, she's about to arrive," I added, sensing my master approaching rapidly.

In a matter of seconds, my master stood beside me, her face transforming into one of surprise. "You captured it?" she exclaimed, her gaze shifting from the demon to me, assessing the situation.

"Yes, it wasn't too difficult," I replied confidently, keeping my eyes fixed on the demon, who continued to regard me with an undying hatred.

Curiosity gleamed in my master's eyes as she turned to me, her gaze intensifying. "By the way, why were you in the red light district?"

"I wanted to experience something," I replied promptly, meeting her gaze directly. My master stared at me for a moment, her expression a mix of disbelief and exasperation.

"Just get a wife, you don't need to be hanging around these parts," she retorted, her tone laced with annoyance. She effortlessly lifted the entire ice prison containing the demon with a single hand, her supernatural strength on full display.

"A wife is much more time-consuming," I countered, unable to resist a playful jab. "Besides, I was just going to try it out."

She rolled her eyes in response, clearly unimpressed with my explanation. "Get back to the estate," she commanded firmly, her voice leaving no room for argument. But before she turned to leave, she added, "And I mean now. Don't linger in this place for your so-called 'experience'."

"Aye aye, Master," I replied. In the blink of an eye, she vanished from my sight, leaving behind a cloud of swirling dust. The familiar sound that had earlier dispersed the crowd resonated once more, prompting people to retreat to the safety of their homes. Ignoring the curious stares directed my way, I swiftly made my way back to the estate.

Upon reaching the estate, I was greeted by the Baroness herself. Standing at the entrance with a look of concern etched on her face, she quickly spotted me and hurried over.

"Oh, Lucas, I heard what happened. Are you alright?" she asked, her voice filled with worry. Her hands instinctively reached out, delicately examining my face for any signs of injury or distress. "It must have been a harrowing experience for you."

"Oh, yes, Baroness," I allowed her hand to linger on my cheek for a moment before I took hold of her arm and pulled her closer. Leaning in, I spoke softly, my words laced with a hint of vulnerability. "I was afraid I might not make it through. I could really use some company."

A faint blush crept across her cheeks as she whispered into my ear, her voice filled with a hint of excitement. "My offer always stands. Meet me in my room tonight."

"Thank you, Baroness," I replied, flashing her a grateful smile. I left her as I felt her stare hit my back it was one that seemed to analyze my every move.

Once inside my room, I swiftly shed my armor and exchanged it for more casual attire. Just as I was settling in, a sudden knock echoed through the door. Opening it, I found Andrew and Elena standing before me. Elena wore a warm smile, while Andrew's demeanor exuded frustration, his veins seemingly ready to burst.

"I told you that city wasn't safe! You should have let me come with you," Andrew exclaimed, his tone filled with a mix of irritation and concern. "If it had been a stronger demon, you could have been killed. You need to prioritize your safety more."

"Relax, it was nothing major," I reassured him, pouring myself a glass of water. "Anyways, let's forget about that. I actually have a mission for both of you."

Andrew let out an exasperated sigh, clearly annoyed, while Elena remained composed, her curiosity piqued. "What is it that you need us to do?" she inquired, her gaze focused on me.

"I want you to submit a story to our newspaper company," I began, taking a sip of water to quench my thirst. "It should be about a veteran who lost everything to demons. Make it a heart-wrenching tale, full of sorrow and drama."

Elena's interest sparked, and she leaned in, her eyes gleaming with intrigue. "Is there a particular reason behind running this story?" she asked, her curiosity evident.

A smile spread across my face as I continued, the sarcasm dripping from my words "Oh, you know, I was just deeply moved by the heart-wrenching tale narrated by one of those noble knights. And what better way to channel my overwhelming compassion than by stoking the fires of public animosity towards those pesky demons?"

Elena's eyes sparkled with comprehension, her mind already spinning with ideas. "How about we take it a step further and expose the wretched living conditions that this veteran is enduring? We can subtly reveal the government's sheer negligence and incompetence, all while tugging at the heartstrings of the readers. And then, in a few weeks' time, we can conveniently launch a charity initiative solely dedicated to helping our dear veterans"

Impressed by Elena's quick thinking, a grin spread across my face. "Excellent idea. Now go and execute it," I instructed, motioning for them to leave and carry out the plan. With a wave of dismissal, I turned and made my way back to my room, seeking a brief nap.

After I woke up from my short nap, the moon's gentle glow filtered through the window and cast ethereal shadows across the room. The night sky was adorned with sparkling stars, painting the world outside with a mysterious allure. As I rose from the bed, a sense of anticipation tingled in the air, guiding my steps toward the Baroness's chamber.

The darkened hallways seemed to stretch infinitely, illuminated only by the soft moonlight, casting long shadows that danced eerily along the walls. The silent statues stood as silent witnesses, their stone gazes following my every move.

Finally, I reached the entrance to the Baroness's room. To my surprise, there were no guards or maids nearby, their absence adding an extra layer of intrigue to the night. I hesitated for a moment, scanning the area with my heightened senses, but found no signs of danger.

The Baroness lay sprawled upon her bed, completely devoid of clothing. The moonlight bathed her supple curves, accentuating her alluring beauty. Her ample breasts, their peaks adorned with rosy nipples, beckoned to me, their allure impossible to resist. As she turned her gaze towards me, a knowing smile played upon her lips, silently inviting me closer.

I undressed myself, the anticipation mounting with each discarded garment. Closing the distance between us, I surrendered to the embrace of her lips, the taste of passion mingling with the sweet essence of the night. But as my eyes shifted downward, a glint caught my attention—a small knife gleaming in her left hand.

I swiftly pushed her down onto the bed, catching her off guard. My grip tightened around her left hand, rendering her powerless to wield the weapon. With my free hand, I firmly grasped her delicate neck, the pulse of power coursing through my veins.

"Got you," I whispered, my voice barely audible amidst the charged atmosphere. A triumphant smile played upon my lips as I tightened my grip. Panic flickered in her eyes like a trapped animal sensing its impending doom. The realization of her helplessness washed over her, igniting a primal fear that burned bright within her gaze.

As the seconds ticked by, the air grew thin, suffocating, and her struggle for breath became increasingly desperate. Each gasp was a desperate plea for life. Her chest heaved, her lungs aching for oxygen that remained agonizingly out of reach. A mixture of fear and defiance swirled in her eyes, a fleeting hope for salvation dashed by the reality of her predicament.

Her right hand clawed at my arms and chest, her nails leaving angry trails in their wake. Crimson lines adorned my flesh, evidence of her futile struggle against the unyielding strength of my grasp. But still, she persisted, her determination unyielding in the face of impending demise.

Her body, once human and enticing, now transformed into a deep crimson color. As the seconds stretched into eternity, her strength waned, her movements becoming feeble and erratic. The light in her eyes once filled with defiance, dimmed with resignation. The fight within her slowly extinguished, leaving behind only the remnants of a defeated soul. And with a final gasp, her body went limp in my grip, the battle that had raged within her coming to a solemn end.

As her consciousness dimmed, her body slackened, and the room fell into an eerie silence. I released my grip, watching her fragile form crumple upon the bed. The room remained shrouded in darkness, broken only by the flickering candlelight and the moon's gentle glow.

Putting my clothes back on, I opened the door to find Andrew standing there, his presence both unexpected and intriguing. "I knew something was up," he said with a hint of amusement in his voice, his eyes scanning the room curiously.

"How did you manage to evade my scan?" I asked, genuinely surprised by his ability to remain undetected.

Andrew shrugged nonchalantly. "Just a little trick I picked up along the way," he replied cryptically, clearly relishing in the element of surprise.

With a smirk, I shared the revelation that awaited him. "I've taken care of the Baroness. She was nothing more than a demon in disguise. Now, go and inform the Baron that he can be a sword swallower all he wants." tapping Andrew's shoulder I left him as he digest the scene before him.

Late Chapter! Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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