
The Machiavellian Heir

After a long and dangerous career as an assassin and politician, a man finds himself reborn into the world of his son's novel. Born as Lucas de Clare, the son of a rich count. With his extensive knowledge and skills, Lucas must navigate the treacherous political landscape and manipulate the plot for his goals 5 chapter per week ———————— (First Novel just giving it a try) Criticism is welcomed as I always look to improve Comments Power stones and Ratings help the story grow!

PapiTaxi · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Chapter 60

As my master gracefully stepped out of the carriage, a flicker of nostalgia danced in her eyes, evident in the way she surveyed the surroundings. It was clear that Grimhold held a significant place in her heart, likely due to her past military service. Perhaps this was the reason she had chosen this specific spot on the border—a place that exuded fortitude and readiness.

Elena, exiting the carriage, voiced her observation aloud. "This place feels more like a fortress than an estate," she remarked, with Andrew trailing closely behind. "Considering its history, it's no surprise that they maintain such preparedness."

Chuckling lightly, I agreed with Elena's sentiment. "I must admit, I find the aura of a fortified stronghold more appealing than a cozy estate," I commented as I made my way over to my master's side. "It seems you're reminiscing about something, Master."

Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of pride and fondness as she gazed at her surroundings. "Yes, this was where I was first stationed, and it's also where I claimed my first demon's life," she shared, her voice tinged with a hint of triumph. "Be sure to extend courtesy to the Baron; he is a dear friend of mine."

Acknowledging her words with a nod, I noticed a butler approaching us from the corner of my eye. With a deep bow, he warmly greeted us. "Welcome, Marquis Calliope and Lord Lucas," he addressed us with elegancy and respect "I will lead you towards the baron and the baroness"

As we followed the butler into the corridors, my eyes were immediately drawn to the intricate paintings adorning the walls. They depicted vivid scenes of valiant battles and courageous warriors, each thread telling a story of bravery and sacrifice. The vibrant colors and meticulous detailing brought the tales to life.

"Amazing," Elena murmured, her voice filled with awe as she gazed at each intricate painting.

I nodded in agreement, sharing her sense of wonder. However, my fascination went beyond the artistic beauty of the paintings. What truly captivated me was the significance they held. In each masterpiece, the clan head was depicted triumphantly holding the severed head of a demon. If these paintings accurately represented their achievements, then it meant that each clan head had successfully vanquished a demon general—an extraordinary feat that commanded my utmost respect.

Our journey through the corridors led us to a halt before two knights standing guard outside a grand door. The butler, with an air of formality, announced our arrival. "Marquis Calliope and Lord Lucas have arrived."

As the massive door swung open, we stepped into the room. My gaze immediately fell upon the Baron, whose presence commanded attention. He stood tall, his stature hinting at a hidden strength, yet I couldn't discern the full extent of his power just by appearances alone.

My attention then shifted to the Baroness, and as my eyes met hers, I was struck by her captivating beauty. Her lustrous blonde hair cascaded in gentle waves, framing a face adorned with delicate features and mesmerizing blue eyes that seemed to hold a glimmer of mystery. There was an undeniable elegance to her presence, radiating grace and poise.

As my gaze traveled downward, I couldn't help but appreciate the Baroness's graceful figure. A discreet glance revealed her subtle curves, accentuated by the elegant dress she wore. Her dress clung delicately to her slender waist, hinting at a feminine allure that was both alluring and refined. With every movement, there was a subtle sway that emphasized her natural grace, a testament to her confident demeanor.

I felt a movement below as I glanced at the Baroness, but I quickly pushed those thoughts aside. It wasn't like me to be so captivated by a woman's physical appearance. I reasoned that it was probably just my hormones acting up and dismissed the feeling. After all, I had met plenty of beautiful women before.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, old friend," the Baron greeted my master warmly, pulling her into an affectionate embrace. His attention then turned to me, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Lord Lucas, it is a pleasure to meet you," he said, extending his hand for a handshake.

I reciprocated the gesture, shaking his hand firmly. "The pleasure is all mine," I replied with a smile, noticing his genuine interest in getting to know me. However, my focus quickly shifted as the Baroness approached me, extending her hand in greeting.

"Greetings, Lord Lucas," she said, her voice carrying a hint of flirtation. "It seems the rumors are true—you are as handsome as they say." As I shook her hand, I couldn't help but notice the not-so-subtle lust in her eyes.

Attempting to maintain composure, I responded modestly, "They are exaggerations, Baroness."

Leaning in closer, her whisper caressed my ear. "They are not exaggerations, Lord Lucas. In fact, I think they are downplaying your true allure," she breathed, her seductive tone making it clear that she had a keen interest in me.

I looked around, half-expecting the Baron to reveal some sinister plot against me, but to my surprise, he seemed completely disinterested. Engrossed in conversation with my master, he paid me no mind. Meanwhile, Andrew and Elena stared at me with wide eyes, mirroring my own shock.

"Butler, I wish to speak with Lady Calliope alone, so please show them to their rooms," the Baron declared. "I'm certain we can catch up later, Lord Lucas, but for now, I want to spend time with my dear friends."

I nodded in understanding and followed the butler as he led us to our rooms. It didn't take long to reach my designated chamber. "You needn't worry; we have separate rooms for the rest of you," the butler assured Elena, noticing the concern on her face.

"Alright, you guys can go. I'm going to relax," I informed them as I stepped into my room.

"I'll stay guard outside," Andrew insisted, a determined look on his face.

"No need for that. There are plenty of knights throughout the estate. I'll be perfectly safe," I replied, feeling slightly annoyed by his persistence.

"There is no guarantee" Andrew quickly replied "You can take Elena to her room" He shifted his focus toward the butler and the butler bowed and quickly took. I simply stared at Andrew for a bit

"Fine, suit yourself," I grumbled, closing the door behind me and collapsing onto the bed. Exhaustion from the journey weighed heavily on me, and I was on the brink of drifting off to sleep when an insistent knock jolted me awake. Irritation coursed through me as I clenched my fist. Opening the door, I was met with the sight of a maid and Andrew standing outside.

"If you're going to do that, Andrew, at least do it in the hallway and spare my door," I quipped, rolling my eyes. The maid blushed slightly, clearly flustered by the comment.

"She has a message for you," Andrew stated, his annoyance evident in his tone. The maid regained her composure and delivered the message.

"The Baroness wishes to meet you in her chambers," she relayed, her voice laced with nervousness. I stared at the maid in disbelief. Had I been roused from my sleep for a late-night booty call? All I wanted was to rest.

"Fine, lead the way," I sighed, resigning myself to the situation. We followed the maid, and soon we stood outside the Baroness's chamber. There were no knights guarding the door, a clear indication of the nature of the summons.

Entering the chamber, my eyes fell upon the Baroness, clad in nothing but a gown that left little to the imagination. Her alluring figure is accentuated by her perky nipples poking through the fabric. She reclined seductively on her bed, with Andrew standing awkwardly in the background, trying to avoid staring too intently.

"Thank the lord," I muttered under my breath, causing the Baroness to chuckle softly.

"Lord Lucas, thank you for coming," she purred, gracefully rising from the bed and approaching me. Her delicate hand caressed my face

"I really need your help," she confessed, her face flushed with desire. Her hand, which had started on my face, slowly trailed down toward my chest, her touch becoming increasingly intimate.

"How about it? Would you like to assist me?" Her voice took on a seductive tone, but I remained composed, not allowing her advances to sway me.

"I'm sorry, Baroness, but Andrew isn't interested in prostitution. Although, I'm sure if you were to offer him a few gold coins, he might reconsider," I quipped, trying to diffuse the tension. She chuckled at the jest, momentarily amused.

"I mean you, silly," she whispered, her hands gripping my face firmly as she drew me closer to her.

"Forgive me, Baroness, but I believe your husband would be better suited for such matters," I responded, anticipating her disappointment. However, she seemed undeterred by my answer.

"My husband has little interest in women, especially since our marriage," she revealed with a touch of sadness, pulling me even closer and whispering in my ear, "He prefers the company of swords."

Surprise flashed across my face, though the lack of children in their union had already raised suspicions. "I'm sorry, Baroness, but I cannot afford to risk the Baron's wrath. After all, he is a close friend of my master," I explained, maintaining my composure.

"Nobody needs to know," she insisted, a tinge of disappointment coloring her words. "I'm sure your knight can keep a secret."

"Not really," I replied hastily. "He tends to be quite talkative." The Baroness studied me for a moment before reluctantly releasing her grip.

"If you ever change your mind, do let me know," she murmured, her lips glistening with a suggestive lick.

"I'll be sure to remember," I replied with a polite smile, making my way toward the exit. "Take care not to tire those fingers," I quipped playfully before leaving the room.

Returning to my own quarters, I eagerly collapsed onto the bed, finally able to find some respite and much-needed sleep.

Had a lot of fun making this one

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