
The Machiavellian Heir

After a long and dangerous career as an assassin and politician, a man finds himself reborn into the world of his son's novel. Born as Lucas de Clare, the son of a rich count. With his extensive knowledge and skills, Lucas must navigate the treacherous political landscape and manipulate the plot for his goals 5 chapter per week ———————— (First Novel just giving it a try) Criticism is welcomed as I always look to improve Comments Power stones and Ratings help the story grow!

PapiTaxi · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Chapter 30

Extending my hand, I pulled Ezekiel up from the ground as the crowd erupted into cheers, declaring me the winner of the match. Turning to Ezekiel, who appeared to be deep in prayer after his loss, I decided to give him his space and refrained from interrupting him.

Throughout the entire match, I was aware of five individuals who were watching me closely: the Chancellor, Lady Calliope, and three academy professors who had come to witness the tournament. While I could see the smiles on the faces of the latter four, the Chancellor's expression was different. Though he was clapping and smiling, his eyes didn't seem to reflect the joy on his face as he gazed directly at me. Maintaining my smile, I met his gaze before shifting my attention to the instructors.

As Ezekiel finished his prayer, he turned to me and spoke, "It was a great match, Lucas, but sadly I couldn't give you much of a challenge." Together, we started making our way out of the coliseum towards the waiting room.

I shook my head and replied, "Nonsense, Ezekiel. You gave me my first dose of pain in this entire tournament. You were on a completely different level compared to the chumps of this tournament."

Ezekiel chuckled as we walked, "You're too kind, my friend. I think I just got lucky a few times."

I grinned back at him, "Luck had nothing to do with it. You were a formidable opponent, Ezekiel."

We walked in comfortable silence for a few moments before I spoke up again, "So, what's next for you now that the tournament is finished?"

As we walked, Ezekiel responded with a hint of disgust in his eyes, "I'll probably go back to the barony and meet up with you in the academy. After seeing us fight, I doubt they won't send us an invitation." It was clear that the thought of returning to his father's domain did not sit well with him.

I considered his words before suggesting, "Why don't you come with me to the county and learn by my side? I could use the company of a friend and you could gain some valuable experience outside of the barony." Having him grow stronger would only benefit me and hopefully strengthen my bond.

"Are you sure I won't be a bother?" Ezekiel's face remained stoic, but I could see a glimmer of happiness in his eyes at the suggestion.

I chuckled, "A bother? No chance! There's nobody around my age, so having you around would be refreshing."

Ezekiel smiled at my response, seeming to consider the idea."Alright, I'll come with you. I can't say that I'm looking forward to going back to the barony anyway," he replied with a small smile.

As we neared the waiting room, I spotted Lady Calliope and the trio of professors waiting for us outside. They seemed deep in conversation, likely discussing the fights that had taken place in the tournament. It was not uncommon for the academy to have a mix of noble-born and commoner-born professors, which sometimes created a divide among them. Most of the professors were second or third sons of noble families, with a few strong commoners making their way up the ranks.

Lady Calliope greeted us warmly, dressed in an elegant blue gown, and offered her congratulations on our match. "Congratulations on the tournament win, Lucas, and you did well too, Ezekiel," she said, her smile genuine and kind.

"Thank you, Lady Calliope," we replied in unison, feeling grateful for her support.

Lady Calliope attention then turned towards the group of professors who were standing nearby. "Lucas, you have attracted some interest from these three professors. Their names are Alfred, Lasha, and Kim," she said.

"They seemed impressed by your performances and are interested in your future at the academy. They even expressed a desire to take you on as their disciple," Lady Calliope stated, gesturing towards the three professors. The professors were staring at us intently, their interest in us clear.

She paused before continuing, "However, I also have an offer for you, Lucas. I suspected you were talented, but to be this skilled at your age is truly remarkable. Therefore, I would like to extend an offer of apprenticeship under me." As she spoke, she reached out to twirl my hair, causing me to blush involuntarily. Internally, I felt indifferent towards the action but a sense of shock towards the offer.

The shock of the Lady Calliope's offer seemed to have spread not only to me, but also to the professors and Ezekiel. They all stood there, stunned and unsure of what to say or do next. It was an unexpected turn of events, to say the least. I had never imagined that I would receive an offer of apprenticeship from someone as prominent and respected as Lady Calliope.

Kim, one of the professors, quickly asked Lady Calliope, "Are you sure you want to take him as your disciple?" Her face was filled with shock at the offer.

"Of course," Lady Calliope replied firmly. "Such talent only comes once in a generation. It needs to be properly nurtured, not used to get into a higher position like you idiots were planning to do."

As Lady Calliope made her offer, my mind raced with the possibilities of what this could mean for my future. I couldn't believe my luck - to be chosen by such a renowned military hero was an opportunity of a lifetime. And the boost it would bring to my reputation was immeasurable. The mere thought of being called "Calliope's disciple" was enough to make anyone envy me.

As the professors looked on with shock and disbelief, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. This turn of events was better than anything I could have asked for, and I couldn't resist using it to my advantage in the future. Furthermore, with Lady Calliope as my mentor, my reputation among the people of Silverglade would skyrocket. The mere mention of her name brought awe and respect, and to have her take me under her wing would solidify my status

But I knew I had to be careful. I couldn't let my excitement show too much, lest I appear unworthy of this great opportunity. So, I nodded respectfully at Lady Calliope and said, "Thank you, Lady Calliope. It would be an honor to be your apprentice."

Lady Calliope's smile grew wider at my response. "Good. Then it's settled. You are my apprentice," she declared, her tone firm and resolute.

The professors continued to look on with mixed expressions of shock and disappointment, but Lady Calliope paid them no mind. "Well, I guess I'll talk to you after your meeting with the professors here. Also, don't worry about your parents. I'll make sure to send a messenger to inform them of your new status." After Lady Calliope left, I turned my attention back to the professors.

"Shall we head inside?" I suggested, gesturing towards the waiting room. However, my mind remained fixated on what had just transpired.

Thanks for the power stones

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