
The Machiavellian Heir

After a long and dangerous career as an assassin and politician, a man finds himself reborn into the world of his son's novel. Born as Lucas de Clare, the son of a rich count. With his extensive knowledge and skills, Lucas must navigate the treacherous political landscape and manipulate the plot for his goals 5 chapter per week ———————— (First Novel just giving it a try) Criticism is welcomed as I always look to improve Comments Power stones and Ratings help the story grow!

PapiTaxi · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Chapter 20

As we rode towards Silverglade, I couldn't help but notice the stares of the people that passed by. Their eyes followed us with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion as if they were trying to gauge our intentions. Some of them whispered to each other as we passed, and I could feel their eyes on me long after we had ridden by

The landscape was rugged and mountainous, with steep cliffs rising up on either side of the narrow road. The forest was thick and dark, and the occasional flash of steel caught my eye, as soldiers patrolled the perimeter of the heavily fortified town.

As we approached the main gate, I could see Lady Calliope's banners flying proudly in the wind. The walls of the town were high and thick, with towers and battlements looming above.

Despite the imposing appearance of the town, I could sense that there was a deep sense of community and loyalty among the people of Silverglade. I saw children playing in the streets, vendors selling goods from their carts, and people going about their daily business with a sense of purpose and pride.

Loyalty is a non-negotiable value in this town, and Lady Calliope has earned the complete devotion and respect of her subjects. Unlike many other nobles, she has achieved a level of prestige that others can only envy, thanks to her unyielding strength and strategic leadership.

As the carriage came to a sudden halt, Andrew's voice interrupted my thoughts, "Master Lucas, we have arrived at Lady Calliope's estate."

As I approached Lady Calliope's estate, my eyes widened in awe. The sprawling grounds were immaculately kept, with vibrant gardens and pristine walkways leading up to the grand entrance. The estate itself was a sight to behold, with tall towers and sturdy walls that spoke of its military prowess.

As I stepped out of the carriage, I noticed the guards standing at attention, their eyes fixed on me with suspicion.

The knight greeted us with a nod, his eyes flickering with suspicion as he took us in. "Welcome to Silverglade, Master Lucas," he said, his tone respectful but guarded. "I will escort you to your quarters."

As we followed the knight through the estate, I couldn't help but notice the tension in the air. The guards we passed seemed to regard us with the same suspicion as the knight, and I could feel their eyes on me as we walked.

When we arrived at our quarters, the knight turned to me and said, "Lady Calliope is currently with a guest. I have been instructed to make sure you are settled in and comfortable."

I couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity at the mention of a guest. "Do you happen to know who the guest is?" I asked, trying to keep my tone casual.

The knight regarded me for a moment before answering. "Lady Calliope is currently entertaining Duke Vigar as her guest, Master Lucas."

I felt a sudden surge of curiosity at the mention of Duke Vigar's name. What was the reason for his visit? Was he here to negotiate a treaty or discuss matters of state with Lady Calliope? I knew I had to find out more about this Duke and his motives.

"Thank you," I replied with a smile, dismissing the knight with a wave of my hand. Once he had left, I leaned against the door, lost in thought. Duke Vigar's visit piqued my curiosity, and I knew that I had to find a way to learn more about his intentions.

"What do you think, Andrew?" I asked.

"Probably the same reason as you, Master," Andrew replied. While I knew I wasn't the only one interested in helping Lady Calliope, I was confident that I was the most qualified but If Lady Calliope were to seek assistance from multiple individuals rather than just me, she would not be reliant on me, rendering this entire plan useless.

After waiting for what felt like an eternity, the knight returned to inform me that Lady Calliope was ready to meet with me. I followed him through the halls of the estate until we reached the main hallway, where I spotted Duke Vigar waiting for me.

"Lucas de clare," he greeted me with a nod, his voice smooth and controlled. "It's been some time since we last saw each other."

I returned his greeting with a polite smile, but couldn't help but feel disgusted under his piercing gaze. "Yes, it has been some time, Duke Vigar. How have you been?"

"I've been well," he replied, his eyes lingering on me for a moment longer than necessary. "And how have you been, Lucas? I must say, you have grown quite a bit since I last saw you."

"Thank you, Duke Vigar. I've been well, as well." I replied

"I'm glad to hear that," Duke Vigar said, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. "I hope you're enjoying your stay in Silverglade."

"Yes, it's a beautiful town," I replied, trying to keep the conversation polite but guarded.

Duke Vigar nodded, his eyes still fixed on me. "I'm glad to hear that. Lady Calliope has done an excellent job of ruling this town, wouldn't you agree?"

I could sense the underlying tone in his voice, and I knew he was trying to probe me for information. "Yes, Lady Calliope is a skilled ruler, and her people are devoted to her," I replied, choosing my words carefully.

Duke Vigar nodded again, a small smile playing on his lips. "Indeed, she is. But I'm sure you already know that, being that you want to become one of her supporters."

I could feel my guard go up at his words. "I am simply here to offer my services to Lady Calliope," I replied, trying to keep my tone neutral.

Duke Vigar's smile widened slightly, and I knew he was pleased with my response. "Of course, of course. Lady Calliope would be lucky to have you as a supporter."

"Thank you for your kind words, Duke Vigar," I replied, my tone guarded

Duke Vigar's smirk widened. "I mean Lady Calliope isn't the only one in need of supporters right?, You too are in need of someone to help you fulfill your potential. Someone who can help you spread your influence beyond the borders of the South."

I could see Duke Vigar's intentions clear as day. He was trying to lure me into his own camp, and I knew I had to tread carefully. I maintained my composure and replied with a sly smile.

"Well, Duke Vigar, it's not just about having supporters. It's about having the right supporters. The ones who can help you achieve your goals and dreams," I said, my voice dripping with honey.

Duke Vigar raised an eyebrow, intrigued by my words. "And what do you think my goals and dreams are, Lucas?"

I leaned in closer, my eyes locking onto his. "To expand the Duchy of Tiaga, of course. To have power and influence that extends beyond the borders of Tiaga. And I know that you need someone who can help you achieve that."

Duke Vigar's expression was unreadable, but I could sense his interest. "And why do you think you're the right person for the job?"

I leaned back, crossing my arms over my chest. "Because I already have a strong influence in the South. The people love me, Duke Vigar. They trust me. And with my charm and charisma, I can sway even the most stubborn of minds. You need someone like me on your side if you want to expand the Duchy."

Duke Vigar's eyes gleamed with a newfound interest as I finished my statement. "You make a compelling argument, Lucas. Perhaps it is only right that we make this official."

I could feel my heart skip a beat as Duke Vigar continued, "I have a daughter who is your age, and I believe she would be an excellent match for you. She is beautiful, intelligent, and is a prodigy in magic just like you. You two could make quite the power couple."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Duke Vigar's suggestion. "Perhaps we should discuss this another time, Duke Vigar," I said, trying to keep my tone light. "I appreciate your offer, but I am here on a meeting and it would pain me to keep Lady Calliope waiting any longer."

As Duke Vigar left, I couldn't help but let out a small, satisfied smile. That conversation had been a delicate dance, but I was pleased with how it had turned out. I had managed to keep my charm on full display while subtly steering the conversation toward my goals.

Dealing with powerful figures like Duke Vigar required a certain finesse, and I had it in spades. I knew exactly how to navigate their egos and desires to achieve my own ends. It was a game and one that I was skilled at playing.

I wish I could see how many people read my chapter

Also Chelsea 2-2

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