
The Lycan King’s Primordial mate

" I have never loved you! You were just a poor toy to play with during my college years. Now, I have to marry the right woman for my impeccable status not a pathetic orphan like you." Tears rolled down Rhiannon's face as she watched her boyfriend of 5 years hug another woman in his arms. His harsh words nearly drove her crazy. Without a second thought she launched towards the blonde beauty in his arms, nearly tearing out her hair in the process. Before the police could be called, Rhiannon was already out the door, walking aimlessly threw the streets. It wasn't long before she came across a bridge, which beckoned her to jump off- so that she could end her years of suffering. Warm and large hands wrapped around her waist, nearly scaring her to death. In an instant she was pulled back into a broad chest. Warm tingles shot out throughout her body as those pair of hands gripped her tightly. "Darling, I can give you more than, that ex could ever give you." a husky voice murmured above her head. "Marry me, I need a wife and I'll help you get revenge."

OshunEshu6667 · Thành thị
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35 Chs

Chapter 31- Birthday Meeting (1)

Mature Content!!!

Read .... Alert Smut Content ahead!!!

"Happy Birthday, my love!" Ragnar leaned over to kiss the forehead of his mate. 

His hands slid over her arms enticing her to wake; Rhiannon groaned in annoyance as she turned her head away, ignoring the man beside her. With a wicked grin on his lips, Ragnar planted kisses over her face and neck. His hands moved to her large breast, playing with them. His mouth moved to her nipples, erecting them in a special way.

Ragnar swirled his tongue around her areola, sucking and biting at her nipples. It wasn't long before her nipples were bold and hard. The sensation made Rhiannon moan in her sleep; he could see her bite her lips and scrunch her brows in confusion. Ragnar began kissing all over her body again, from her breast down to the pelvic bone.

His tongue flicked and licked every inch of her body before it slowly sauntered to her labia. It tongue licked from the bottom of her anus to the little nub at the top. The sensation made Rhiannon shiver from delight.

"Ahh. Ahh!" Rhiannon moaned. Her eyes narrowed into slits. "Wah?"

He pulled her labia into his mouth, sucking them until they were swollen. Then he pushed his tongue into her front pocket, twirling and tongue f*cking her until her moans became loud and clear. Then he moved to her clitoris, savoring it until she started squirm, panting heavily. 

Rhiannon's moans became louder, and her body shook violently as an orgasm racked through her.

"Y-you sly fox." Rhiannon huffed out in exasperation.

She looked at him in annoyance. Her sleepy green eyes brightened as lust filled them. She knelt on her knees, pushing her mate backwards onto the bed. Ragnar smiled impishly. His cold eyes melted into a warm lake. With a smile, Rhiannon pulled out of Ragnar's rod, which was already hard and at full attention.

She placed it into her mouth, gagging all the way down. Tears formed at the corner of her eyes as she slowly slurped and sucked. She licked from the base to the tip, swirling her tongue at the opening at the top. She pushed back the foreskin as she bobbed her head up and down.

Rhiannon wrapped both of her small and delicate hands around his huge rod. The veins were thick as they strained against the foreskin. Her long tongue flicked out, tasting the saltyness of his pre cum.

Ragnar shivered; a euphoric chill went up his spine. His breathing grew heavy as he watched her small plump lips wrap around the tip of his joystick before slowly taking him deeper. He could hear the intoxicating sounds of her slurping and gagging at the same time. The sensation drove him mad as he moved his hips, pumping his joystick into her mouth.

Within seconds of hitting the back of her throat, did Ragnar twitch, his eyes rolled back as he spilled his seed in the back of his mate's throat. It was the first time a furious growl erupted from the pit of his chest at the end of a euphoric sensation; even his toes curled, and dots appeared in his vision.

"Oh baby, my world was rocked so hard just now." Ragnar's voice was wobbly and a little weak.

Rhiannon laughed, "Get ready then. I will suck out your soul."

With that Rhiannon slipped his joystick into her console, a perfect fit. It swallowed his joystick hole, eliciting moans from the both of them. The sun rose into a beautiful swirl of purple, yellow, orange and red until the beautiful sun settled in the sky.

The couple took hours satiating their lust and needs for each other. The bedroom was ambiguous to say the least. Even the omega's that cleaned her personal mansion could hear the two go at it like primal animals. 

Once they finished on the bed, they started on the couch that was inside the bedroom. Then they transferred their passion to the bathroom. Finally ending inside the power jet shower with multiple heads. They used those heads for extracurricular activities.

"Y-yes, right there!" Rhiannon screamed out in ecstasy. 

Her eyes rolled back into the back of her head as a blissful smile spread across her face. A humorous expression appeared on Ragnar's face as he kissed her shoulder intimately Their bodies were slathered in soap, water and soap. Rhiannon's body hummed in relief; her console tingled in anticipation for another round. Held in his arms, she lazily glanced at the wall clock which read 10:15 am. 

Damn! We've been going at it for hours!

"I need to eat, honey." Rhiannon pushed her clingy mate away. "Let's eat."

"Hmm." Ragnar snorted as he kissed the back of her neck. 

He slowly pulled out and started to wash her back for her. They took turns washing each other, then turned off the water and dried off. It didn't take a long time before they dressed and at the breakfast table. The omegas had kept their breakfast in warmers, so that it wouldn't be stale by the time they ate.



"Hey woman, what's up?" Rhiannon cheerfully answered the phone. 

She had just finished eating when Victoria called her. She realized that she hadn't seen her bestie in a while. After her workout this morning, she needed to stretch out her legs and give her punani a breather.

"Happy Birthday B!tch!!! Me and Anna will be heading to the Russo blood bank. Do you want to come with us?" A hint of a smile could be heard over the phone as Victoria spoke.

Rhiannon pulled the phone away from her ear as she looked helplessly at her mate who had an amused expression on his face. Ragnar cut up a large sausage and then peeled a tangerine before placing them on her plate.

"Haha thanks, Vicky. I thought I was going to be lonely today. It's good that you'll accompany me." Rhiannon laughed joyfully. 

Rhiannon slowly ate her food as she talked to Victoria. They mainly talked about the songs she would be singing for the next episode. "Ay, how about going shopping later, I want to go look for a new Cher outfit for next week."

"Great, we'll head to your place now." Giovanna erupted their conversation. Her tone was playful and energetic. The noise over the phone was clear as the sister fought over holding the phone. They sounded like small children fighting over a tv remote.

Rhiannon hung up the phone with a bright smile on her face. A spark of interest flashed past her eyes as she looked down at the empty breakfast table. The couple had just finished eating, when Ragnar received a phone call from his office. His assistant Leonardo complained about the boss being super late for the company meeting. He then began to notify his boss about the reshuffling of today's schedule. 

"Okay, Okay… I'll be there soon. Push back all meetings that are after 4:30pm for the next couple of days. It's Rhy's birthday today. I need to accompany her." Ragnar spoke in a cold and distanced tone.

The pairing of the cold and heartless boss and the sunny and charismatic assistant were two polar opposite individuals. Rhiannon wondered how the two could work together for so many years without budding heads.

"Darling, it's time for me to go." Ragnar stood from his seat before leaning forward and kissing her forehead.

Rhiannon smiled brightly as she wrapped her longer figure around her man like an octopus. She pressed her lips to his, then engaged in a passionate kiss that left both of them breathless. Her hands were entangled in his messy short brown hair and his hands had magically crept under her shirt, caressing her bare skin.

The bare contact sent waves of euphoric tingles down their spines. Their loins tightened as the need to mate right there and then became extremely hard to resist. Ragnar buried his head in her fragrant neck, nipping on her long and slender neck. Her scent was intoxicating as he resisted the urge to remove his large hands from her delicate skin.

"Darling!" Ragnar's voice was throaty and strained as he stepped back with much difficulty, placing his mischievous hands on her petite frame. "I really have to go."

"Hmm." Rhiannon nodded her head. A mischievous glint flashed past his eyes. "We will continue tonight, then." She pressed her lips onto his for a quick kiss before reluctantly taking a step back.

"Of course, I will satisfy you in any way necessary." Ragnar grinned devilishly. He looked at his new wristwatch that Rhiannon had ordered online. On his wrist, the watch emanated a noble aura that was hard not to notice.

"Hehe." She giggled, her eyes sparkling in delight. "Okay go, I have plans. I will see you later on tonight."

She pecked him on his cheek before pushing up towards the stairs. He didn't go through the portal if he was ever going to get there anytime soon. It was a good thing that she had that ability or who knows when they will be able to see each other.

She watched as her man entered their bedroom to retrieve his briefcase before entering the guest bedroom where the portal lay waiting to be used. She tucked a curly strand of hair behind her ear before whipping out her cell phone and listening to an unknown voicemail that was left the day before.

"Good morning, Miss Rhiannon Xiomara Capet-Khaldun. My name is Nevaeh Jester from Kelly, Lock and Smith law firm in Long Beach, California. I am calling you concerning your birth mother. I would like to talk to you tomorrow, please give me a call back at (5xx-6x3-a4a1)"

Rhiannon had been listening to this message alone at every chance she got. She had only vaguely decided to start looking for her birth parents and now that she had received this phone call….

She was both excited and miffed. After several hasty pacing steps, she finally dialed the number.



"This is the law office of Kelly, Lock and smith. This is Larissa speaking. How may I help you?" The voice was polite, mellow and solemn. One could tell what gender of voice it was.

"Hello, Larissa. My name is Rhiannon Capet- Khaldun, a Ms. Neveah Jester called me yesterday. I just wanted to confirm a time for today to come and stop by." Rhiannon looked down at the clock on her phone. It was close to 11:30 am.

"It's great that you called, I was just going to call you back in a few minutes. Right now, her last meeting is at 3pm today. Could you make it in?" Larissa's voice became slightly more enthusiastic. A hint of joy could be heard.

"Yes, That is fine. I will see you then." Rhiannon hung up. Her brilliant emerald eyes were filled with anticipation.

She went upstairs to receive her purse, putting important documents inside before walking back down. She grabbed her keys off the foyer table and then headed out to her car. Her beautiful Cadillac ct4 sport was painted in orange and yellow with the chameleon paint. It was bright and festive, it made her smile every time she saw the new paint job.

It looked alot better than the dull silver that it was before. The inside had cool beige leather seats. The engine had been modified into a super racing car; it was much faster then it was before.Her original car pumped out a horsepower of 237 mph; with the modification the horse power went up to 305 mph. 

It could rival the Chiron Super Sport that had a horsepower of 304, depending on how well the drivers maneuver their vehicles. Rhiannon had never bothered about racing but after her transformation occurred, she felt the need for speed. As if, if she didn't have a fast car she would feel discombobulated. 

Rhianno smiled brightly as slipped inside, her hands lovingly stroking the steering wheel before she turned the key. The engine purred to life with a slight hum. The radio automatically turned on with upbeat love songs from the early 21st century. This station was known as the turn of the century kick back station. Rhiannon buckled her seat beat then drove off, moving in and out of the congested streets at a fast pace.