
The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!

Warning: -Sexual content- Dual Cultivation -Not a Simp Mc -Op Mc, powerful system -I don't give a fuck you are dying, Type MC -Narcissist, Egoist Mc but not that mentally weak to react immediately #Book supports game element: - 500 Powerstone = 1 lottery for MC - 50 Golden ticket = 1 lottery for Mc - Holiday theme special plotlines. Cover: Thanks Miso_Hen ——— Ah! Here we go again, another edgy villain novel that haunts the protagonist, aka, the chosen son of heaven. Tsk! Such a cliche! Constantly used plotline with repeated storyline. Hunt the protagonist with a Jade like beautiful sister and steal his sister after 50 chapters milking his luck. Hunt the protagonist with this cheat, hunt the protagonist with that cheat. --- Beta: Ahhh! Damn it... When will the good day come? Author: Well, don't ask me, I just got here. Beta: Fuck it! I want a good story. Author: Junior, trust this senior, this is a good one Beta: Arggh! Shut up! I hate it. Author: courting death! Go and ask Yama how good this is. Beta: Y-You, how dare you? Author: I will give you 10 breaths of time, cripple your cultivation, and scram!! Beta: Good! Very Good! Author: *Raises his eyebrows and turns beta into useless dust particles* ----- Chad: senior, I have been enlightened, I wish to know more about what you have in this ancient script. Author: ah! An intelligent and wise junior, you have raised a very good question. Here are things this forbidden ancient script contains. •Sinful activity: this book contains the profound sinful activity of balancing the Yin and Yang, by, shoving the mighty Yang rod in the Yin Hole. •System - MC relationship: fuck... Ahem* Ahem* sorry for tongue slip. Forget the classic old system, here take this hot waifu tsundere system. ( not that edgy ) •Steal everything: junior! Are you tired of Mc only stealing the jade beauties that were created for the protagonist? Well, let's process further and add the Protagonist's mother, aunt, and sister, into Mc's harem. Chad: oh! The senior really blessed me with such a divine forbidden Scripture, here take my money and give me the chapters. Author: oh! Ho Ho! I haven't finished yet. Here are a few more. •Cold, ruthless, protagonist: sorry, but, he will even kill the child as long as he gets something in return. Throw; morality and humanity out the window. ( not a classical ‘Villan’ who only hunts the protagonist. The story doesn't just revolve around hunting the chosen one, ) •Just because you are a heroine doesn't mean, you can step on my head, know your place. Mc will even kill the heroine if they bother him. Chad: Say no less senior, from today onward, I will join your sect and follow you till I die. * Kneels and accept author as his master * Author: Very well, here is the key to join my sect. https://discord.com/invite/QaCzkvHsuN https://discord.com/invite/tknrUfPfrb https://dsc.gg/culturesect Chad: Thanks senior, I will join the sect immediately. Author: I see great potential in you junior, trust me, you will go way forward. Chad: You honor me with your words senior, please, let me read the forbidden Scripture that is banned by the heavens. Author: say no more! ——— Tags: OP MC, SYSTEM, HAREM, ACTION, ADVENTURE, THREESOME, Not so dumb Mc, Ancient treasure, Edgy writing, I don't give a Shit -Mc, not my problem- Mc, powerful battles, dual cultivation, diverse race harem, Evil Mc.

Cultured_Daoist69 · Huyền huyễn
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261 Chs

Fill the widow maid-2

" Suck it deep not just kiss " he ordered impatiently.

Her eyes widen in surprise as he commands her to suck his cock deep inside instead of just licking.

She hesitates for a moment, unsure of how to respond or whether she should obey such an order of sucking such a huge cock when she doesn't have any experience of giving head.

However, after seeing the intensity in his cold gaze and feeling the urgency behind those words, she decides to give it a try.

She also wanted to know if this thing could truly fit inside her mouth.

Slowly sliding down from underneath his balls, she positions herself between his legs while she opens as mouth wide.

With trembling fingers, she reaches out and grasps hold of his throbbing member firmly but gently positioning Ricky right in front of her open mouth.

Her heart races wildly inside her chest as she leans forward cautiously towards its engorged tip.


Taking a deep breath to steady herself mentally and emotionally, before finally wrapping her lips around the head of your cock.

" Eeh! " Bai Ling exclaimed as he felt a strong bolt of electricity flowing through his body. The sensation was too good to be true.

The wet and warm feeling he was getting while, but tongue wrapped around his shaft... It felt like he was in heaven.

The pleasure was too overwhelming.

If he had realized it would feel this good, he would have long made her give him a head.

The light noise of Bai Lung didn't escape her ears, with satisfied eyes, she rolled her eyes and looked at Bai Lung's face.

However, his face was cold as usual, so, she instantly lowered her head, nonetheless, she was satisfied that the old young master also had such an erotic side to him.

But, the same thing could be said to her, she never sucked her husband's cock but here she was doing it with a young master.

However, she consoled herself by saying it was for her daughter. She wasn't sucking his cock because she was a slut, instead, she was sucking it off for the better future of her daughter.

The strong virgin scent of Bai Lung's cock entered her nose, while she moves her head up and down, taking his cock deeper into her mouth.

She could feel her mouth fully gagged even though she had only taken half of it, and she couldn't push it further.

Her skills were lacking as instead of entering their hole, it was hitting the wall.

Her tears fell and a strong sensation rose on her chest, she felt like throwing up, meanwhile, Bai Lung grabbed her head and tried to push further.

" Yaak! " she threw up his cock.

Pant* Pant*

She took heavy breaths from her, while she looked at the cock in front of her covered in her saliva.


While watching the cock, suddenly, her cheeks felt hot and a sharp pain hits her.

" Did I gave you permission to throw it up? " Bai Lung's cold voice hits her ears, while her body trembles.

" N-No! " she responded while she put her hand on her red, warm cheek.

" Tch! Use both your boobs and mouth now? " Bai Lung ignored her and grabbed her hair, making sure her eyes could meet his eyes.

Hearing this her face sank, while she accepted, " Y-Yes! "

" Good Bitch! " Bai Lung let go of her hair.

" Nnnghh!❤️ " She orgasm and cums hearing his cold voice and seeing his alpha male nature.

Her pussy was itching greatly to receive this huge thing.

She had already forgotten about other things, right now she was horny... She was just a bitch that wants the cock in front of her.

Still reeling from the thoughts of his command, she slowly recovers her composure and nods in agreement.

She lifts up her huge breasts with both hands, creating a tight yet inviting tunnel for his throbbing member to slide through.

Her nipples harden as they graze against the sensitive skin of his cock, adding an extra layer of stimulation to the already intense experience.

As he watches her prepare herself for this new challenge, he can't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through his veins.

He was fucking someone else wife, yes the husband was dead but she was still a married woman.

He wanted to pull her and bend her right now, so, he could shove his cock into her pussy like a beast.

His cock was throwing hard to penetrate her pussy.

Even so,

The sight before him is nothing short of mesmerizing - two pairs of full, round breasts encasing his erect penis like silky pillows while their owner gazes at you with lustful eyes.

Without warning, she leans forward once again and presses her cleavage together around his shaft.

Slowly but surely, she begins moving her upper body back and forth in rhythmic motions designed to mimic the sensation of being inside a warm, wet vagina.

She pleasures him, and at the same time, her face went forward, and took his cock once again inside her mouth.

She wanted to make him cum... She wanted him to give her a facial, she wanted her face to be covered in his cum.

After that, she wanted him to ride her like a horse. Her pussy was twitching greatly.

She moved her breast on the lower of his shaft while her mouth pleasured the top.

Very soon, Bai Lung was at the limit, he could feel his cum flowing in his pipe.

He was about to shoot.



Bai Lung grabs her head and releases his cum all over her face.

" Eeh! " She exclaims in shock seeing the huge amount of his cum.

" What was this? " She questioned, seeing how he was still releasing his semen.

Her face was fully covered in a thick layer of his cum yet he was still releasing... The amount was at least a liter.

Not just her face, but even her breast was fully covered in his cum.

Such absurd phenomena?

She recalled her husband shooting only about 20ml or 30 Ml... But, Dang* Young master was shooting liters.


Just then, the door opened.

" M-Mother! " The soft and gentle voice of Lina sounded.