
Chapter 44 : Looking Forward

‘Notice: your Lush Experience will end in seven days. Please fill out the necessary forms to end your Lush Experience and make your decision about your final match. If there are any questions please contact us for further explanation. If you are ending your experience without a final match, then please fill the other document that’s been enclosed in a link at the bottom of this document.’

How polite for a message that was basically telling me to hurry the fuck up. Just like everyone else really.

The Lush app really was on point though and wouldn’t let you forget anything.

I had already scheduled my last dates with Luke and Anton, but I still didn’t have an answer and it was starting to feel like the decision was killing me. It shouldn’t be so hard, but it was.

Love, why do you have to be so realistically complicated like a trashy romance novella? Why couldn’t you just be simple like a coin flip?