
The Luna Bond

LunaNightShade2023 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter Six: The Pull.


I look around slowly. I stood at the edge of a tree line. There stood a waterfall. The water was so clear that I could see the crystals at the bottom. I take a small step forward and notice the large black wolf laying on the bank next to the water. He was beautiful. Raven colored black fur. He was massive. His eyes were closed.

There was a pull to him. I wanted to get closer to him. I slowly approach him. I watch his ears twitch, and then his eyes opened. He lifts his head and vibrant forest green eyes stared back at me...I inhale a rigid breath and keep walking toward him. He tilts his head at me curiously.

I slowly sit down cross legged in front of him. I watch as he inhales deeply, I gasp as golden flakes swirl in his eyes, and he whimpers lightly before crawling on his belly toward me and laying his massive head in my lap. I felt myself smile as the warmth from him seeps into me. I hold my breath and run my fingers through his fur. He purrs softly. I did giggle then.

The big wolf was acting like a puppy. He lifts his head and pushes his nose into the bend of my neck and inhales deeply, sending a shiver down my spine. I giggle as he huffs into me.

"Hey Wolfie!" He growls a little. I giggled again.

"Do you have a name?" He lifts his head so he could look me in the eyes. He rolls them at me. Well, he was obviously cocky.

"By your height and build I would say that you're an Alpha." He purrs again and licks my face. I squeal and move back away from him and wipe my face quickly!

"That was not cool wolfie!" It sounded like he was laughing.

"I'm sorry that I came to your dreamscape uninvited." He rolls his eyes again and crawls over to me laying his head back in my lap. He nudges his nose against my hand. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. He wanted me to pet him again. I shake my head and do as he so politely ask.

**** **** *****

I groan loudly as someone was shaking me awake. I open my eyes and glare. Grams stood over me giving me a weird expression. I sit up and rub my eyes roughly trying to wake myself up. What was she doing here at sun rise?

"Get up. It's time that we had a conversation, and your grandfather is already waiting." I huff out a clipped sigh. What could I have possibly done while I was sleeping? I throw the warm blankets off of my body and stumble out of bed. I follow Grams downstairs and into the living room. I did notice that Grandpa had made toast and eggs and then there was the tea. I frown a little. Witches always had this weird thing about teas.

I however wasn't so fond of it. I hadn't ever been. I sit down and pick up a piece of toast and take a bite. Grandpa chuckles and shakes his head lightly.

"You projected your dreamscape last night. I'm not sure how you were able to do that with that ring on, but you did it." My eyes widen and I stop mid-chew, looking up at my Grandparents. Grandpa wore a sly smile, but Grams was frowning. I swallow the toast and clear my throat. Well, this was going to be hard to explain.

"So who's the wolf?" I glance down at my hands and bite down on my bottom lip. I had a bad feeling that this was going to send Grams into a frenzy.

"I'm not sure but I have a hunch of who it might be." Grams scoffs.

"Well, what is your hunch?" I run my fingers through my unruly hair and click my tongue.

"Well, six months ago I started seeing memories of someone else. All of their memories. And then, last night I went into a dreamscape. Completely by accident!" I was made sure that I told her it was an accident. Because I hated going to dreamscapes. You never knew what you were going into and you couldn't change them once you were inside.

Not to mention the witch that did it could get killed in one.

"No. You don't get to give half ass answers. Exactly when did this start?" I inhale a shaky breath and smile nervously at Grams.

"The same night that The Lycan Prince's mate died." Grandpa's eyes bulge and Grams eyes widen as if she just realized something.

"Oh Goddess..." Grams turns to Grandpa and it was like they were having their own private conversation. I guess that was the one thing that pair bonds and mates had in common. They could communicate through their minds. Grandpa lets out a low growl drawing my attention. I could feel my eyebrow crease in confusion. What had I just missed?

"The pull to this young man will get stronger. I don't think that you had a choice but to enter the dreamscape...He was in pain and your soul went to his." Now I was really confused. My eyebrows drew further together as I stared at grandpa. I had no idea what he was saying.

"Witches have an ability...One that allows us to see our Pair bonds memories. All of them. That way we can decide if we want to be with them or not. Sometimes when the bond is blocked in some way then, the ability allows the witch to enter a dreamscape to see their pair bond. But since they aren't Infront of one another the bond can't form properly....and since yours seems to be The Lycan Prince. This means that you are his second chance mate."

My heart dropped into my stomach as Grams finished talking. WHAT?! A mate? My palms finally felt very clammy, and my heart was pounding so loud that I could hear it in my ears.

` "I think Imma puke." Grandpa chuckles. I narrow my eyes at him. Why was he laughing at me?!

"You aren't afraid of your ex or your step father but you are afraid of your mate?" He sputters out a laugh again. Causing me to groan. Grams slaps him on the arm. My mind was racing. My thoughts just jumbling up as I tried to think straight.

"I'm afraid because it was UNCLE GUS who murdered his first mate! I'm afraid because what if he hates witches?! What if they kill me before I even see him? What if he rejects me?!" Grandpa's eyes glow and his face twists in anger.

"They won't hurt you because you are the only one that can help him to shift back into his human form. And I don't see him rejecting you because you aren't JUST a witch. You have wolf blood running through your veins as well. But no one says you have to go. But the pull to him will make you want to."

Grams and Grandpa Fletcher left me alone. They said that they had a meeting with an old friend and that they would be back later. So here I was up in the library left with my own thoughts and that was torture enough.

Thinking about everything that had happened the last few days was putting me on edge. Then there was the news that I had gotten early this morning. I mean that I had a gut feeling that it was the Lycan prince that I was seeing but I had tried my hardest to deny it so that I wouldn't have to face the reality that his moon goddess seemed to be playing a cruel trick on him.

Or my goddess was doing as a joke but didn't find it funny. I had dreamed of meeting my pair bond so that he could take me away from my mother and that I could actually be happy. I loved my siblings with all that I had but I wanted someone to love me and cherish me and feel that warmth from someone other than the siblings that I was raising.

I knew that it was selfish of me, but I couldn't help it. I thought that Xavier could have been that for me and I was to blind to see any of the red flags. I was to gullible to realize that I was being used.

I let out a small groan as an ache in my chest forms. I missed wolfie. It was strange...I was only around him in a dreamscape. But it was like everything else faded away when I was there with him.

Would it still feel that way when he would return to human form?

I wince as a burning sensation passes over my chest. The pain spread through my body and I gasp for air as my throat felt like it was closing out.

I let out a strangles scream and hit the floor. I could barely hear the door burst open and cold hands touched my bare skin.

"Arella!!" Grams? I could hear footsteps running into the room then warm hands were on my face. Grams growls out a sigh.

"I didn't think that one meeting in a dreamscape would leave her like this. The separation is to much already?!" I gasp as Grandpa lifts me into his arms.

"How strong is their bond going to be?" He sounded like he was in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter. What matters right now is the fact that we have to go to them now. And pray to the goddess that they don't try to kill us on site!"

The Darkness welcomed me.