
The Lucid Psycho(logist)

Warning! Mature Content This work is a tribute to all pitiful characters who got possessed by MC's soul and got deleted from existence. This here is the exact opposite of that scenario. After being locked up for weeks by his obsessed patient, 21-year-old psychologist Reginald Cruz finally lost hope. Using lucid dreaming as a means to escape reality, he encounters an ancient old man trying to possess his body. Harnessing the power of his subconscious, he obliterates the old man's soul into oblivion and absorbs his existence. With the pain of soul merging and traumatic situation he's in Reginald finally lost it and becomes twisted. Armed with the knowledge and methods to acquire power to transcend limits, will he step up and force justice upon those who wronged him, or will he succumb to the whims of fate? Witness how a psychologist turns into a psycho of interdimensional proportions.

Renaduransu · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Psychological Warfare

In the void seams of the Dimensions. An old man can be seen flying through the dimensional barriers. The expression on the old man's face seem to convey that he is looking for something.

"After billions of years, I now have gathered every physique across all dimensions except for one. One final physique activation and I will be able to achieve the perfect state of being." the old man's voice resounded. 

He had been going through all dimensions in search for the dimensional physiques, by possessing different physique holders, he was able to obtain their physique by binding it to his soul. Now only one final physique remains. 

While he was flying, the old man suddenly came to a halt. His expression softened and a gentle smile adorned his face. 

"Dear, it has been 2 million years since I last saw you. It's time to go back to the highest dimension, I missed you so much." A swirling vortex of darkness sprung into existence and from it, the voice of a melancholic yet sweet woman was heard. A gorgeous mature beauty emerged from the vortex, she had shining silver hair, golden eyes with thin pupils comparable to a reptile adorned her flawless features. She had a tall disposition and voluptuous figure, yet not so much that it concealed the raw power contained within her body. 

"You are already the strongest being there is since 500 million years ago, why do you still seek power when you are the most powerful? What good will it do when none can even face your current state?" she continued.

"It has been so long my dear, it would be a waste to stop now that I have almost achieved perfection. Wait for me, I will be back after one final requirement and we will then be together." the old man replied, longing evident from his voice. Yet, as a powerhouse who seeks the ultimate state of existence, he cannot falter. 

"Then I will await your success, come back as soon as you can. Preferably with a new and younger body." she laughed coyly. She then went back inside the swirling vortex and her presence disappeared in the darkness of the void. 

"Wait for me my love, soon." he murmured. Just now he had sensed the presence of the Dream Dimension Physique, and he is sure he will obtain it. 


Meanwhile, inside Reginald's Mindspace. 

An infinite body of water can be seen stretching throughout the horizon, its ends unknown. Reginald can be seen standing in the midst of the waters. He was looking at the reflection in the water, or precisely a certain movie scene that he watched was replayed in the reflection. As he watched the movie, he marveled at the power of one's mind.

"Amazing, a person's brain is really unfathomable. It is times like these that I really appreciate delving into the profession that tackles the mind. However, why does it seem so easy? I thought the instruction said it was supposed to take a long time." he mused out loud. He was really perplexed as to why he was able to immediately enter into a lucid state. 

Just then, as he was deep in his thoughts, space trembled and the perfectly calm and still waters of his Mindspace rocked back and forth creating humongous waves. A crack could be seen spreading in the sky, it was then that a humongous figure could be seen emerging from the crack.

"Holy shit, what the fuck is that?!" Reginald screamed at the top of his lungs. He had just been watching a movie leisurely when a colossal figure came out of a crack in the sky. 

Reginald can't help but notice that he had been cursing a lot lately, maybe because it was due to his situation. Yet as a mental health professional who deals with serious matters, he can't accept such behavior. Until now, that is.

The colossal figure jumped through the crack and landed in the surface of the water. His fall caused a ripple that immediately calmed the chaotic ocean. He looked around and saw Reginald with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Hm, so this is the dream dimension. No wonder it eluded me for millions of years, who would have thought what it was literally a dimension inside a dream? Dreaming huh, it was more than a billion years ago that I last dreamt. Such mortal and mundane action is easily overlooked, it explains why no powerhouse discovered this dimension." while the old man was murmuring to himself, Reginald was looking at him weirdly. 

'Why the hell is my dream showing that? Is my subconscious an old man who suffers from 8th-grade syndrome?' he wondered. 

While he was thinking, the old man turned to him. Without warning he swung his arm to squash him like a bug.

Whoosh Bam!

Seeing the humungous arm coming to flatten him, out of reflex Reginald raised his arm and visualized a form of defense. In response to his thoughts, the water of the infinite ocean churned and formed a spherical barrier shielding him. 


The muffled sound of something fast impacting a sturdy surface sounded out. The old man frowned as he watched his attack get blocked. Although it may look simple, his attack shouldn't have been blocked easily, by a mortal no less. He continued to swing his gigantic limbs down releasing shockwaves every time it met the spherical barrier. Just as he was thinking, an enlightened expression suddenly adorned his face.

"I see, although you are only a mortal, but being inside a dimension that complements your dimensional physique is only advantageous to you." he said out loud.

While the old man was muttering his own findings to rationalize the situation. Reginald thought differently, he wasn't privy to what the old man referred as a dimensional physique, he only knew that lucid dreaming can sometimes allow the dreamer full control oh his own dreams. Thinking about that fact, he willed in his mind huge water geyser that separated him from the old man.

After getting a breathing space, he conjured a motorboat and unceremoniously jumped inside then sped off into the distance. While he was getting away from the old man, who was already hot on his heels, he thought about what to do in this situation.

'I need to wake up, this is turning into a nightmare and I don't want to deal with this right now.' as he was affirming his thoughts that he is awake repeatedly, the old man caught up to him.

Without warning the old man tried to capture the boat with him inside altogether, he willed another geyser targeting the old man.

"Futile!" an invisible wave of energy spread out from the old man's voice as he spoke and broke the geyser heading straight towards Reginald.

"AAARRGGGHHH!" Reginald screamed as he felt a tearing pain that seemed to rip his existence into pieces.

He had been trying to wake up for a while now and recalled a certain scene in a movie where the characters jumped down from high places to stimulate the falling sensation causing them to wake up when he was hit by the invisible attack. Little did he know that although lucid dreaming gave him power inside the Mindspace, it also causes his soul to be vulnerable as it is not confined in a physical body. The pain that the attack brought is a direct attack to his soul that's why it was akin to ripping his existence apart.

Feeling the soul tearing pain, Reginald scrambled to get away from the old man as he conjured a tsunami with the a height of 2000 feet. At the same time, he willed dry land to appear beneath his feet as he ran upwards forming the accumulated land into a structure resembling a cliff. When he reached 500 feet in height, he jumped without hesitation.

Feeling the sensation of falling down, Reginald expected to immediately wake up and experience hypnic jerks. However, contrary to his expectations, he fell right through the water belly-flop style.