

A heiress who was vegetable for five years suddenly woke up to find she is mother of six children. Rose Brown who has grown under the wings of her maternal grandfather never thought one day she who was cold to the extreme will be willing to be a good person just for her children. She had played with guns now she have to play video games with her little babies nearly want to laugh like madman and give everything to her babies. Ye Mo was known as well known trash to everyone after his parents died and he nearly got burnt in fire when he was living with his grandfather . But in dark he was a person who can crush anyone to death , the most cruel and ruthless richest man in world. He was ridiculed by everyone in face but admired by everyone in heart. His world changed when a angel saved his life from accident and he falled in love with her.He wants to make her his no matter what happens. Will he able to win a heart of his angel who is famous for her swift and decisive ways in underworld? Will he able to warm her heart which has lost its feeling in her mother's womb? What will happen when he knew she is crown princess of most powerful , ruthless and cruelest clan of world? Will he able to win the heart of her? What will happen when he knew the woman he wants to love, protect and pamper is more powerful than him but loves to be low-key ? Let's go on the journey to knew this low key heiress who is more cold than ice, more sly then fox, more dangerous than tiger and more tricky than finding whether egg came first or hen in this world. Author It's my first work. If their are grammar mistakes please forgive me. Show your support by leaving reviews. I am a student so i will not be able to release lots of chapters together but try my best . Sorry for delay . Looking forward for readers.

Samiksha_Choudhary_5450 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


Lee Yan was very happy in her heart because when she has just became a permanent employee in hospital. If not for this lady she would probably be intern throughout her life. Her father was one of majority shareholder of this hospital even though he objected she still persistent to become nurse by relying on herself instead of her father's support. Her father had laughed on her that even she spent whole life she will not be able to make it. She had been in this hospital since 3 years but was still intern because of getting in trouble many times. If it was not her begging to hospital director and using his clothes to wipe her tears and snot she would have been long kicked out of hospital. Director was also a warm hearted guy if anyone cry in front of him he will get anxious and start to cry himself in words of other people ' emotional fool'. Finally she became official staff of hospital she was so happy that she want to cry and laugh at same time.

If rose knew this young girl thinking so much just because she didn't kill her she would probably vomit blood from anger. Rose patiently dialled an international number which was picked immediately at second ring. Other party didn't spoke a word knowing except his master and few of family members no one knew this number. Rose said, " Come here immediately " and cut the phone. She returned the phone back to Lee Yan after wiping the traces of phone call . The nurse went happily out of ward after checking normal parameters of patient and nearly tripped near the bed if not for rose fast instincts during danger God knows how many years she was going to stay at this place. Now rose completely understand why Lee Yan was intern from last 3 years not only that she even suspects that she must have got her nursing degree by bribing the principal of her institution otherwise even if she study there all her life she will not be able pass it depending on her abilities.

Rose finally sent off this God Lee Yan otherwise who knows whether she will be able to preserve her little life.

After waiting for 10 minutes the door of ward opened again and a man in suit came in. He was tall, serious - looking man with sleek black hair. His sharply arched brows further magnified his dark beady eyes . He held his head stiffly and his aura was so powerful that it can even scare the ghosts of hell. After entering the ward he immediately fell down on his knees and respectfully bowed his head down. Rose was shocked by seeing him after all this was her most trusted person she had not seen him for more than 10 years at that time he was a young boy and now he had grown up and became a man.