
12 Beginning

Lenly ran back to Crystal town it was sunset before he saw the town, seeing that it was safe he relaxed and entered the town returning back to the old road he was used to walking he quickly walked down the main road off to a side road till a small inn appeared in his view. Walking near the inn a commotion could be heard. A little catkin was frantically running out of the door bumping into Lenly. Looking up to see that familiar face tears poured out as she pointed inside with tear drops falling the fiery orange sun reflecting off her tears it looked like a fiery comet falling down her cheeks. With a shaky voice mom.

Rage erupted inside his body motioning her to the side he walked in. Seeing a muscular lionkin from the back in between a pair of familiar legs on a table. Four other lionkin stood laughing at the side two on each side surrounding her. Quit your wishful thinking your husband is dead now. There was an eighty percent casualty you know. Now stop your useless struggle. With two lionkins on the side holding her hands he ripped her shirt revealing her firm c cup breasts.

Lenly who saw the whole thing started to shake in anger. Why don't you go wait for him in the afterlife. That voice shocked the group turning their heads to see Lenly who squeezed his pendant with the ooze coating him he walked with a murderous step each step intensifying. Laughing he turned around its five on one what do you think you can do. Whoever kills him can have her after I'm done. Their lustful eyes turned murderous as they pulled their weapons and spread out to surround Lenly. Their leader continued to rape his wife. On second thought keep him alive so he can watch. Two lionkins charged Lenly who slowly walked they appeared larger as they approached. Five steps four, three, Lenly still slowly walking didn't move two steps swinging his axe at lightning speed he chopped two heads off. Blood sprayed like a fountain staining his white armor making the majestic look fade turning it demonic. Slow steps one at a time Lenly continued forward. The two other lionkins were scared but one managed to gather courage and ran forward at top speed looking up an axe came flying at him cutting into his skull. Charging to the other one he grabbed the throat squeezing with such force not a single sound was made snapping his neck he dropped him.Walking up to the leader he pulled his hair pulling him back and down with such force he bounced and skipped like a rock on water four feet away before stopping.

Looking at his beautiful wife who had tears falling down her bruised cheeks blood streaming from her mouth. A pain so unbearable he turned around roaring grabbing the unconscious lionkin dragging him by his hair Lenly ran dragging the lionkin face down. Cuts and scrapes started to appear on the lionkin as Lenly reached a sewage drain slapping the lionkin awake grabbing a rag that was nearby shoved it down his mouth he started breaking his arms and leg tossing him into the sewage drain. The rats in the drain started to bite slowly eating him alive. Walking back to the inn he chanted the spell and took of the armor. When he finally arrived at the inn his wife was still crying sitting in a chair with a blanket the little catkin gave to cover her. Walking straight to her he knelt down on his knee holding her hands apologizing. Looking at her husband thankful that he was alive and that he came back in time she wrapped her arms around his head pulling his head into her chest. The three cried eventually one by one they fell asleep Lenly one by one carried them to the bed.

After traveling a whole day they finally found a clearing and set camp. Finish setting up the tent Aego gestured Sasori to go in. Go to sleep I'll be back in a few minutes. Grabbing his hand as he was leaving, she couldn't encourage nor could she console him so she just gave a slight smile. Leaning in he kissed her forehead goodnight. Sasori who couldn't do anything anymore but wait laid there waiting.

Walking across the camp he boldly walked to the middle tent. The muscular elf went on guard as well as two archers. Are you three enough? He really was hopeless even if he had more people he wouldn't have a chance. Walking past the muscular elf he entered the tent unannounced seeing Aela and Faelyn dressed in their night gowns he continued walking making his presence known. Startled by the intruder Faelyn grabbed her blanket covering herself. Two beds one on each side he walked over to Aela's side sitting on her bed pulling her on his lap.

Aela feeling his breath on her neck had goosebumps spread all around her. With a whispering voice he spoke close to her ear this will be slow call it mercy or torture its up to you. Touching her thigh she jerked slightly at the sudden touch. Princess Faelyn could only watch helplessly at the expression her friend was trying to desperately hide. She knew her to well a sense of sorrow stirred inside her. Where shall I begin slightly pulling her night gown up revealing her smooth porcelain thighs. Further up maybe letting go of the night gown he moved his hand up her waist slowly reaching for her d cup breast. Or perhaps we shall get rid of this gown and have a nice look slowly changing directions to her shoulders pulling one of the straps down her shoulder revealing a large portion of her bare skin. Maybe a taste first. Slightly licking her neck she finally couldn't stand it anymore and a look of fear showed on her face.

You know the crazy thing about being raped is that your mind is screaming no and refusing yet your body has a mind of its own and responds to it. For example moving up he gently bit at the tip of her ear a quiet moan escaped her mouth shocking herself. This is only the beginning.